>he "cooks"
>has never made any kind if pasta or any of the five mother sauces from scratch
He "cooks"
Making pasta is autism, provides no benefits over store bough and takes too much work. Now mother sauces I agree, they are pretty damn useful, especially bechamel and tomato sauce.
>unironically liking the french
Bruh, i'm italian, it's in my genes how to do pasta from scratch
>england was never cucked by the french
William the Conqueror and 1066
>b-but we was kangs and shite
William was Norman, not Franckish
>what are Normans?
This man knows, Normans were descended from Norse
Alert! Alert! Failed damage control in progress! Abort! Abort!
>he thinks the world revolves around French cuisine
It's a completely different taste and a much better taste. Not to mention the huge variety and you can make your own ravioli which if you argue is the same as store bought, you have down syndrome
actualy if you only cook for yourself making your own is faster as you finish making them by the time your water is boiling and they cook in 2 minutes. as soon as you are cooking for multiple people it gets hard to finish them in timr
>any of the five mother sauces
The 19th century called, they want their cuisine back
Every fresh pasta I've found in grocery stores, even decent ones just cheap the fuck out on eggs. Same goes with wonton wrappers.
I don't often make pasta, but there's a decent argument for it being considerably better made from scratch.
It literally does.
>not making the five mother sauces from scratch
What's the alternative? They aren't even very difficult.
>has never made any kind if pasta
That's not true, I literally just took pic related out of the microwave and I make it all the time, check m8 op. I even customize it by mixing in a stick of butter and pouring ranch dressing on top.
I would make my own pasta but I literally have less than 4 square feet of counter space to prepare my meals on
My kitchen is simply too small and ghetto to make some things
I'm pretty sure its an illegal dwelling, but I put up with it so I can live in a good neighborhood while my little sister goes to school
thanks for your life story
You're welcome
>I can live in a good neighborhood while my little sister goes to school
Hmm, sounds awfully southern trailer lifestyle if you get my drift.
Nah, this is in one of the few White parts of Toronto
Pasta is for fat women who have given up on their figure. A real man eats vegetables and meat.
i thought pasta was hard to make
>once you have paid him the Dane-geld You never get rid of the Dane
I'd rather not get cancer, thanks.
You're gonna get it from something else anyway
>he says while using the internet
Oddly enough the only mothersauce I have never made from scratch is tomato sauce.
>Adding milk to a roux is a pleb filter
>implying you've ever made espagnole
Why bother when boyardee does both well enough