Anyone here try geoduck? I want to try it, but most of the recipes I've found are fried, and I don't have a fryer.
Anyone here try geoduck? I want to try it, but most of the recipes I've found are fried, and I don't have a fryer
Huh, looks like a penis.
I just wonder about the life of these beings. What are they, crazy muscly pseudopods that live out of a clam? Shit's fucked.
I've had geoduck sashimi. It's good. Both the tenderest of the clam family, about the same texture as surf clam, imo.
>things gay men say
You know you can fry things without a fryer. Just use some oil and a pot.
*NOT* the tenderest of the clam family. Fuck you autocorrect.
Yeah I was about to say, these things must be stringy as fuck. What do they do, feel out for food in saltwater all day? Doesn't seem to make for an appetizing protein.
>things gay men say
Geoduck is great raw actually. Just a super quick dip in boiling water to peel the skin off, then shave it thin and serve with some nice flavorful garnishes.
filter feeders. they take in water and filter shit out and eat microorganisms.
>things say men gay
Fried Gooeyduck is a pinnacle of textured seafoods, surpassed only by fresh conch.
Neat. Thanks for intel, user.
>things say men gay
isn't that a pokemon
geoduck sashimi are god tier, i've tried them both raw and in a hot pot
>gay men say things
>say gay men things
>gay things sen may
>things gay senpai
senpai says gay things
Yeah, it's hit and miss. I mean, I can pan fry some things, but I just have an old shitty electrical stove and have trouble figuring out what number corresponds to 350 degrees of whatever.
Nothing worse than soggy fried food.
Hi, Reddit!
thing gay man says
Get a cast iron pot and a thermometer.
any clam recipes can be replaced with geoduck
Enjoy your parasites.