So what's actually making us fat?
So what's actually making us fat?
Other urls found in this thread:
Longer hours at draining or sedentary jobs and lack of physical activity.
Poor self control and retards convincing themselves genetics is why they're fat
t. ketofags
Eating too many calories.
Saturated fats and carbohydrates.
corn syrup
Vegetable oils
pedestrian unfriendly city layouts
jobs that require sitting
ease of availability of unhealthy food
rampant advertising
social alienation that causes food/substance addiction
I agree with this post. We work jobs that don't require us to move much.
If we all put in 2 hours of farm labor a day we would reduce obesity substantially within a few years.
eating too much
Is food addiction really a thing? It seems more like a nasty habit than an addiction.
If it enhances dopamine it will eventually change your gene expression.
Yeah I guess nobody knows the science.
I see phrases like "hijacks your brain chemistry" and "epigenetically alters gene expression" thrown around a lot. I've heard of the Delta FOS-B thing (in the context of amphetamine addiction) before but that article is impossible to understand.
I guess we're "hardwired" to think of our brains in terms of biochemical reductionism.
But if that's the case all human behavior can be accounted for with some protein inhibitor or other. I'm just saying it's stupid to throw the word addiction around all the time if that's the model we're working with-- anything rewarding can be classified as addicting.
At some point these descriptions stop being useful and start providing a basis for subjects to excuse their own behavior because
>muh addiction
don't you think?
Can't get through to people by using complex terminology. Just call it something that's easy to understand, like addiction, and have them follow a program and detox to replace that behavior. The confirmation bias caused by acknowledging the fact that you may have an addiction can reinforce a negative behavioral loop (I am an addict, once an addict, etc...), but a decent program should compensate for that.
>So what's actually making us fat?
fat does
prepackaged food is loaded with it. Fat is highly addictive.
Want to lose weight? stick with carbs. bread, beans, potatoes. and eliminate all fat from your diet.
Well said, I agree.
b-but keto
>2 hours of farm labor
or if people went to the gym before/after work, or ran, or US jobs gave employees extra time during the day to exercise
I see you, Mr. Trollington
Is this b8? Am I being interdimensionally trolled from the past right now?
A lot of us can't stand the fucking gym. It's a bunch of made up "labor" that serves no purpose. I would much rather have some garden beds to weed, or some raking or shoveling to do, than go to a fucking gym. Shared labor also provides a basis for community and produces delicious healthy vegetables.
They could at least turn the stationary bikes and elliptical into generators so we don't feel like it's so pointless.
Gyms are soulless, Godless, horrible places.
Removing the beans from chili. It makes people eat more meat, which was never intended since beans are high in fiber and creates a sense of fullness.
I couldn't quite put how I felt about gyms into words until I read this, and on some level is makes absolute sense. I wish there was a way that I could be productive and active at the same time. Growing up in school, the reward was the competitive outlet and status that comes with excelling at sports, but as a wealthy tech worker, it's hard to find a way to turn physical exertion into something satisfying.
Wow, it's almost like this mirrors US population growth.
Corn Syrup and everyone quintagenarian and over
go hike up mountains
>obesity rates rising
>sugar consumption down
>meat and cheese consumption up
>nothingburger, its a russian and big soy psyop, also population growth which isn't relevant to percentages but who cares lol
>total instead of per capita
The population has increased 350% since 1909. It makes sense meat consumption has gone up similarly.
consuming more calories than we expend, consuming food that is not nutritious enough, SUGAR.
It doesn't specify which sugar
Hiking up mountains is awesome recreation, like that other guy said. It's great fun and great for you. Hiking/walking in general is a forgotten pleasure.
But have a look around your area. Where I live there's this awesome group that removes invasives and re-plants natives in local parks, which ends up being a fuck ton of work.
I can go out on weekends and they'll have gravel for me to haul in a wheelbarrow or compost piles to haul. It's awesome and ass-kickingly tough work. Feels great.
I'm sure you've got some volunteer groups in your area that are looking for labor and, while it won't quite replace a consistent exercise regimen, you can definitely start getting in great workouts on your off-days (while making new friends and feeling good about helping out).
It's a win-win-win-win.
>reddit spacing
>can't stand the gym
>wants to do labor around the house but doesn't
>complains about people who better themselves
literally go back to /r/atheism
Also makes sense it correlates with more obesity
Why isn't sugar consumption going up too if its such an issue?
>meat a cheese consumption up
>first posts a chart that does not show per capita on meat
>then posts a chart that hasn't been updated in 10 years
>reddit spacing
Something redditors trying to fit in say.
Lets call it
"Typing like literally everyone else for decades other than schizophrenics"
Hiking up mountains sounds pretty cool if there were nearby mountains.
I have no interest in charity, as I disagree with them on a fundamental level. I'd like to have an opportunity where my labor directly benefits myself or my family.
>"Typing like literally everyone else for decades other than schizophrenics"
>One to two sentence paragraphs
>typing like everyone else
Where do you live?
>strawmanning because you can't argue a single actual point
Veeky Forums ---> /fasting general/
>I have no interest in charity, as I disagree with them on a fundamental level
Try gardening this summer if you have the space. A lot of cities have large areas where you can rent a little garden plot if you're in an apartment.
It's great fun and very rewarding when you get to eat something you planted yourself.
I'm actually in the process of purchasing a house, and this sounds like a great idea once that all goes through. I'll keep this in mind. Some older friends of mine take great pride in their gardens, so I might find that same drive.
It stopped going up as fast as soon as sugar stopped
Do you know what "strawman" means? Even now, you're posting a chart that aggregates half-decades, and doesn't have data after the year 2005.
It means you have no argument to anything substantial
>nothing after 2005
Do you know how to read? What exactly is the flaw in the halving? The answers are no and nothing
>stationary bikes
This is why it's soulless, hit the squats and deadlifts you faggot
2010 was not finished data, and 2020 was projected. Please feel free to provide actual recent data in the future for discussions' sake.
then run and bike outside or do work around your home, you fat shit
Yup, and gardening ends up being great work, especially if you do it organically (because if you do it organically, you'll have to come out and pick weeds once a week or so, which is great for you if you squat while you do it).
There are tons of videos on Youtube about gardening and planting. You can definitely dive right in on your own. Chances are you'll have no luck with a lot of stuff you try your first year but it's a learning process. In most places in the U.S. you can grow food for most of the months out of the year.
(PS make sure you do all your own yard work when you get the house. This just gives you more chances to get out and move around and not have to spend money on landscaping)
>muh squats
No thanks I don't want to injure a joint before my 20s are up.
inb4 "muh form"
Everyone I know who's been lifting for several years has injured themselves.
I'll stick to walking around outside on hills and enjoying the plants and the seasons as they come around.
2010 is preliminary meaning they're using the info they have and meaning they have info after 2005
You're not actually disputing anything other than why im even bothering with a child so petulant and ignorant
really makes me think
So by your logic sugar consumption should also correlate
Oh wait it doesn't
What is so hard to understand? Receptors down regulate in response to frequent activation meanwhile gene expression increases so you crave a drug (or food) that gives you a diminishing reward for the same quantity of drug/food upon repeated administration. I think that's as good as we understand it now.
where's Delta FOS-B come in again?
>sugar consumption decreased while artificial sweetener consumption skyrocketed
really makes one wonder
>per capita went up because of population grown
Not sure what point you're even making anymore unless you actually think artificial sweetners have the same effects as actual sugars
It is a consequence of overstimulation at dopamine-expressing neurons where Delta FOS-B increases expression which causes neurons to rewire in response to be less sensitive to future rewards so when the stimulus is removed your body feels deprived, causing the addiction.
ΔFosB levels have been found to increase upon the use of cocaine.[43] Each subsequent dose of cocaine continues to increase ΔFosB levels with no ceiling of tolerance. Elevated levels of ΔFosB leads to increases in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels, which in turn increases the number of dendritic branches and spines present on neurons involved with the nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex areas of the brain. This change can be identified rather quickly, and may be sustained weeks after the last dose of the drug.
Because companies stopped putting sugar into everything and instead pump their products full of artificial sweeteners, therefore sugar consumption decreased you fucking brainlet
Okay. Again. What does this have to do with anything? And companies didn't stop doing shit, they offered more sugar free alternatives, not replacing
average-so-technically-obese-but-not-"""fat""" office drone here, the quickest way to drop 30 pounds is to spend a couple weeks at a field office in europe or first-world asia, or even home office in new york. just the five clicks a day back and forth from subway stations kickstarts things.
Complete cancer. Back to your containment board
>So by your logic sugar consumption should also correlate
No, sugar consumption dropped because it was substituted with artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweetener consumption is steadily increasing.
What aren't you understanding?
It's not just that. Back when people labored on farms they could burn 4000 calories a day and not get fat. The problem is that a lot of people don't even burn 2000, but they eat at least that in a day. That's how you get fat. If you're not doing much in the way of physical exertion you just have to eat smaller servings and favor less calorie dense food.
but i only ever post on Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums, which one should i go back to?
It wasn't substituted with anything. There were alternatives. There's cheese alternatives too and cheese consumption, total and PER CAPITA, are UP which you argued is because of population increase
You're grasping for so many straws and red herrings you don't even remember what you've originally argued
Pretty much this.
Everything we do doesn't require us to move anymore. 50 years ago computers and good TV weren't really a "thing", so everybody was still out and about and active in their leisure time.
As electronics became more ubiquitous we needed to be active less and less to be entertained more and more.
It most certainly was. Name a single main stream soda in the US that is made with real sugar and not high-fructose corn syrup or some other alternative.
>There's cheese alternatives too
Vegan cheese has not completely replaced real cheeses in all restaurants. That's a horrible comparison.
i didn't invent america.psb, i just live in it
HFCS is not an artificial sweetener.
It's a sugar substitute
no, it's just a sugar
Yeah I see what you mean, I agree
It's a sugar
the "REEEEEEEEEEEEEE not cane not real sugar" meme is from dumb frogposting Americans who don't realize that 99% of historical western cooking used beet sugar or honey.
>I have no interest in charity, as I disagree with them on a fundamental level.
This, also large portions and frequent snacking.
High fructose corn syrup is not an artificial sweetener
Do carbs count under sugar consumption?
When you go shopping look at fatties shopping cart. They're all the same, loaves of bread, chips, cookies, crackers. If it's not sugar it carbs.
Calories in, calories out
I eat lots of meat but no dairy and im thin as fuck.
found the pretentious faggot
I'm not allowed to do charity work anymore
This combined with the liquid jew and lack of exercise
t. Fat fuck
>recognizing we're more sedentary than ever makes me pretentious
Sure thing retard.
wtf i hate exercising in a place designed for exercise now
People not microdosing DNP
portion size and no self control