>tfw want Japanese carbon steel knife
>tfw it's so expensive
Where can I steal one?
>tfw want Japanese carbon steel knife
>tfw it's so expensive
Where can I steal one?
Other urls found in this thread:
>he fell for the Made in Japan meme
You don't even need it you stupid fucking soyboy.
Your mother still had you even though the world didn't need you.
Get a job faggot
Go to Japan and have a knife master forge one for you. Then just run away with it.
/jp/'s house
Somebody had to tell you that you don't need this knife, so clearly he is needed.
>Made in Japan meme
I want a couple like these as well. Don't actually give a shit if it's made in Japan. So if you happen to know where I can get some single-bevel knives made from steel hard enough to hold such a thin edge, I'm all ears.
Just get a $10 ceramic knife off of amazon, OP.
poorfag haha
>Japanese carbon steel knife
>Where can I steal one?
>where can I steel one?
>knife as fragile as glass
ha ha ha
I got a knife like that when I was a 2nd year undergraduate living like a pauper because I didn't feel the need for binge drinking or fancy computers like everyone else. And thanks to my reputation for being a better cook than anyone else around, I became the go-to guy for cooking group meals and barely had to spend anything on ingredients either. I did the cooking and cleaning and ate for "free" other than the cost of my time (and what I spent on the knife and various pieces of thrift store cookware). Also I had a number of sexual encounters which I doubt would have happened if not for my cooking abilities (not that undergraduate women are particularly choosy so I wouldn't read too much into that)
It's called priorities, my friend. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
Get a small piece of 1095 Steel and grind it into a knife.
It's by far the cheapest way but takes a lot of time.
Make your own fag, it's not hard
>oh yeah let me just pick up one of these billets of carbon steel I have lying around in a size and shape appropriate for bashing into a blade using the forge I just happen to have in my backyard
Yeah or you could just go on amazon and order an Old Hickory for $10, but who am I to get in the way of autism
>Old Hickory
What's the point of this even? It's made of garbage steel that can barely hold an edge better than a $5 Kiwi.
It's 1095, the same steel you were recommending when you tipped your fedora up there
>but it's not tempered properly
Ok good luck getting a good heat treat on your first attempt
>but if you do it 50 times you'll eventually come close to the quality of a shitty mass produced knife
Mmmmkay, let's all quit our jobs and become full time blacksmiths to please the assburgers patrol on Veeky Forums
These babies are 23 dollars. They cut great and are well worth the money. I use one for meat and one for veggies/fruit.
Another option is this 17 dollar santoku. Quality doesn't have to mean expensive. The myth of a good santoku knife being 100+ dollars is just not true. Price doesn't always correlate with quality.
>he thinks high-end kitchen knives are made from mong steel like 1095
Enjoy your massive sulfur molecules fucking up the steel grain everywhere.
Whoops, forgot link.
Modern ones are just made from stainless steel. It's an odd notion that people think they are either pig iron or ethereal katana-grade steel forged on Mt.Fuji by Masamune
What are Hitachi White #1, #2, Blue #1, Blue #2, and Aogami Super?
You were the one who suggested 1095, not me
>but that wasn't me
No, that was you. Go tell your tard wrangler your internet time is over
>muh hand-bashed backyard swordsmith blade
>high end
Pick one
p.s. my mass produced HAP40 knife >>> your shitty rusty cosplay knife made of leaf spring steel
These can be all classified as semi-stainless or stainless. I mean sure, if you're working with steel on an industrial level you might be interested in knowing it, but otherwise I doubt the consumer will relish in that.
How do you even sharpen that thing. Don't you need like industrial water wheel to sharpen powdered steel knives?
Shapton Kuromaku, $35 on amazon
Make your own.
here, you faggot.
>make a knife to save money by buying $400 worth of tools
/diy/ in a nutshell
any real man has those tools readily available. KYS you numale.
>goes right to numale
Look at this soyboy right here.
you can make a good knife with 1 or 2 files and a hacksaw, plus a leaf blower or vacuum, and 2 fire bricks. Everyone should have at least that with the exception of college students.
no, not even fucking close, just regular whetstones
source: own a sukenari hap40
I haven't been in college since the 1990s and nobody owns a leaf blower within 20 miles of here except associations, the park service, and so on.
And I have no idea what a "fire brick" is.
Are you daft? It's a brick with fire in it.
Knives like these are unbeatable for veggies. I have a cheap one from IKEA which still cuts great after five years of use.
I visited animeland earlier this year and purchased a carbon knife from a fish market in Tokyo. I use it for everything else. Don't have much to compare it to, my previous all purpose knife couldn't cut hot butter.
it's obviously a brick infused with the element of fire