Perfect gins don't exi-
Perfect gins don't exi-
I think I went to that distillery.
It's on Menorca in the Balearic islands right?
I don't remember what it tastes like but their lobby was a self-serve bar with bottles of gin, shot glasses and a vending machine
>drinking a pine tree
>mfw hipsters drink their overpriced meme gins
stop trying to redefine gin and bow to your master you fucking cucks
>le pine tree taste meme XDXDXD AD.
I'm sorry that you have INFERIOR TASTES but thatnks for letting us know. Maybe in a few years you can join the rest of us at the grownup table.
It's pine tree
British people already have irl Victory Gin
Tastes like jet fuel to me, gross.
How do you know what jet fuel tastes like?
Beefeater and tonic with a slice of orange is all you need in life.
>just 2 eurodiroos more expensive than pic related
>way better
>calls it hipster
>it's older than his grampa's balls
seriously, kys
If you go to mahon and yell WHAT'S GOOD, NYUKA? they will recommend you cheese, not gin
>he doesn't drink Uncle's secret happy juice
Sorry, kiddo. You've been beat. You had a good run, but it's time to sit down.
Gimlet is a nice drink.
Although, I'm spending $70 a week drinking the Beef. If anyone can suggest a better gin at a lower price I'm listening.
1. Hendrick's
2. Black Fox Cucumber
3. Ungava
4. Glendalough
5. Strathcona Spirits
6. Uncle Val's
7. Caorunn
8. Steinhart
9. Silvius
10. The London No. 1
11. Prarie
11. Tanqueray
12. Beefeater
13. Gabriel Boudier Saffron
14. Sperling Silver Earl Grey
Just fucking dump it out: Bombay Sapphire
Here in Burgerland, gin is dunk by blacks, hip-hop Mexicans, and white women born in the 1940's. What a vile liquor, I'd only drink that shit if I had a choice between drinking gin or going to the E.R. shortly before delirium tremens starts.
>t. 5-year daily major alcoholic who was denied Librium 2 years ago due to liver issues
is hendricks actually that good? no meme?
>>Just fucking dump it out: Bombay Sapphire
Whats everyones problem with Bombay Sapphire
Well it is honestly still my favorite after everything else I have tried. Not like my opinions are true objective facts, but there is certainly a pattern to the opinions people have.
I am by no means an expert but i have a handful i like. I got gifted a bottle of what i think was called Nautical, i liked it but with bad tonic it tasted very bad. One of my absolute favorites however was called Mayfair, a highly recommend it, a very different finish.
Try botanical gin. Less pine and more floral/citrus. Or dry gin for something more neutral. Really only terrior gin is piney.
Have you tried St. George?
Try regular Bombay instead of sapphire.
And when I say try, don’t buy a whole bottle, just buy an airplane bottle and don’t mix it with anything
you can drink it straight
Nope, never seen it where I am.
I'll try it next time I get the chance.
It's too popular to be good.
Superior gin coming through, fucking peasents.
>posts hipster seattle gin with label simulating someone writing the batch
>Hand Crafted
and into the trash it goes
It’s popular and decently priced, so of course every autist has to find a reason not to like it.
But try sapphire and then red label Bombay and you’ll see the original Bombay is one of the best Gins all around.
Sapphire is inferior yes, but it’s really not garbage, it’s just not excellent in any way and very milquetoast.
If you want to get the most out of your gin, put the bottle down in the liquor store and pick a plastic handle of Burnett’s vodka
Step aside children
Still too expensive.
too cheap, it's shit
Still too expensive
I drank a whole bunch of g&t's friday night and threw up the next day. I usually never get sick but I assume it was some real dumpster tier stuff.
That's the problem with gin. The good shit taste almost identical to the crappy stuff because it's so bitter and pine-y. You're really just paying for better QC.
Gonna try and not drink this week lol
This is the stuff boyos
The lack of a citrus tang in Tanqueray is disappointing, so I've bought a bottle of Rangpur to try it.
the best one
Good taste.
Hendricks is good too
Tann's and Esme are good bargains but only available at total wine
Where I live, Hendricks is more than double the price of Tanqueray/Bombay/Beefeater/etc. Is it really worth it?
I present to you the best value for money gin available in Finland without any competition.
why is it labelled like it's laboratory chemicals?
Extra fun when you make a G&T with turps and then do some cleaning with gin.
Go drink your Kilju you mongol
don't knock kilju, you can distill it into respectable spirits
No wonder you're this retarded.
>posting words that don't mean anything like hipster anytime you're scared of something new or different
Fucking good choice, my go to
I agree with you, but this ain't that kind of thread
I unironically buy this when I'm strapped for cash
Tastes shit unfortunately
Jenever should be more popular. It makes a hell of an Old Fashioned
But user. Distilling illegal without a liquor license
i don't think there is any gin cocktail that wouldn't be improved by using jenever in its place
My gin of choice
If its not navy strength it is not worth drinking.
always go local
It's juniper, you un-clutured swine!
Queefeater is solid. Rogue is better.
Another Canuck? How do you deal with the high prices? Even mediocre liquors are 30 bucks a bottle.
Also, what grocery stores in US or Canada have good store brand tonic water?
I prefer a G&T with regular gin desu, but for everything else i prefer Jenever
Gin is literally the ginger son of the Dutch jenever. The original is always better.
Maybe we get a different thing labelled as Beefeater here in Australia but that shit is nasty.
>take perfectly good gin
>stick in a nasty wooden barrel
literally why
Elephant London Dry
There are several gins on your list I haven't tried so I can't say if it's better than all of them but it ranks clear above Hendricks.
(They also have a Sloe and one called "Elephant Strength." I cannot vouch for either, I haven't tried them)
>too cheap, it's shit
I feel like we've kind of come to the point in history where very few things are actual shit. Like, if my choices are a Gordon's G&T or no G&T, I'll take a Gordon's please.
It's not a top tier gin, there are many I would rather have, but it's a solid average.
An opinion: You should try Gin Mare.
Now, you should not a crate and use for all your G&T needs because it is not actually the best gin - neither in sum, nor at the price.
But it is a very interesting gin that I recommend trying once.
I have no idea. Bombay Sapphire is a great gin and a good stepping stone. Star of Bombay is excellent.
Pic is what i'm currently drinking
Hey guys i dont go out much, and the other day i went to a bar and ordered a gin&tonic, and i got a strange look from the bartender...
Is it a girls drink or something?
Could be anything, you sound a little too autistic to pick up on social cues, so maybe you did something weird like snap your fingers at the bartender, or maybe you got up from your table at a restaurant with table service and ordered from the bar. Maybe it was a place that specialized in wine, or beer, or fancy cocktails, and your request was unusual since most customers ask for something else. Maybe it was before noon.
The "it's a fag's drink" is not completely out of the question but unless you live in some retarded inbred backwater, that kind of attitude is rare.
As it just so happens, Gin was considered for a long time to be a lady drink, alongside sherry.
These days though, not so much. Now it's just an old peoples drink.
Harris teeter seems to have alright stuff but I just buy fever tree unless they don't have it
Want to try this as if never heard of it but a local restaurant had a new cocktail using this stuff that was damned good. Can't find the shit for sale anywhere around here though. State run ABC stores are the fucking worst for selection.
No it's a man's drink.
Did you perchance look like a typical Soy boy / nu-male / virtue signaling cuck?
He opens beers for drunks for a living. Don't worry about what he thinks, man.
Why is it that whenever someone posts something like this I picture this guy in front of a computer, except dressed in milsurp camo and surrounded by empty wrappers of gas station beef jerky and monster energy drinks
I prefer this one from st george, get an actual tonic water and use it to make a g&t with this stuff with a splash of lime or lemon
Omg so fucking good
dutch courage Brit fags.
copy our booze we take your war fleet out of your harbor
I had a gin tonic (lime+ ginger) using this the other day. Not the best but really cool and dirt cheap. Thanks argie-bro!
its fantastic. great gift idea for someone too
It wasn't perfect, imho, but pretty close to it.
Had this one too! I first got the 3 pack with the Terrior, Botanical, and Dry gins.
I like the botanical best for drinking or g&t, but by a pretty small margin, the terrior is a really great one too. And definitely a better flask gin.
It only dawned on me the other day that I quasi-knew this chick on IRC before she transitioned.
She was pretty screwed up back then too, though. Eating disorder for starters (obviously)
it looks disgusting now
Best gin for gimlets?
that's my favorite gin actually
Blue Sapphire literally is the objectively perfect gin.
Whats the best under like 20-30
I’ve never seen a colored gin before
What’s the difference?
It's barrel-aged, like a lot of gins used to be way back in the day. Some still are, though they often use the old term genever or jenever.
some bottom shelf gin truly does taste like pine tree though, horrible but it exists