Hey Veeky Forums, I recently purchased a new refrigerator but couldn't figure out how to turn off the light inside. I'm tight on cash at the moment and can't really afford to have this light on at all times so I threw it out.
Anyways, can somebody recommend me a new fridge that has the option to turn off the light? Thanks in advance.
Hey Veeky Forums, I recently purchased a new refrigerator but couldn't figure out how to turn off the light inside...
unplug the fridge
You see, I would but it's really hot in Australia and since I can't afford A/C I use it to cool down the house.
You need to post on /diy/, they'll be happy to help you rewire the light.
Yeah I would but, since I used so much internet already posting this here I can't afford to make another post elsewhere. If you could call someone for me that would be great
Sorry, I used all my minutes for today
That's understandable. Have a great day
Is there anybody that can help me? I'd go back into the store and browse but I spilled my chocolate milk on the waterbed and they don't want me to come back in. I offered to clean it up for them with my detergent pen since I can't afford the bed but they said don't worry about it.
You can start by posting OC.
I'm not sure why this is necessary but alright.
OP, why don't you just do the obvious thing.
Unscrew the lightbulb.
That creates a void of empty space that fills up with cool refrigerated air, money down the drain.
Nah m8, don't take it out, are ya daft? Just unscrew it far enough that the negative terminal in the socket isn't in contact with the bottom of the bulb.
Wrap duck tape all over the light so no light can get out
Sell the bulb on Craigslist
thats it, Im fucking done with Veeky Forums everyone kys's
OP the only sensible solution is to stick something so far up your ass that the lights go out
you are welcome
This does not strike me as an economical solution. You're gonna break it.
If you need a cheap a/c solution do this google ice chest a/c. You can build one for like $25 american and it will cool down a small room for a few hours. I built one to cool me down while smoking in the garage in triple digit weather.
It's almost winter. Just keep your food outside in the cold. Like in a box or something.
I think its almost summer in that hellhole.
Caught a nice fat carp. How do we cook it guys?
What would happen if I took my fridge to the North Pole? Would it be able to heat my food to above -300 degrees?
The light has to stay on so the food doesn't get scared
no thats dangerous! the moisture inside the fridge plus the small space between bulb and electricity will cause it to arc spontaneously and explode the fridge
This is some pretty good bait desu.
>in Straya
>with the door open
But then it's still on. All the light's gonna build up inside the bulb and explode.
A refrigerator uses as much electricity as 450 incandescent bulbs connected in parallel.
One more bulb running 24-7 in your fridge isn't going to make any difference.
Do people living in alaska and siberia even own refrigerators?
Their temperatures are in the negatives year round, do they just leave food outside to freeze?
It'd be stupid to buy a box to do the same thing.
Mix together equal measures of ammonia and bleach, which are economical and widely available. This will cause an exothermic reaction that will cool your fridge for you without electricity. Just make sure that you shut all the windows and doors in your house beforehand so the cold doesn't escape.
Hi Veeky Forums. [Pol] here. I bought these sharp Germanic kitchen knives (/a/ btfo) and they work really well in chopping wood. But, how do you turn them off? I noticed they're still sharp even when I'm not using them.