How do you convince your feminist girlfriend that learning how to cook is not part of the "patriarchy" without losin' her sweet lovin'?
Treat her like you would a child, which is appropriate since women are on a similar mental wavelength, get her to cook with you and show her how fun it can be, maybe she'll enjoy it and want to start cooking on her own.
Chains and whips.
>convince a feminist
Jeez have some self respect and kick the femicunt to the curb
stop cooking for her until she contributes. Because a man providing everything for a woman is patriarchy
It's a basic necessity for survival. Also red flag break up with this dumb bitch. She literally doesn't want to cook because it's "sexist" WHAT!?
>date a woman who unironically believes in "the patriarchy"
why would you do that to yourself? it's not even remotely worth her submission fetishes from her mental issues.
You can't. Women are worthless.
Whenever you cook and she shows the remotest bit of interest, say things that imply that she can't take care of herself
>Thanks for the meal, hun.
>A man should look after his woman :)
Or if she talks to you in the kitchen go
>Hush babe, this isn't the place for you?
If she ever says she wants to cook
>No need, I can look after you.
Real answer:
Refuse to let her cook. Get really good at cooking and only eat food you make. Refuse to eat her shitty food if she makes any. A woman will naturally feel bad regardless of how much of a femdyke she is and will start cooking more out of sheer guilt if anything.
>cooking landed its place within patriarchal society as part of its wider role in fulfilling the obligations of the traditional housewife, with women's labour trivialised
>by refusing to cook, you continue to perpetuate traditional gender roles by defining yourself against what is expected of you - for the patriarchy, you become the exception that proves the rule
>reclaiming the production and consumption of your own food can be liberating, but only you make the effort to liberate yourself from traditional structures
>you are no longer forced to thanklessly cook for your husband or family, because you cook for yourself and share the liberation with your feminists and allies
>now how about i show you how to make a great sandwich, sweetie :^)
Relationships with women are a lot like Les Mis: a tonne of people like it, but for me, it's too long, too confusing and too much drama to sit through to get to the good stuff. This is why I'm unironically homosex.
Back when I was in college I dated a feminist for about 2 years. It wasn't worth it. Learn from my mistake. She's not going to change.
Never cook for her, especially if you two live together. Just cook for one every time.
how about you beat her? you soyboy low T communist faggot.
That's not how you do it.
Women aren't logical like that. She'll take it as a personal attack and then just buy McDonalds or whatever until you start cooking for her again. She won't see it as a "Hmm... I've been relying on him to do it for me, so I should learn how to do it for myself". That's how men think, not women.
You have to give her an emotional reason to bother cooking. Since she's a feminist, there's an easy solution.
Just imply that you're looking after her by cooking. Like you're opening the door for her, or talking down to her. Her feminist nature will compel her to ask you to teach her
You haven't met my sister
sneaky one, I like it
That's men you're thinking off. 3rd wave feminists see someone being better at something as a reason to take them down to their level.
Women's cooking is pleb garbage. Just cook yourself.
>being misogynists
I'm sorry you poor sweeties have never and will never be loved :)
the biggest misogynists are guys who are in long term "successful" relationships with women. You don't know this because you're an obvious roastie and these men would never tell you what they really think of women.
>she thinks a literal faggot gives a fuck that he'll never be in a loving relationship with a woman
That's kind of the point of being a literal faggot, you know: no women because vaginas're gross or something.
On that note, if the US ever wants to win gold in olympic track, just send a faggot there. When it comes time to race, show him a picture of a set of beef curtains then watch him take off towards the finish line quick as a kitten queef. Usain Bolt won't have time to comprehend just what the hell that well-dressed blur blazing past him was.
Has anyone ever noticed that real feminists are paradoxically rarely feminine? The lipservice feminists can be, but real ones often look manlier than many men tend to.
Tell her how much you enjoy it and suggest someone as "talented and creative as you would love it."
She'll be duped because all women have enormous egos.
>cooking is "the patriarchy"
It would be fascinating to spend a day in the life of the average Veeky Forums denizen
What other 6 decades out of date social phenomena are you preoccupied with?
True, being married and having girl children made me hate women. Before I was married I was a naive fool about their true nature
Feminist is literally the opposite of feminine
Have fun getting banned back to r*ddit :)
Why would you want her to cook? Making dinner after a stressful day at work is how I unwind. Whenever my wife cooks or we have leftovers I feel like my routine is off.
those degenerates don't feel love
Literally just fucking talk to her mate, try being an adult
>feminist girlfriend
Get a different girlfriend.
Bro, You suck at trolling.
offer to cook meals for her and her boyfriend on their "date nights"
I remember that thread
Cooking is not a subservient skill unless someone is forcing you into subservience in general. Cooking has the potential to be a very freeing skill to have. Being able to make meals from simple ingredients makes you a more independent person both in terms of satisfying your own basic needs and in becoming more financially independent. Cooking is also a form of artistic expression, and one that can be very easily shared and appreciated with others. Cooking is not misogynistic or part of "patriarchy". Forcing women to cook for you and refusing to contribute to the effort that goes into it is what would be called "patriarchy". I'm guessing that your girlfriend either has a poor understanding of feminism or you just made this whole story up to get (you)s.
Tell her it might be a fun hobby since its probably boring as hell at home once it's clean and the clothes are washed.
dykes OUT
By not going out with a complete fucking idiot.
wheres my screen cap. that sounds like a cu/ck/
Give her a beating and threaten to kill her if she tells anyone.