How much al/ck/ohol is in your home right now?
For me,
About 20 bottles of wine
6-8 beer bottles
A few half bottles of basic spirits
How much al/ck/ohol is in your home right now?
For me,
About 20 bottles of wine
6-8 beer bottles
A few half bottles of basic spirits
I think I got a small bottle of vanilla extract in the pantry.
I would likely be through all that alcohol in a little over a month. The beer would last a day. The wine would last twenty days, i usually drink a bottle in one night, and the spirits id say about a week at best.
Man, being an alcoholic is expensive.
Bottle of wine a night sounds pretty enjoyable really. I’m more like a bottle per week.
If you’re sinking a bottle per night, do you run out and pick up a cheap bottle just for the %abv or do you end up drinking something nice, even if it’s not with food?
3/4 of a bottle of 1800 silver
1/2 a bottle of woodford reserve
like 3 beers
I drink the cheapest, strongest thing in the wine shop. I can't recall the last time i actually savoured a drink.
>3/4 of a 1.75 ml bottle of gin, my poison
>8 bottles of Yuengling beer
>1 mini-bottle of white wine, for cooking, I can't do wine, I just can't
>3/4 of a 1 liter bottle of Everclear 95% abv, don't judge me
>1/2 of a 1 liter bottle of absinthe, I'm American, how did I get this contraband???
> About a cup of dry vermouth
Is this the new al/ck/ thread?
Pic related.
>Because He's thirsty, dummy.
Just had to google everclear. How does one even drink this shit, wouldn’t it just dry your mouth?
Didn’t know absinthe was banned in the US though, it’s not here, but only overweight gothic girls and edgy students drink it
I just threw out about 4 bags of empty bottles and cans. So now I have a couple swigs left of corn vodka, 4 tallboys of Beast Ice, and maybe about half an 18-pack of Pabst. Also half a bottle of wine that belongs to my roommate but if I run out I'll just take it and buy her a new one in the morning.
Absinthe is no longer banned in the US. There still aren't a ton of availabilities in most of the country, but you can find a brand or two in any major city, I would imagine.
Everclear 95% is banned in my state, but you can get the 75%. It's nasty as shit, and doesn't go down all that easy.
Hello new friend! There are warnings on the bottle of Everclear not to drink it straight. Personally, I use it for camping/hiking. Makes for good camp stove fuel and I can drink it; saves weight I need to carry. Mixed with water I find and filter + your favorite beverage powder = good times.
You think he buys wine to enjoy it? Man do you even know what alcoholics are
Surely you can do both
£5 bottle when you want to just get smashed
£50 bottle when you want to make a nice meal and enjoy it, but also want to get smashed
40-50 bottles of spirits and about 2 cases of wine.
Havent had a drink in two weeks.
>1/3 bottle white wine
>Couple cans of bitch beer
>Couple bottles of regular beer
>3/4 bottle of sake
>Some random single serving bottles of various hard liquor
>3/4 bottle of whiskey
>2/3 bottle vodka
We keep buying alcohol but we really only use it for cooking
10 beers
3/4 of a bottle of whisky
>4-5 bottles of beer
>12 bottles of wine - most need to be tossed
>Half a handle of Sailor Jerry's
>Malibu coconut liquer and rum
Why the fuck does nobody sell overproofed rum in my city? Was making weak Caribou-Lou's.
non, get on my level alckies
7 scotches
1 irish
3 ryes
2 bourbons
11 gins
1 vodka
19 liqueurs/mixers
Bunch of vermouth and wines
4 PBR 16ers and 2 bud light bottles.
16 bottles of beer
2 bottles of mead
2 bottles of wine
1 bottle of scotch
1 bottle of rum
9 bottlles of gin
Off the top of my head.
My partner and me recently got married, we still have some half full boxes of wines and some of black label, i honestly think we have a lot of booze
Funny thing is that i barely drink, we try to open a bottle of red wine everynow and then in order to keep consuming it, but there's still too much alcohol here; st least too much for us
Many bulk cases of spirits I steal from work.... It's mid tier whiskey and cognac.
None cause I can't stop myself from drinking everything I get the night I buy it. Even if it's a 1.75 litre bottle
How am I alive?
Absolutely nothing. On a drinking hiatus because the wife threatened to kick me out if I didn't stop.
What the fuck are you two?
>in the wine shop
>not just picking up a bottle of brandy from a liquor outlet for like 5 bucks and guzzling that
I feel the same way.
I had a small amount of whiskey and beer leftover because I passed out last night. Now that's almost gone too.
20 bottles of beer, a bottle of wine and a 95% full bottle of vodka
I'm at the same place. It's getting really bad. The thing is, I go to work the next afternoon too. I seriously don't know how I'm pulling this off, but my health is definitely not good.
Fuck loads of random wine / champagne in pic related, few bottles of spirits and a fridge full of beer
This is textbook binge drinking. Is there any hope for us?
My health isn't what I'm concerned about, it's what I do when I drink
My friend said I randomly whip out my dick and I've heard other bad stories from friends as well