If you drink black tea without milk, you need to kill yourself right now.
If you drink black tea without milk, you need to kill yourself right now
if you add milk to tea, you need to kys you're self
Assam with milk every morning, baby.
Not in my afternoon teas, though.
Reee why do people like things I don't like?
>calling red tea a black tea
You don’t know shit...
English breakfast + orange juice.
Thnak me later.
No u
How to Kidney stones
Quality thread, 2/10 would hide again
>brit soy boys can't drink tea without dousing it in milk and sugar
I love milk, but adding it to tea is repulsive. Then again, you fucks enjoy clabber milk (aka clotted cream) so go figure.
I like to use creamer... is that ok?
I bet you faggots don't drink the tea leaves with your tea either...
Coffee is a flavor of tea, right?
I put creme brulee coffeemate in my tea. Makes it taste kind of malty.
Never tried it.
>milk in tea
a*glos need to be gassed
If you drink white tea without coffee, you need to kill yourself right now.
I used to take milk with my coffee, on the rare instances when I would drink coffee. Now I drink it black.
A grown man of rare, refined tastes wants his coffee the same way he wants everything else: strong, pure, undiluted.
A grown man who has turned out well and knows what he wants wants everything hardcore.
>black tea
>actually red
Is this a jewish trick??
Using OJ instead of milk is NOT acceptable.
>drinking the udder jew's juice
No thanks.
It's an Anglo in-joke to demean blacks, like minstrel shows.
Why would you add milk to tea? You are ruining the health benefits.
Absolutely devious.
in east asian countries it is called red tea
>he filters the leaves
>he adds milk
Truly plebeian