What do you normally put on your toast?
More toast.
more toast
and sometimes a slice of bread if im feeling adventurous
Butter. And sometimes either jam or apple butter.
Butter and Vegemite
Egg and avocado
And more toasr
I actually put cold ham, cheese and turkey on.
Not as a melt, just pops out and put my pre layed ingredients inside.
Just butter. Then maybe sometimes I put vegemite or peanut butter on it.
straya cunts
yeah the boys
A toasted toast sandwich, right? The height of Brit cuisine!!!
>eating the yeasty jew
Butter, cheese and vinegar cucumber
Depends. Plain butter, peanut butter, some kind of preserves, Cheez-Whiz is pretty good once in a while.
Kaya and butter, these shit is delicious as fuck
Marmite and strawberry jam, goat combination
Poached eggs
Nut butter and jam when I can't be bothered to poach an egg
Blackberry preserves
Everything else is unnecessary and can fuck off.
Cream cheese, dried tomato, and pepper.