How does Veeky Forums make and put into their coffee?
>Cafe Bustelo
>French Vanilla
How does Veeky Forums make and put into their coffee?
>Cafe Bustelo
>French Vanilla
Black. I don't want to drink candy in the morning.
Meme tube dream tube
> Whatever beans
> Inverted style
> Hot water, sit for a min
> squeeze
> Half half
>Maxwell House
>Cheap coffeemaker
>3 teaspoons of dairy-free powdered creamer
Meme tube or not this thing makes the best coffee out of anything I've had at home so far.
How does this thing work
>Kroger breakfast blend
>cold brew
>12 oz
>2 spoons sugar
>splash of milk
That's just sad
Your face is sad
Fucking weenie.
>lavazza ground coffee
>french press
No other extras, perfect
>buy K cups
>put into Keurig
>press lighted button
so it's a glorified french press? idgi
Add just a pinch of kosher salt to black coffee?
Cuts the bitterness and enhances taste better than sugar imo
I fucking lost it.
boiling water
I guess it's most similar to a pourover, but really it has elements from a bunch of different brewing methods.
A French press is basically just a glass pitcher with a built-in filter.
Sanka, you useless cunts
I like my coffee like I like my women. Liquid and inside a cup.
A filter that you press down. Which is the same principle as the aero press.
Enjoy your BPA
Coffee, Hot Water and one sugar.
Don't care if I'm coming off as shilly, but the Aeropress was the best coffee choice I made
I can make coffee at whatever strength, whatever temperature I want much the same way I brew a pot of tea
And when I'm done, I pop a condensed disk of coffee grounds into the trash, rinse the thing off and be done with it
I'd say spend the money to try one for yourself and if that doesnt work for you, use it as a syringe for extra big loads
>he doesn’t know aeropress is made with BPA free plastic
I didn't know
Double shot espresso on Breville
ran out of coffee on sunday and went to work with none on monday. zero difference in how alert I was, but a qt said I looked much healthier than usual - glowing was the word she used.
fuck coffee. I will quit. none today either. maybe I can get a gf!
right on, brother'
who else here /nocoffee/ /nofap/ /nopoo/ /nocarb/??
Black very strong with coconut oil, tastes amazing.
I just press a button and get coffee.
It's nice living in the present.
It's not really the same mechanism. The filter in the French press is pushed down through the water to collect the ground beans at the bottom of the pitcher. The Aeropress plunger has a rubber seal and is used to force the water through the coffee grounds under pressure to extract them more quickly.
I didn't drink coffee today and have already developed a six pack and huge muscles just since this morning.
i hope i didnt make a mistake. does this shit even come in whole bean form?
Any recommended brands I should try? I usually use whole bean tim hortons coffee even though Im an american. Is black rifle coffee just a meme?
Have you tried looking for local roasters in your area?
50/50 maxwell/folgers medium roast
let cool then store in fridge
drink cold with sweetener and vanilla.
yeah. We have one close thats pretty good but they pull the whole "artisan coffee" thing means a 1 lb bag of beans is like $25. I've heard good things about fresh roasting places online which "roast to order" but those are always expensive and I highly doubt they are that much better than what I already have
i need this stuff explained to me
i bought it a long time ago to see what chicory was like and it was absolutely awful
During the American Slavery War, New Orleans had limited supplies of coffee due to American military action against maritime trade with the Slave States. Chicory became a cheap substitute for the good stuff.
The Slave States have attempted to cling to this "tradition" in a futile effort to make their crimes against humanity seem "heroic"
Who else /preground/ here?
I can't be bothered with all the meme autism of grinding whole beans. I ain't got tyme, nigga!
>I have time to collect frog pictures and shitpost
>I don't have time to flick a switch and wait 25 seconds
Then again if you're not buying pretty good, very fresh beans, it doesn't matter
americano but pushing two long cofees with the same grinds load
You have time for it
Any grocery store worth their salt will have a coffee grinder
For me its
Fresh ground/fresh roasted > fresh ground/old roast date > old ground/old roast date > pre ground > instant
sounds good though dude
dairy-free powder creamer is good shit
Tbh Starbucks beans are a solid choice, definitely not the best, but a nice buy. It probably won't completely disappoint
If you're have a "Starbucks reserve" store near you, they offer more specialty single origins to try, but those are more expensive
I Brew a local Tampa roaster called buddy Brew and they offer really great roasts I like their cubano roast, the downside is that it's more expensive than other beans
Takes 15 seconds in a cheap 15 dollar blade grinder, dumb frog poster.
Powdered creamer tastes so good but it's so unhealthy with those hydrogenated oils, so I have switched to half and half
Am I a pleb for not being difficult at all with coffee? The only coffee I've ever disliked is tim horton's filter
Fuck off back to pol, aspie
personally pre ground works for dip, french press.
espresso has to be fresh though. recently roasted and grinded before consumption.
Anyone here use any madebyknock grinders?
I have a Hario Mini Mill that I a got a little bit ago and did that mod for better grind consistency where you wrap the tape around the rod. The tape has since fallen off and I'm noticing how bad the stock consistency really is.
I was looking at a Baratza Encore but then I found out about these madebyknock hand grinders, being told that they have much better consistency at the same pricepoint albeit being hand operated, which I don't really mind.
The stock consistency isn't what's bad, it's that harios are all made of plastic and the screw bits eat away at the plastic, making the center hole wobbly and lets the inner burr assembly simply wobble around inside the grinder, leading to shit consistency
Just a little cold water
Is it normal for your left hand to hurt when using a hand burr grinder?
It's my 5th time using it, it doesn't hurt as much anymore, but i feel like I might be doing actual damage.
Well yeah, that's what the tape mod was meant to fix. The wobble is there from the factory. The tape should have protected the plastic parts also, no?
I never experienced that, but I got an exercise related injury and grinding was uncomfortable after that. So I bought a Baratza grinder and it was one of the best coffee decisions I've made, ever. Zero effort, faster, and better grind. You should do it.
Is this the best instant coffee?
Folgers isn't the best anything. At least it's not Maxwell House.
>thought Veeky Forums was exagerrating starbucks over roasting
>get a small cofee from them
>taste like shit dark
>maybe I'm used to cream and sugar
>add in same amount I do with foldgers columbian
>still tastes like acidic crap
How are they getting away with this?
congrats you gave then $4 just to find out what you already knew
now they have even more reason to keep doing it
it was 2.11 for a venti or w/e
i recently bought a breville precision brewer on a retarded impulse buy was mad annoying because i worked from home that day to wait around for the package and the guy didn't even attempt delivery so i had to pick it up from the post office anyway.
Was like $300 on sale on amazon makes some pretty decent to really good coffee I'm still trying to figure out the ratio of beans to water. It's kinda neat that you can set all of the settings but I've just been using the strong and gold options over and over. Really curious to try the cold brew since I've never had that.
Do some pull ups, jesus christ
what if user is an 2d anime gril and grinding coffee is hard work??
I'd grind coffee for her then.
That's wrong. This is the modern world. You should buy her an electric grinder instead.
>thinks his folgers columbian is any better
Not in your life boyo. Did somebody say family pictures? Because I heard family pictures.
have you ever had it? its pretty good
clever drip and hario mini.
I bought a manual grinder and spent a whole week doing it by hand.
Coffee started feeling like a chore so I went back to my cheapo electric blade grinder.
What do you know? The coffee tasted pretty much the same.
What a goddamn meme, I don't even make espresso, why do I need autistic grind consistency for?
Espresso machine.
Coffee made under pressure is best coffee.
sometimes I steam full cream (whole) milk to make a cappuccino other times I have a doppio. I never add sugar.
I like my coffee like I like my tree ornaments
palette of a child
>Feeding coffee to a child
Explains how you turned out at least
what is a good brand of instant coffee?
Also has anyone tried this coffee:
For those curious it is called Kopi luwak, its a" coffee that includes part-digested coffee cherries eaten and defecated by the Asian palm civet "
>good brand of instant coffee
>folgers in a french press
>pour it hot into the blender
>spoonful of coconut oil
>blend that shit good
straight to the brain and then straight to the butthole. really wakes you up
>shit flavor coffee at work in the morning, usually with cream and sugar
>single origin after lunch, black. chemex if i'm with coworkers, aeropress if i'm alone
>chemex decaf at home after work, cream and sugar
>whatever the fuck i feel like on the weekends
honestly buying decaf is the best decision i've made recently, being able to enjoy a cup after dinner without having trouble sleeping later is fantastic.
Plastic is still poison. Saudis cover up studies since they can see electric cars coming and need people to buy oil for plastic to keep their country afloat.
literally shit2
I'm gonna buy one
>Inverted style
I started off doing it inverted because I thought that was the obviously correct way to do it, then I used it in front of someone and they were like what the fuck are you doing you're filling it upside down
>putting grounds in the tube, then balancing it on a mug while you fill it to the brim with scalding hot water then awkwardly replacing the plunger on top
>not just flipping it with the plunger already in, filling it, then flipping it back over to depress it
it's the obvious way, why is it considered "weird"
do it, makes fucking good coffee literally every time and takes 5 seconds to clean, zero grit in your cup too.