In regards to the Asian Carp invasion, why aren't we all just eating them? Is carp really that bad? I mean it cant be any worse than Tilapia
In regards to the Asian Carp invasion, why aren't we all just eating them? Is carp really that bad...
tilapia is african btw. also asian carp tastes disgusting. At least tilapia's flavoris inoffensive enough for fish sticks or fish nuggets
>asian carp tastes disgusting
ive never had it so I cant really imagine. What is it like? gamey?
Its more muddy.
>also asian carp tastes disgusting
All seafood tastes disgusting
Spotted the underaged one.
doesnt that happen because a fish eats mud? Asian carp arent bottom feeders
All fish taste good. Grow up.
yes, it's got a mudlike flavor. my marine biologist boss says tilapia used to taste like asian carp. Tilapia was bred to not to taste like mud around the early 1990s(I wasnt even born back then). It was some inteernational breeding program, and african tilapia was chosen because of its hardiness. Until now my grandma still doesnt eat tilapia because she says it tastes like mud.
ever wonder why some fish are exclusively used for bait, you dumbass?
I used to retch at the sight of any kind of fish when I was a kid no matter how it's cooked (roasted/fried/canned etc.). I loved crabs and squids though.
Can't remember how I came to love fish but it was probably around the time my local supermarket started selling sushi.
All the youtube video's I've looked at make it seem quite tasty with responses being quite positive.
I'm picking up some pleasant notes of Fukushima
Does it taste the same as european carp?
Because eww fish
Could you feed more useful animals on them?
Would a carpfed pig taste fishy?
so while the chef was talking the camera man was zooming in on a boat with a confederate flag. I had no idea what the chef said, i was trying to figure out what the camera man was trying to do...
Consider getting treatment for that ADHD of yours.
>Asian carp
pretty similar so yes
i heard people were using asian carp for hotdogs though
And yet catfish is imensely popular.
>inb4 muh flyover
Doesn't matter how many you eat, they reproduce too quickly to be eradicated. You can thin the population down with straight-out massacres, like those guys who waterski in carp-infested waters and bash them with swords when the fish jump, but that's about it.
Yeah it will.
Excellent for pet food though, always disgusted me how even brand x petfood will be "veal, salmon and rabbit".
Fuck that, "sustainable natural protein" is quite enough.
They destroy the local ecosystem, killing native fish. If you aren't going to use them for fertilizer, you can try and convince people to use the clay-pot method of cooking them.
Tell them it's gourmet to roast the fuck out of them in a small clay pot with various herbs and spices. Eventually the meat caramelizes and gets sticky from the proteins and sugars while soaking in the flavor from ginger, cardamon, cinnamon, etc.
You can fish anything to death, encourage eating the fuckers while practicing catch-and-release with bass.
>guys who waterski in carp-infested waters and bash them with swords when the fish jump
This is now on my bucket list.
Don't do it, Mr. Carp!
Carp is an incredibly bony fish and producing a fillet or steak is almost impossible. Their flesh is also very bloody which requires them to be cut and hung before they are edible.
The process is not viable for a commercial business to catch, process and sell.
>You can fish anything to death
so why not just hire a shitload of fishermen to do nothing but kill carp for a year or two until they're all gone
People soak catfish to get rid of that taste though.
people DO do that. Some boats catch hundreds of the fuckers a day. There are contests held to get all the local rednecks in on it. Carcasses line shorelines where no one will eat them
they just multiply too quickly
>they just multiply too quickly
I was simply posing that question to the user that said anything could be fished to death
>Carp is an incredibly bony fish and producing a fillet or steak is almost impossible. Their flesh is also very bloody which requires them to be cut and hung before they are edible.
Partially untrue. Cleaning individual carp isn't any slower than pan-fish, crappie, bass, etc; but only if you use the right technique. After cutting fillets, you rinse the blood off and then you're set. I can see why industrializing this process would suck though. They're nowhere near pike in terms of cleaning, I will not clean those fuckers unless they are very good size.
A lot of people eat bluefish, and they are also bloody and oily to boot. I think the real difference is that people have grown up hearing they taste bad so they don't attempt to eat the,.
>pacific rockfish and black cod
please try for intellectual superiority where someone might not know you're full of shit
Surely they can be used for protein supplements for other livestock or farm-raised seafood, or as pet food or bait or something.
I know these things have already destroyed the whole mississipi system, and once they get into the Great Lakes it's all ogre.
This is fucking insane.
Hopefully geneticists find some way to get rid of them through a gene drive or something.
>At least tilapia's flavoris inoffensive
How big of a smoker are you to not notice the literal sewage aftertaste comming from the way it's fed?
why not do the same to carp then?
The fisherman made a grand in a day easily catching these things. Why in hell aren't more people doing that???
$1000, now maintain a boat with it, and a marina berth or a truck to haul it back and forth to a public dock, and then split that between two dudes. For seasonal, risky work. (Do you want to be out there in January? Shit, are the carp out there like that in January?)
Seems like it could be a nice payday if you're already a lake fisher for other reasons, but if you're not it wouldn't be worth quitting your day job for unless you're flipping burgers, at which point you couldn't afford the tools to get started.
And yet it's still muddy.
>Hopefully geneticists find some way to get rid of them through a gene drive or something.
We literally have this technology already and could easily implement it but MAH EHTICS is standing in the way. Also there is a chance we could accidentally spread it back to their native habitat.
>made a grand in a day
More like received the grand on that day. I'm guessing it probably required several days of preparation and waiting.
I'm not so sure it isn't a gold mine. I'm not in the states so not an option for me, but thinking it over...
Seems you're able to seine net, so that's basically a one-time up-front cost for the net, and nothing on bait. You can do this off of anything that'll float; just a simple barge with a small outboard would do fine. So cost of the boat, and gas for the boat, is extremely minimal. I don't see any need for a partner/crew. Fish can be transported to the processor on the boat (on a trailer); so you're out just ice and gas for the truck.
Being conservative, say you clear $500 a day after expenses, and you go out 200 days a year, that's $100k. With minimal startup cost, being your own boss. I'd try it if I could (after looking into things closely, obviously, re: average catch, average price, regulations)
>We literally have this technology already and could easily implement it but MAH EHTICS is standing in the way. Also there is a chance we could accidentally spread it back to their native habitat.
Like, transfer it back to Asia?
I wonder if there's any clever way to prevent that, like maybe a pre-emptive drive in their native range to make them immune.
>I don't see any need for a partner/crew.
Even in that video the fisherman mentions he's had one day's good haul take two entire days to physically pull up into his boat when he's tried to do it solo.
One of the more clever things ways to address this I've seen is to introduce and strictly protect alligator gar. Left alone they get absolutely massive, and can easily chow down on the biggest carp.
As usual though hunters (i.e. sports fishermen) ruin everything: they drove them to extinction in most of their range, dislike them for eating their game fish, and would be too tempted to take them as trophies.
Should just have a big partner boat with a woodchipper.
>I don't see any need for a partner/crew.
Everything else aside, this is how you die attempting to rake in your carpbux.
Also, assuming the video is from spawning season, you're looking less at 200 days and more at 20. So $10k in a month for charitably $20k startup cost, assuming you're buying the cheapest used boat and truck that aren't completely rusted-out piles of shit.
If it's worth it on whatever good day/season to get a helping hand, that kind of work in that kind of place you just give Joey/José-no-teeth $50 and a couple of beers under the table for the days work as needed.
Looking at the videos of the fish jumping out of the water wherever the boats go (and apparently that's just 1/4 of the carp species that do that), these things are so thick in the water you don't need them to be massed for spawning.
Weather would be the only think keeping you from being out every day.
Until Billy-Jeb Cleetus wrecks your equipment and you're out tens of thousands.
>tens of thousands
You hire some trailer trash to pull in the net and toss the fish; i.e. not drive the boat or the truck. Nothing he can wreck.
Retards always find a way.
Processing plant sending the carp to China; apparently they fetch a premium there being wild (chinese farm them).
You can see the freelance commercial guys: look like they use small boats, but have a bunch of hands to bring them in (looks like they bring them onto the boat as fast as their arms can move).
>tens of thousands
You really think a shitty riverboat like that costs anywhere near that much?
What fish has the least fishy taste? I cannot stand it but would like to eat more of it
The kind that is fresh and not sitting in the grocery store for 3 days before you buy it
Commercial fishermen working here:
Seems most of the commercial fishing is further south where concentrations are highest, but close to the great lakes the government will actually pay them to work to lower the population.
Apparently they turn the fish into LIQUID FERTILIZER. ick.
red snapper
A spoonful of slurry will cure what ails you.
For me most red meat fish are lot less fishy.
Yes. "It's not made of rubber and it's still floating" starts at around $10k and will then need enthusiastic maintenance.
Go ask the dads at /diy/, there's a reason for the joke that first-time boat buyers should save the stress and effort of shopping around by just throwing their money directly off a bridge.
fake news. asian carp is a clean tasting fish.
Yeah, looking into it it looks like it's really good tasting, the problem is it's full of bones, so either it's a pain to eat picking the bones out, or it's an even bigger pain trying to filet it boneless (a huge fish turns into not much if you try and do that).
...although considering they're basically free and in unlimited supply, a poor fish-to-meat ratio isn't a big problem. But the time in processing them is.
That piece of shit in that video doesn't even have seats. One guy is literally just sitting on a cooler. I could buy a better boat than that for $500. Only the motor has any cost and one for a boat that size is only gonna be a couple grand.
Now I'n not expert, but if you gut and skin the fish and then cook it bone in,. you should be able to i dunno spin strain the meat off for soups and patties.
>hipster numale condescendingly downplays the efforts of regular people trying to stop a world wide eco disaster
You think you could buy a better boat for $500, and you're not willing to leave your basement for the outside, or even Veeky Forums for google, to be proven wrong.
Yeah, patties sounds like a good idea.
I really curious about how these taste but the only sellers are in china on Alibaba
Im not sure i trust that
I have a friend who bought a better boat that that for $150 when we where kids. Maybe where you live boats are some rare and precious commodity but they aren't here.
10 seconds on google. Comes with a motor and trailer.
ah, so the story changes from "more like $150" to "more like $5,000"
check out other listings as well, and remember that a tiny-ass motor isn't going to move your literal tons of carp
well, obviously given enough effort anything COULD be fished to death theoretically
all you did was prove him right with that listing, dumbass
I think these are particularly difficult because they're filter feeders; you really need to filter the whole water body through nets.
The problem with that logic is that real life isn't FFXI. There isn't a rigorously defined list of every river, lake, and pool with carp in it, nor is there a mathematical certainty that fishing with Insect Balls while using a bamboo rod facing southwest on a Tuesday after dusk will pull up only carp.
So your mass fishing effort is more likely to help the carp than hurt them, as it kills off everything but the reason carp are a problem to begin with is that they breed faster and outcompete.
What the hell is the point of this thread?
Killing carp because they're fucking with other species. I like variety in my fishing and diet.
what is the point of any thread?
why are we even here?
What is love?
flounder and haddock is very mild to me, can barely tell i'm eating fish other than the texture
i find i can taste pretty much any other fish though
Nobody will care if you recreate this with invasive fish at home. :)
I imagine the suffering must taste exquisite. I plan on it next season.
generally speaking, reading the OP will answer that question for you
Baby don't hurt me, no more.
that's disgusting
at least remove the gut. No one wants to eat gut
>this invasive species is fucking our shit up!
>hmm let's introduce another species to fight it!
And thus Australia was born
As disgusting and pointless that is, I doubt they are alive in the end. If it's flesh is cooked then the heart will be as well.
This has been stuck in my head for days with no good reason for it to be there. I havnt even this episode since I was in elementary school.
they're gross
you're thinking of common carp, which feed by sifting through mud
asian carp eat plants and algae
Chinese are not human. That whole country needs to be nuked. Repeatedly.
Lost my shit when I saw that skinned dog walking around webm
the gut is the best part, haven't you ever had whole fried clams? same shit