What are the absolute biggest memes in cookling?
My vote goes to these stupid useless pieces of shit
Runner up vote: "thickening" dishes with a water and cornstarch mixture and/or adding flour
What are the absolute biggest memes in cookling?
My vote goes to these stupid useless pieces of shit
Runner up vote: "thickening" dishes with a water and cornstarch mixture and/or adding flour
I swear you flyovers just don't know what good herbs are and rely on three year old racks to carry through in freshness.
Cooking is then absolute biggest meme. There's no reason to do it, just go to Subway or Little Ceaser's.
hey fag, the tip is don't use them expired, they are good for half a year or less. Bitter shit isn't how they normally work.
What does bay leaf do?
Stick up your house and hair
What's wrong with thickening dishes with flour or cornstarch?
It fills the kitchen with the pleasant scent of a bay breeze on a summer day
Damn, I'm glad I saw this OP. I'm making a homemade chicken noodle soup and I made a thyme/parsley bouquet garni but forgot the bay leaf! I just threw a couple in, so you at least accomplished something, you irredemable jackass.
Adds flavor.
I bet you wasted your other vote today too
it doesn't actually work
it's placebo
Protip, men can't taste bay leaves because they have inferior noses.
Only cucks want to eat thickened soups and sauces anyway. It reminds me of their wife/gf's bull's cum that they use to sustain themselves
Has anybody actually tried eating these things? there fucking terrible. worst hipster meme ever
>hipster meme
That doesn't mean what you think it means. Everyone uses bay leaf. It's mainstream.
>add bay leaves to soup
>don't take them out before serving
Just because you put on a skirt doesn't make you a woman.
What the fuck, if anything you are the hipster, you fucking subhuman retarded baboon.
>bay leaves
>boiling water
>tomato sauce
>sauteed vegetables
Stupid memers, lmfao
>inferior noses
t. San Franciscan Brooklynite
what's up with all the tranny memes I've been seeing on Veeky Forums as of late? it's like everywhere, man
can I go one day without being reminded of caitlyn jenners' continued existence please please user?
>Implying you don't want to get pegged with a strap on over and over by Wheaties him/her/herself.
Everyone puts bayleaves in their grains to keep from pests.
What are you, 12?
Hey it's not my fault you're genetically inferior.
Alternatively, congratulations on smoking cannabis and tobacco long enough that your sense of smell is kaput like a good got.
All of us superior übermenschen can still taste everything and enjoy the finer things in life while you eat the slop of the proletariat.
I know right? When did Veeky Forums become obsessed with girls with penises?
No but the estrogen certainly changed your sense of smell :^)
what the fuck are you talking about
Least it was reasonably contained to /d/ way back.
>tfw /d/ will never stay in /d/ these days and I'm constantly re-reminded of all the horrific things I fap to by you pissant
>mfw you're the original poster that spawned the tranny discussion and you are, in fact, a tranny.
>Please don't remind me I'm a fucking degenerate
Off yourself, now.
It's used as a reminder. Adding a big ass bay leaf to your dish reminds you to fish the fucking useless cunt out before you serve the food.
Sceintist here, can confirm the placebo effect is real.
Thicken with red split lentils master race. Adds body and nutrition without the floury texture
>Everyone puts bayleaves in their grains to keep from pests.
what the fuck
who does this
>let me bring up /d/ and then condemn /d/ when the subject actively becomes /d/
Nice try faggots. At least I know you're all in Hell with me now.
rats know what's up, they aint eating that shit leaf
Why would you put a LITERAL FUCKING LEAF in your food?
>why are there lentils in this gravy?
>to thicken the gra-
Theyre tiny they disintegrate into the sauce and add this wonderful body and flavour
Real men make roux.
undercooked steak certainly takes first place. These subhumans are more deluded and pretentious than a japanese sushi chef
Real men don't know what the fuck 'roux' is
this really sounds like something to try
how do you prepare the lentils? do you cook them first and soften them up and mash them? or do you just cook them in the dish itself?
why are Americans so fucking retarded all the time?
You don't use flour for your roux?
>not knowing what a roux is
lmao holy shit
are you a child
outrages the chipotle clientele
bruh anyone from new orleans knows what roux is
They can't help it, they were born that way.
Can confirm. I can make my own rouxs for my Etouffee.
less than 30 minutes simmering time = wasted bay leaf
More than 30 minutes simmering time = flavorful liquid.
Don't ask about exactly 30 minutes. It's in the air.
pleassue respondu
It's a very popular technique in Indian cookery as traditionally you never thicken curry with flour but with lentils, spices and nut pastes.
How you add the lentils is up to you, if you plan on simmering a bot of something for 45 minutes+ you can just toss the dried lentils in. If you're whipping up something quick it's maybe better to have them pre cooked. Mash them, blend em or cook them to a mush
Use more and say it again dipfuck
I hate what this board has become
or just use corn flour which does the same thing 100 times faster
What could be faster then throwing a handful of dried lentils into a pot? Assuming you're making something like stew which simmers for hours anyway
It's also not the same thing btw cornflour adds a weird texture and doesn't taste nice
>a weird texture
So does cornstarch. You'll get laughed out of any kitchen that isn't the strip mall chinese joint if you use it to thicken anything. This is why reduction sauces have replaced most thickening. But reduction sauces have their own problems if it's a protein laden sauce.
Cornstarch has to be whisked in quickly, cold to hot or hot to cold, and then cooked for 10 minutes to prevent any tacky flavor or texture.
Roux is fucked to hell thanks to vega-boos, and reductions have a tendency to develop a film once they start to cool.
Arrowroot is probably the best universal thickener (aside from roux, fuck vegans), but it is more expensive than cornstarch.
You're thinking of semen
In my country cornflour is what US calls cornstarch. As for corn flour which I think we call polenta or masa harina, I've never used it to thicken so I can't argue
Is this b8?
>You'll get laughed out of any kitchen that isn't the strip mall chinese joint if you use it to thicken anything.
lol you know fuck all about restaurant cooking.
>cold to hot or hot to cold
This is done by any thickener whether it be roux, buerre manie or whatever. But no kitchen thickens with cornstarch anymore.
I'm talking worthy restaurants, not your strip mall joint.
Cornstarch is the degenerate thickener
Underrated post here
Bay leaf is too spicy for most Americans
>add bay leaves to soup
>make sure it lands in the bowl of the biggest manchild at the dinner table
>verbally flambe them when they release there stupidity
fuggg X---D
>"thickening" dishes with a water and cornstarch mixture and/or adding flour
what's wrong with this?
you're talking out your ass, is what you're talking.
it has a snot like texture.
>it has a snot like texture.
what's wrong with this?
stop jacking off into your food
>It reminds me of their wife/gf's bull's cum
It reminds you of it?
It's considered essential for soups. I can't tell you if it adds flavor, but it's supposed to. At any rate, it certainly is a potent and pleasant aromatic, and smell is no small part for a dish.
>"thickening" dishes with a water and cornstarch mixture and/or adding flour
how do i make gravy without this, i really need to level it up
The Bay Leaf Framers lobbyists force people to put a bay leaf in their soup recipes or suffer consequences. They are pretty powerful so people do it.
You notice bay when it isn't present.
As for thickening dishes... sometimes you want a sauce, not a soup.
>Waiter, where's my big ass ugly soup leaf?
salt is the biggest meme
get a load of this paleo fag.
Make a roux, Veeky Forumsomrade. Melt some butter in a pot and add a bit of flour to make a gruel-like consistency. Brown it up a little or until it assumes a polenta-like consistency and then stir in your rendered animal fats and blood.
That being said, I’m a big fan of cornstarch and water. Virtually every Chinese person uses this.
>how do I make gravy without using cornstarch or flour?
>simple. make a roux with cornstarch or flour
> equating poor knowledge with masculinity
get serious mane
no respectable gravy is made without a roux
welcome to america
Try using fresh bay leaves or 5 dry ones.
If you just use 1-2 dried leaves on a large pot its taste is not very noticeable besides the smell.
OK will give this a go and see how it comes up. Cornstarch / water I wasn't having much success, flour / water seemed to be working better but it's always been the weakest part of my roast
>You notice bay when it isn't present.
Absolutely this. I had pasta sauce without it the other day and I had to put a bunch of garlic powder on afterwards just to taste something interesting.
I add a bay leaf to every batch of rice I cook, it takes on an interesting flavor, and adds that little extra.
Don't use flour, the trick is dissolve the cornstarch in hot water first, then add it to the sauce