Is MSG really as bad as people make it out to be?

Is MSG really as bad as people make it out to be?

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What's supposedly bad about it?

It poisoned our water supply burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses

no evidence exists that supports "chinese buffet sickness" or any adverse effects from MSG at levels you would find in food
in fact my doctor has suggested to use it instead of table salt

The base ingredient is salt though isn't it? I don't get it

It gives me head pangs

nice meme

It's salt.

It's bad in excess just like salt but a bowl of ramen isn't going to kill you.

1/3 of the sodium of table salt by weight, and the glutamate actually improves taste too

>the glutamate actually improves taste too
ah so with the 1/3 you can use even less than you would salt

It was just prejudice against Chinese restaurants, same as the people who say "that's not really pork you know, it's someone's pet dog that the chinks kidnapped and fed to you." People assumed that they were dirty and unhealthy so they justified that belief by demonizing an ingredient the weren't familiar with. Basically people are gullible and easy to convince that "foreign = bad" as well as "chemicals = bad." This is just a combination of those two.

question. what do I actually use this stuff on?

You can put it in pretty much anything. Use it in cooking like you would salt. It probably goes best with savory foods, but it might make a pleasant combination with all sorts of things if you care to try.

use it like you would salt


>Basically people are gullible and easy to convince

As bad as salt or whey powder.

Europeans banned (perfectly safe) aspartame.

You people never give it a rest

It did?


I personally don't like the taste it gives the food so I avoid it like the plague.

So safe it would kill you if you ate a teaspoon of it.

I don't care what Europeans do.
Stop being so O B S E S S E D by what Yuropoors do, China is your future.

Hahaha, are you fucking kidding me mate? It's safer than sugar.

Not at all, and it is it's own flavor profile. If you ever feel like a dish is missing an ingredient you can't quite place, chances are it's msg.

It's also naturally occurring in a bunch of ingredients such as anchovies, parmasean, miso, and tomatoes.

It's lazy cooking to use industrial chemicals to induce a flavour instead of other ingredients.

Cheaper though

It's not really an industrial chemical, see >It's also naturally occurring in a bunch of ingredients such as anchovies, parmasean, miso, and tomatoes.

the same could be said of fucking salt.

It's 2017. We live in the age of molecular gastronomy. There is no such thing as 'cheating' when it comes to making delicious food. If you refuse a potent tool available to you, that just makes you a luddite.

This is the type of thinking that leads to cannibalism.

I think we are not very far away from having cannibalism restaurants. Obviously they wouldn't be able to kill anyone or serve any parts of dead bodies, but there will probably be something with auto-cannibalism soon. A lot of people (even couples) eat the placenta after a birth for example. Maybe with the rise of lab-grown meat there will be a service where you can culture some of your own cells and eat them.

Well no, but are we gonna wait around until it does??

have fun with that brain cancer in 20 years, faggot

that's the problem, he does not have a brian that could explain that shit to him.

It's not the worst thing out there for you, but it gained a lot of negative traction in the late 90s due to the fact that ingestion of small quantities of the stuff leads to aids in approximately 100% of cases before you slowly bleed to death out the ass.

But apart from that it's no worse for you than, say, ordinary table salt

It's fine, but overuse of it can induce headaches in some people, case in point my family. We haven't used msg at home for years so we can detect it pretty well if a restaurant uses a lot of it. You don't really need msg to make good tasting food.

>overuse of it can induce headaches in some people
There is no evidence that supports this.

Your body can't tell the difference between synthetic and naturally occurring glutamates. If the "headache" myth were true then Italian food with all the tomato and Parmesan would be causing headaches out the ass.

Aspartame does not cause brain cancer. I don't eat it because I'm not obese though, I don't have to drink diet soda or whatever. I don't even drink soda unless it's an ingredient in a cocktail.

With some basic organic chemistry knowledge you would be able to understand the harmless nature of aspartame and why it tastes 200 times sweeter than sucrose, but instead you live in a foggy world of black magic and competing lies.

>"that's not really pork you know, it's someone's pet dog that the chinks kidnapped and fed to you."
Literally had a restaurant in my city closed down because they were busted selling Coyote and Magpie.

t. Chink restaurant owner who serves dog meat labeled as "pork"

Sharia can't come fast enough wtf

>mother in law claims msg gives her headaches and heart palpitations
>she put Accent seasoning into everything she cooks and eat
>try to tell her that its MSG, she refuses to believe me and says MSG is just in chink food only

I usually mix it with the salt I add to recipes. Monosodiumglitmate is useful because the glutimate is actually a pure umami flavor bound to ordinary salt. Chinese food is a no brainer, it's also good for fried anything, dry rubs, soups uh, everything. It's the savory flavor.

You aren't even a little curious about tasting human meat? If there was a way to eat "long pork" that didn't come from a dead person or some kind of disgusting mutilation, I would definitely try at least a bite of it. I'm not looking to eat any placenta or like surgically removed warts or something obviously, but if they could grow like a nice cut of meat from a culture of some of my cells, that would be ideal.
If you cut yourself on your finger or something, do you not lick the blood? I think everybody does. Even if not, if you have a small cut on the inside of your mouth you don't constantly spit until it heals.

gonna get some and give it a go. i still thought it was some nasty poison that you needed to avoid, but sounds like the studies were mostly bullshit (e.g. mice injected with massive horse-teir doses of msg got all fucked up, wew shocking)

Get a load of David A. Rockerfeller over here who thinks he’s too good for a little MSG in his food

Actually studies show that aspartame is linked to diabetes. But drink synthetic shit if you want, it's also proven to cause cancer in rats, but again, to each their own.

>tfw I knew it wasn't pork but it was super cheap if you asked for the ching chong menu and bretty gud so I ate there anyway and was sad when it got killed.

You know what else is linked to diabetes?
Plain salt and table sugar are also bad for you if you eat way too much of them. The only reason people have less tolerance for something like aspartame is because they are afraid of things with "scientific" sounding names.

I have no reason to consume it because personally the idea of eating calorie-free food substitutes because you are too fat to live but also can't control yourself disgusts me. But the idea that aspartame is any more dangerous than anything else you eat every day is literally an internet hoax. It's the same thing with MSG, people are suspicious for unfounded/emotional reasons, then they find out one fact that they can use to "confirm" their belief and never let it go.
E.g., I was drinking some herbal tea that my dad decided was poison because he read an article on some shitty website that linked one of the herbs to liver damage when consumed in massive quantities. My dad freaked out about that, yet he drinks alcohol as often as he wants. Most people are really bad at perceiving relative risk. It's a known fact that advertisers use to take advantage of them all the time. I won't pretend that I'm not susceptible to it too: I often get unpleasant anxiety about potential "risks" that logically don't really matter. We are just wired to be skittish for our survival, and different people manifest that instinct in different ways.

>This one time my dad overreacted about a food ingredient
>Therefore all people who avoid certain foods are just imagining it

>pork is $1.50 a pound butchered, available in mass quantities, and basically "this dish has protein"
>dog is $3+ a pound live weight, so $10+ a pound for muscle mass, and is an expensive luxury that people will go out of their way for
>"they're claiming it's pork when it's really dog"
I knew Asians were better at math than whites, but I didn't realize this was because whites are just fuckin' terribad at it.
Dog is probably on the secret menu anywhere worth eating, but you'll pay dearly for it, and if they get busted for serving dog you can bet your bottom dollar that it was a targeted entrapment operation sending in the one detective who speaks Mandarin offering $50 or $100 for a taste of home.

No, that's a terrible mischaracterization of everything I said, and I don't believe you really interpreted it that way. You are a liar.

can you just sprinkle this msg stuff on any foods to turn them into magic tasty food?

I think I would at least try dog to be honest. I don't see what the big deal is. I think the people who get really freaked out about it are probably the same people who overcook beef because they think the fat in a juicy steak is "blood."

Yes, dogs are kept as pets and are fun animals who I love to hang out with. Goat and donkeys are also pretty fun animals, nobody freaks out about them (not that I've heard of many people eating donkey). Some people keep pigs as pets, they are supposed to be as intelligent as the smartest dogs. I don't see a conflict between liking animals and eating them, it's just nature's way. Hunters in prehistoric times didn't hate the animals they hunted, they were probably very grateful for them in fact.

I'm not sure you would want to just sprinkle it on, I think I would cook it into the dish so that the crystals dissolve (like when you cook with salt).

some dude's blog about adding msg to all his food for a week. seems pretty great, except for the headaches, but its a little unclear if that was caused by msg from this article

Not really, it's an isolated version of the non-salty flavor from parmesan or anchovies, or the non-sour flavor from worcestershire or tomatoes. So it goes well in dishes which go well with those.
Like table salt or granulated sugar, if you come from a culture which didn't use it "whole" you'd probably enjoy it more blended in.

Even beyond that, though, I mean. It's like ordering a glass of some sugary-ass cheap wine, it tasting off, and immediately jumping to the conclusion they're trying to fool you with Chateau Lafite.

God, this is the perhaps the vicest thing I've seen on vice.

Oh yeah, I certainly get your point about how nobody would ever secretly substitute dog for pork. I'm just digressing.

Vice gets way way more cancerous than that article

>2. Newborn mice were injected subcutaneously with 3 mg MSG/g body-weight at 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 8 d of age; 16% died before weaning. Of the survivors, 90% or more became markedly obese.

If MSG isn't bad for you then why are newborn mice dying after injecting a mere 2% of their body weight in MSG?

I'm sure it does, but this morgan spurlock/dudebro hybrid persona they project couldn't possibly be summed up better than by this image

2% of their body weight seems like a lot, doesn't it? If you did the same thing to a human weighing 130 pounds, you'd be injecting more than two and a half pounds of MSG, no?

I know you're memeing and all but stupid people will actually say shit like this
it would be the equivalent of me railing almost 4 pounds of MSG
not to mention they were fucking injecting it right into the mices bloodstream when shit absorbed into the stomach is a whole different process

Yeah, if you injected 2% body weight of salt directly to the arteries you would die too.

lol that's equivalent to injecting a newborn baby with over 60 grams of msg, and then wondering why they get sick

It's a cheap crutch lazy cooks use to try to make their shit food taste better. It's garbage and for a home cook to rely on it is precisely the same as a fatfuck obese amerifat gril thinking they're going to get Veeky Forums by taking diet pills. You want to cook good food, then learn what makes flavor instead of relying on an industrial petroleum synthesized product. I have a hard time understanding how a cooking board could have such a large number of lazyass cooks who push such a silly, unnecesary crutch.

imagine injecting 2% of your weight in salt into your blood stream

But the product is what makes the flavor, minus all the extraneous other shit. Your rant makes about as much sense as REEEEE SALT YOU SHOULD ONLY USE SOY SAUCE.

same dumbass every thread. anything versatile can be used as a crutch you fucking retard. doesn't make refined ingredients inherently bad/lazy. msg can be used in complex dishes

Basic bitch tasty™ videos use bacon and cheese in everything, should I not use those now?

if it makes food taste better, then good cooks can use it to make their good food even tastier

When it came out the US spun the roulette wheel of "minorities we hate" and it just so happened to land on Chinese (even though MSG was invented by a Jap)
There's nothing wrong with it

>It's lazy cooking to use industrial chemicals to induce a flavour instead of other ingredients.
So you don't put salt in any of your dishes?

Let's assume you're a man, of average height, and that you're not a complete fat shit and weigh about 200 pounds.
Do you think injecting (not eating, INJECTING) FOUR POUNDS of salt into your body might have a detrimental effect on your well-being?

Chinese street food literally has msg poured into it. watch food ranger or sonny.

that might taste alright if it was the right beer, kind of like a michelada

racist whiteboi made a big deal when he ate at a dirty chinese resturant and then said it's bad for you


It was supposed to give women hot flashes.

To be fair, it was actually a fully-integrated chink (one Robert Ho Man Kwok) looking to impress massa with his recognition of how backwards his people were.


Seriously: It contains sodium. That's about all "bad" that is to it.

One produce directly comparable to MSG in all effects is salt. Except MSG is far less harmful than salt.

BTW, glutamate is an aminacid, meaning protein that's been broken apart (like through digestion). So MSG is essentially sodium+protein. Sodium exactly as harmful as sodium in salt, protein entirely harmless (unlike chloride ion of salt).

It's flavor enhancer, it can trick you into thinking food without it tastes bland and requires more salt, which can be bad for kidneys and blood pressure on the long run.


I don't think it went that way for msg.

It was just some guy that made a claim and people being people just parroted it and through Chinese whispers (kek) a lab test was materialised and the results were conclusive.

I swear that one of these days you'll hear half the population stating that chocolate kills and there is a test to prove it. Little does anyone know that the source of that claim came from some fat dyke feeding her dog an American duty sized bar of dark chocolate and after its death she told her friends that chocolate kills.

Well we all know excessive salt is bad.

A better comparison would be to inject 4lbs of quinoa and see how that goes.

wtf is going on in north dakota, border of wyoming and colorado, and montana?

Well cheyene is obviously the cheyene mountain complex, I would assume the others are some other similar military installation

America's nuclear missile silos are mostly in those areas, but ask /k/ and they'll tell you all the ways that that map is horribly inaccurate.