Do Americans really politicize food?

Do Americans really politicize food?

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It's a fine message, but it's the WRONG message. "All lives matter" is a better slogan than "Black lives matter".

Didn't you hear?
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are racist

They should make one called "it's OK to be vanilla"

Yes. I couldn't care less though.

Everything in America is politicized because anything connected to a US citizen means they probably have a belief system tied to political beliefs/parties which causes large companies, including companies that just sell food, to take a stance and represent their large group of citizens working 'together.'

Also money.

I don't consider ben and jerrys to be american since they got bought out by a multinational food conglomerate.

Do /pol/tards really politicize a food and cooking forum?
>Raised in the town of Merrick on Long Island, by Jewish parents
>Jerry Greenfield was born in Brooklyn, New York, into a Jewish family, son of a stockbroker

>Ben and Jerry's make political statement
>why is /pol/ politicizing a food and cooking forum
What did he mean by this?

>"All lives matter"
This shit pisses me off. OF COURSE all lives matter. I assumed we were all operating under that presumption but apparently it needs to be articulated because we are so disconnected from one another that we've become a nation of sociopaths. There are people on this board right now who will scoff at the idea that "all lives matter" and that is genuinely disturbing to me.

THE WHOLE IDEA of Black Lives Matter is that some cops act like some black kids' lives DON'T matter. I agree that it's an unfocused and ineffective message and its adherents have done some shitty stuff, but it reflects a real societal problem. Reflects it shittily, but still.

wrong. black lives matter.
you're racist if you disagree and i'll fuckin tear down all your statues and plaques and halloween costumes

Calm your bitch tits, Tyrone

So you must be in favour of people putting up signs that read "its okay to be white" right?

Yeah fuck pigs! Black lives matter! Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon! What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them? Now!

Eat shit, commie. Everyone has agency, work hard and don't be a fucking useless eater while simultaneously not being criminal scum and you won't be arrested.

Absolutely. It's not EVERY white person's fault that we won at culture. "It's Okay To Be White" was a brilliant, non-violent, only-pseudo-confrontational statement that the world shouldn't hold the fact that we won against us. There's no reason to be racist against white people just because it feels good and makes your whole worldview make sense.

It's okay to be white. It's okay to be brown. It's okay to be yellow or red or whatever the fuck. Can we please move on?

I understand your point of view. Most of you right-leaning guys rely on arguments of personal agency and responsibility, and I can get behind that. But there are deep wounds in black and white, leftist and rightist communities alike. There are people who simply grow up thinking about life the wrong way, and they become myopic, combative and untrusting. For some young black men, civil disobedience is a natural way of expressing their "black self". Why is that? It pains me, as a leftist, that we can't have these sorts of honest conversations with ourselves.

Self-criticism is the first step to self-improvement and we seem more and more incapable of it as a culture.

>THE WHOLE IDEA of Black Lives Matter is that some cops act like some black kids' lives DON'T matter.

Also black parents.

yeah but when you think abut it, all lives matter

If their lives matter than why do so many black fathers abandon their kids?

Poor sex education, high incarceration rates

You forgot low IQ.

Listen man, the fact of the matter is that black "communities" are a fucking joke. I'm a native cop in a 74% black community, and I can tell you, first hand, that it doesn't matter what color you are, most members of the "black community" are racist and prejudiced as fuck. They hate me because I'm native, they hate whites because they are white, they hate blacks if they are too friendly to us for being "uncle toms" and the list goes on. Blacks are racist as shit, and they raise shitty kids who then commit crimes, or they don't raise their kids at all who then still go on to commit crimes. The cycle repeats, and somehow we're supposed to feel bad for them because their "culture" is being appropriated and they are being "oppressed," which is a fucking joke.

You want to know what I think about other natives? I think they're pieces of shit who use Uncle Sam's neetbux to drink themselves to death. Thank Christ I'm off the reservation. Most natives not on the reservation will say something similar. Why do blacks pretend their shit doesn't stink? Why is it ONLY blacks that are put on this fucking pedestal? By the way, natives are per capita poorer, have shorter life expectancies, and higher substance abuse rates than blacks, but you don't see us bitching about it, because we know it's our own fucking fault.

>The injustices they face steal from all of us
Lol black people are stealing that too

I'm part Native myself. While I can't sympathize entirely due to being a paleface, I grew up with Native issues on my mind because my sister and my dad are both brown.

So the problem is assimilation of minorities with civilization in general. What do we do with "forced immigrants" who are forced to make peace with the fact that they are now part of a nation that is not their own? How do we make them value this "white society" in a way that does not compromise their own identity and does not seem like acquiescence to the "white culture"?

People become hopeless because they grow up not seeing hope. Good on you for getting out of that, but what do you do for the people whose whole racial destiny is to hang out in the woods and do nothing?

I like that High incarceration is read like somehow it is not the criminals fault.

It's not, some of the time. It may be hard to swallow for you, but sometimes the system is biased against black offenders. Their lives may be ruined for the same crime some white dude gets slapped on the wrist for. Most examples are not that extreme, but it really fucking happens in real life. Ignorant, desperate poor people commit crimes. That is just a fact. But as much as you might not like to see or admit it, race comes into play during the punishment process for these crimes.

And yes, some of it is due to black peoples' contempt for the court system. But this is a social issue as well, in my eyes. We are one society but we all engage with society in different ways. I hope we can one day address this honestly.

I wish all Americans were dead desu, not just the niggers

Love you too

Why am I not surprised?

Also, Vermont has exactly three black people, so how on Earth can they be the judge of their true nature?
Ben & Jerry absolutely need to spend the rest of their years in some 100% black ghetto.

You start to gather contempt from the justice system when you commit so many crimes :)

It's true. Other people were getting a chance to talk bout their injustices, like Muzzies and Gays. But black people stole the spotlight back with BLM. They're literally hogging all the minority sympathy

man, no matter what board i go to it gets shit up by /pol/ fags

But vanilla is black and it's definitely not OK to be black.

Thank you. Natives are the one race that blacks can't talk shit about. For one, they have it way worse and secondly, they can tell them to "go back to Africa".

Not him but most people don't think about natives in their day to day life unless you live near a reservation because there's so few of them left these days, outside of thanksgiving and columbus day.

Dude, natives have casinos all over the place.

Yeah but I live in Nevada so the regular casinos dominate that shit, they can't compete.

because that's how they perpetuate an entire culture based on mooching off of taxpayers. Then the problems caused by everyone in black areas on welfare with no one to pay taxes are solved by blaming the people who work, pay local taxes, and can afford to sustain their communities. He a gud boy, he just needed to rob a 7/11 and assault a cop becuz he didn't have no money for jordans. fuck whitey we need mo money fa dem programs.

He's not entirely wrong, a census taken shown there's only about 5 million of you guys left in the world. Even the fucking Jews, one of the smallest minorities population-wise on the planet, is nearly triple that.

> THE WHOLE IDEA of Black Lives Matter is that some cops act like some black kids' lives DON'T matter.

George Zimmerman did not shoot Trayvon Martin because his life didn't matter but because he was beating his head in on the pavement.

Darren Wilson didn't shoot Michael Brown because his life didn't matter, but because he was disobeying police orders and threatening the cop involved.

Tamir Rice wasn't shot because his life didn't matter, but because he pointed something that looked like a gun at a cop.

The list goes on and on. If you don't like "All lives matter" because nobody is saying otherwise, same thing. "Black lives matter" is not needed because nobody is saying otherwise. The problem isn't cops hating black people, the problem is people refusing to respect police procedures. If you look like you're pointing a gun at a cop, get violent with someone with a gun, or refuse to cooperate, you're getting shot, black or white.

This. Humans are always going to be humans. We form bias's from experience. If all you see, day in and day out, is black people acting like chimps, you're going to see all black people as chimps. What you won't see is WHY they act like Chimps - poor education, no future, no opportunities (something they aren't alone in anymore thanks to modern corporatism). So law enforcement and the courts treat them like barely controlled animals. So they resent law enforcement and the courts and act like barely controlled animals. It's a vicious circle. The answer isn't expecting or demanding our cops to be fucking saints, the answer is a lot of tedious and boring foundational social work that nobody wants to do because it's changing how things always have been done for almost a century. Entire social systems need to be ripped out and redone, like rotten floorboards, from population diffusion to districting laws

>George Zimmerman did not shoot Trayvon Martin because his life didn't matter but because he was beating his head in on the pavement.

Zimmerman is a bad example cause that nigga went out looking for trouble against police orders. He wanted a fight.

The other examples stand.

Why is ben and jerry's so expensive?
What a ripoff

bullshit, that social work is being done. We spend a fuckton of money on that garbage, I live in a shithole black city and know people who do the work. It doesn't change because the people are shit and keep doing stupid things worthy of being arrested. You're completely delusional about how flagrantly lawless blacks behave in public.

I have no idea. They're priced like gourmet ice cream, but in terms of quality they're barely above Breyer's tier. Chalky as fuck.

Yeah, for $7 a pint, absolutely ZERO black people are buying it.
They need to shut the fuck up and pander to their actual customers, and its definitely not niggers.

This is the best post I've ever read. Kudos my friend

We won't look at ourselves so we won't improve. That's all there is.

Because they know they can get away with it. Throwing money at a problem is a fucking bandaid. It fixes nothing but makes people feel better.

Absolutely everything gets politics injected into it here. I am just so damn sick of it.

The problem is niggers chimping out instead of following orders when they are stopped by the police

To add to my anecdote. Black people call up and threaten social workers because they're trying to contact women who need help. If there weren't literally 10,000 crimes to every arrest something like that should lead to criminal charges, but it's just par for the course and you never even hear about it. That's acceptable behavior that people just live with.

I'm pretty sure fence hopping Mexicans have little to no education and yet they are willing to work hard for something, anything even if the wages are low. Blacks just want a handout from everybody and then get mad when their chimp behavior doesn't endear them to the general populace. Look at yourselves first before point the finger at another person for your problems. There's a reason why blacks are on the bottom of the totem pole of almost everybody they have come into contact with.

Some years ago the owner of this one American chain called Chick-fil-a told everybody that he is a hardcore Christian that hates fags and made sure to remind people about this by putting "This food is made with heterosexual animals only in order to guarantee outstanding quality" on every box and bag.
Then this happened.
And while that happened the owner went around and handed the protesters free drinks of their exclusive peach iced tea while whispering "God will cast you down into Hell, faggot" in their ears

wtf I hate Ben and Jerry's now

But I need that sweet, sweet Americone Dream.

So you are a racist, got it.

Pure coincidence

And Chick Fil a is successful to this day. True story

>THE WHOLE IDEA of Black Lives Matter is that some cops act like some black kids' lives DON'T matter

it's anything but that, it's a distraction from the core issues of the negro communities and a tool used to sew dissent

what's up with all the poltards here today? No schoolwork for tomorrow?

It sounded okay until literal nazis took the slogan
It's all about intentionality, kiddo.

wh*Te lives don't matter tho

He's a Big Guy

Native Americans as a race still dominate Latin America and the far north, your statistic is only of those living in modern USA, which was a miniscule founding population anyways. Also there's more native Americans living in the US today than ever before in history, and their quality of life financially and medically has substantiated improved with western contact. We resettled them and gave them native rights, but the "genocide" was mostly warfare started by both sides. Natives would kill the children of other tribes and skin people alive, and they employed the same militaristic tactics to early White settlers. Comparatively, we were inhumanly compassionate towards them by respecting their land rights even after brutal conflict in which they were collectively complicit. If the native chiefs won the wars, the USA, and the modern world would'nt exist. Manifest destiny was absolutely correct, natives would've squandered the vast resources in North America which European settlers made far better use of. If you're a proud American you'd better thank the veterans of the Indian wars for delivering the freedoms and prosperity you enjoy everyday.

But all lives DON'T matter. Only niggers matter. And illegal aliens. And Muslims of course. Then trannies and maybe lesbians. I think that's the current hierarchy anyway, have to wait and see what happens after the next terrorist slaughter.

Remember a few months ago when the illegal alien murdered a Muslim girl? Oh, you probably didn't see that in the news, because it evaporated from the news cycle the moment that it was revealed the murderer was an illegal alien. . . .