Someone sits this down in front of you and says "Enjoy!"
What do you do?
Someone sits this down in front of you and says "Enjoy!"
I eat it because I am not averse to decent sandwiches, nor am I an ungrateful autist.
I enjoy.
Ask them for license and registration. Surprise scumbag, I’m a cop
Out of courtesy I'll eat it, but that thing has way too much meat on it. It's a solid block of cold cuts. That's disgusting.
love mr pickles rickkkkk
I was just holding it for a friend
i scrape off the lettuce, onions and tomatoes. then i enjoy
Eat it because Jersey Mike's is pretty fucking good
Could use pickles and peppers tho
>It's a solid block of cold cuts. That's disgusting.
fuk u
>Someone sits this down in front of you and says "Enjoy!"
Wouldn't happen.
Tomorrow Chef John will come to your house
Ask them who they are and how the fuck they got into my apartment while dialing 911 and pointing a pistol center mass.
Oh fug iz bolis
>What do you do?
Kill my autistic kid.
Thank you!
It needs some pickles and less meat. The big block of cold cuts wouldn't be great
I'd still eat it right now because I haven't eaten in 10 hours and I'm hungry as fuck
OP here. I can't believe there's been this many replies, actually. And, just fyi, there were pickles and pepperocini on it, you just can't see them because they weren't spaced well. I always order my sandwiches with "everything".
eat it but mourn the hots that should have been
I enjoy it because that looks like a good cold cut sandwich. I don't always want one, but you better believe if I'm taking the time to order a cold cut sandwich in a deli then I aim to fucking enjoy it.
Take off the tomato and eat it
I don't know what it is about raw tomato but I just don't like it on anything
If some rando just hands me a sandwich when I'm not expecting one, I'm throwing it away.
I don't eat food offered by strangers, it could be tampered with intentionally, or maybe the person is simply not very hygienic.
If you'd accept food from random people you're fat, poor, gross, or a combination of these
if i don't know where this someone and this sandwich came from i tell them to fucxoff. if he just brought it from the register area then i look through it rmeove the onions and if it looks good i eat it and say "thanks"
I love mr. Pickle's
>Hello fellow Cali fag
thank them because it looks really f ucking good
This, messes up the texture completely
this, although the ratios are off, way too much meat
Thanks for the free lunch, bro!
way to much meat. i'd ask him for another piece of bread, pick out the half of the meat of each sandwich and enjoy now 3 instead of 2
Take away the buns.
Ten points to the first person to say why, without mentioning the word autistic or any derivatives.
One hundred points to the first person to say the correct answer
Thanks. Do you have any chips?
Hello schlomo
Hi Aiden
What's an Aiden?
This isn't my order.
A popular child's name
Ah, I guess I'm too old to get the reference. I know zero Aiden's.
A gender neutral name generation soy
Exactly, it's one of those abysmal child names like Ashleigh, Katelynn, Braelynne, Brittnneyy, or Alucard
Smart. Good foresight, you never know what gender your child will become. Now you don't have to spend extra for name changes.
Say "You too".
remove about 4/5ths of the meat before eating
Eat the fuck of it. Mr. Pickles is pretty gud.
Not bad, but it could use some more meat imo. And a nice pickle spear or two.
In USA, you also must tip 30% for a name change. Can get expensive.
little heavy on the meat. but this user is right.
why not remove some of the ham who the fuck cares?
Exactly as they say.
Or I'm just adventurous, you goddamned pussy.
How about Madison. That's a shit name.
I'd eat it pretty happily. Free sandwich, nothing too gross on it, though it does look a bit bland. Seems like what you would serve if you were handing out dozens free, which would make sense I guess.
>little heavy on the meat
there can never be to much faggot