Itt: Veeky Forums's Thanksgiving meal
Itt: Veeky Forums's Thanksgiving meal
thanksgiving was over a month ago user.
This will be me on Thanksgiving
Is McDonalds open on Thanksgiving? If so it will be for me a mcchicken this Thanksgiving.
Why would you want a spicy hot turkey for thanksgiving? I like their cajun chicken and cajun fries but I don't want my Thanksgiving turkey to be cajun.
Is this different than the turkey dinner I got from the Whole Foods hot bar?
In terms of shame?
Are you me?
>sell by 2013
No thanks
>it's that one guy who saves a pic from a thread on Veeky Forums and makes a new thread about it a day later on the same board.
god damn, imagine the "families" who will be utilizing KFC for their thanksgiving needs. probably eating by candle light and running a car inside the house to keep warm
its been recycled on here for years
Turkeys go on sale for less than $1/lb in a lot of stores, nobody who is poor is going to buy KFC instead of that
This actually looks relatively decent, better than what many americans can cook themselves
If you're short on time or dont feel like cooking then why not pick up a few
I'm sorry you are being made into chinese food, user
This. I bought a 19 pound honeysuckle turkey yesterday for 65 cents a pound.
Fucking lucky cunt.
Underrated kek
American is what?
Or rather, American's what?
What can I make on Thanksgiving that doesn't require so much work, spaghetti and meatballs?
I'm gonna get wagecucked on Thanksgiving so I won't have much every to do much.
Amateur green texter. Americans have not had thanksgiving yet where as that user may be from Canada as I understand they had there version weeks ago. Only know this because of that motovlogger snowcat lol
same but atleast I make double time and a half and will be done by 2pm. Get to spend time with the senpai after so they’ll have the food bit covered
Poor people are poor because they make retarded decisions.
My Thanksgiving tradition: sleep until 10, drink a few bellinis. Watch movies all afternoon. Make a sage, pumpkin, and sausage casserole for dinner.
No family, no turkey. Beautiful.
I'm going to be alone for thanksgiving because I'll be out of town for work. Probaby just drink beer and cook a frozen pizza.
got me
They're totally marketing this toward loners on the holidays, subliminally even. You don't have a family, you are ONE, eat the god damn fried chicken and mash pataters.
You know in Japan, thanks to a successful marketing campaign from the sixties, it is actually common to eat KFC on Christmas You have to order months in advance
>A few
With buttered rolls and some beer.
Or maybe sushi. This was my first attempt for friends and myself. Came out pretty damn tasty.
Stop this.
My dad and I joked about it for years, but this year, we're doing it.
Im having whatever it is the rest of the staff agrees to bring.
Im working Thanksgiving night so I can be off for Christmas, so myself and the other poor saps who cant celebrate will make a potluck. I think if they asked me to Id make some kind of turkey for them - either a small bird or a large turkey breast
>those digits
>that greentext
Too expensive for me. That’s like two days food money.
I don't know what I'll be eating yet but I know what my parents are. Denny's Thanksgiving Dinner for two because my sisters and I aren't going over there for the holidays lol.
chinese heathens open on god-fearing holidays
got enough ketchup there chief?
Nice comment, very funny
Don't do it man
im gonna eat at like 3 different thanksgiving dinners that day so i wont have to deal with another meal for one thank god
Why would you do this to yourselves?
Happy "holiday" americans
It's gotten better in recent years, it doesn't HAVE to be KFC anymore.
I once worked in a grocery store deli and had to make these packs from time to time. It made me really depressed to think about who would be eating them, and equally depressed to realize it could be me one day.
I'd join you
That explains why I'm hearing Christmas music on the radio already
My wife has an enormous family and so there will probably be about 25 people at the Thanksgiving we have with her mom's side.
>Roast pork with gravy
>Roast turkey with gravy
>Shredded beef sandwiches
>Entire vats of mashed potatoes
>Ten crock pots filled with appetizers
>More bread than you can take in one picture
>An entire table set up in the garage devoted solely to dessert
This is how it goes every time, no matter the holiday. My contribution will be a huge batch of the stuffing everybody there likes:
>Sage sausage
>Fresh baked bread cubed
>Homemade chicken stock
>Carrot, celery, onion, mushroom, garlic
>Bay leaf and rosemary
>Couple eggs
>Salt and pepper
>me when your mom asks me to come over but she on her period
why do black and asians celebrating thanksgiving in the USA, most of them were still in their home continent at the time.
chad ketchup stew
well then
Probably gonna go look for what ever restaurant is open
sad old people with no family :(
Because it's a holiday and they're most likely off work. Why not have fun? Lots of people who celebrate Christmas aren't Christian either.
This is slightly preferable to "go to mom & dad's and end up in a drunken fight and throw away the turkey" that I've gotten used to.
Nothing more depressing than sitting at home hungry when everything's closed knowing that the delicious meal you were about to eat is in the garbage can for the 3rd year in a row because "dad didn't cut it right."
Lol your family sucks
>throw away the turkey
Why? :(
Mom's prone to overreactions, but I guess I am too. Last year my dad accidentally cut through the turkey carving tray and it spilled a little onto the countertop and into a drawer, so she completely lost her shit on him, even though it was a simple mistake. I left, she flung it in the trash while screaming.
Similar kinds of things happened in the past - she's kind of a teetotaler so she gets furious at random when people drink.
>tfw working on thanksgiving at shitty retail last year
>only customers are meth addicts and weirdos
>they mope around the store silently
>several of them buy pic related
>made the mistake of telling one to "enjoy the holiday"
>just said "okay" while staring at the ground
feels mostly indifferent with hints of pain and hints of disgust, man
That's hilarious
At least you tried, user
My friend puts about that much ketchup on his hotdogs. He also puts a ton of ketchup on chips, tendies, fries, and pretty much anything else you can make in a microwave. It's always an ungodly amount of ketchup. I think I remember him putting ketchup on his steak once or twice, but I think that was years ago. He offered me a hotdog one time and proceded to cover it as much as in your pic so I had to dump most of it on the plate.
I'm sorry, man. I guess a lot of us here have dysfunctional families but that doesn't really lessen it.
I usually take extra work shifts on holidays; I don't have to deal with family and a coworker who has a functional one gets to be with hers. Everybody wins.
Thanks dude. In all honesty, I could have it worse. I'm hoping this year goes smoothly. We're normally over the argument in a week or so, but that won't bring back the taste or soul of that turkey.
I'd eat the shit out of your sushi, but knock it off with the fucking """crab""", that shit is fucking disgusting and don't be afraid to eat raw fish, """sushi grade""" fish is a meme, google it, the FDA doesn't recognize that as meaning anything and I use raw farm raised salmon in my sushi all the time without shitting blood.
t. Tapeworm Jones
holy shit
you called your digits, subliminally even
>two bottles of wine
>24oz slab of USDA Prime ribeye
At least, this is what I intend to do if I don't manage to meet up with any family within 300 miles of me.
My man
You should have used a period or semicolon in place of a comma.
Is this how fat americans are? Where an entire turkey, 3 family sized sided and 12 scones are considered a meal for 1?
Too bad your mom can't suppress her controlling autistic impulses and just let people have fun. It's a helluva lot easier and comfy to just laugh off drunken holiday foibles, but some people have to push their agendas and ruin the whole shebang for everyone.
i'll probably eat a turkey sandwich, because it's ironic, alone in my house as i grade papers, and maybe later i'll get drunk and slit my wrists
Holy fuck, user. She needs a fucking or a beating, or potentially both. That's late-stage onset of neglected female menopause-induced frustration.
What grade do you teach?
You could have said "poor decisions"
Popeye's is the one that is having Cajun Turkey near me. I don't think my local KFC even has Turkey.
Thanksgiving isn't a God fearing holiday, dumbass.
Poor people are poor because the rich are greedy as shit with their funds. I've been meaning to start giving away some of my money, but I am a total selfish prick who might off themselves during the holidays.
how !?
>maybe later i'll get drunk and slit my wrists
It's less about money and more about people can't cook for shit in recent years.
Boi i hope those are sashimi grade fish or else your gona need some tablets to shit out those worms
Is your farm a cold water fish farm? Cause the reason why you ain getting worms are because they can't survive in the cold waters
Get some raw onion, pickle relish and mustard in there and you get yourself a god tier hotdog
>gibs will solve poverty!
50 years of european history proves that it doesn't work. gibs create gibs hunt mentality and teach people all frivolous expenses can be done safely.
Give 1000$ to a hobo, the first thing they do is buying nike shoes, adidas clothes and the latest iphone. Mercedes as a brand is solely surviving on state and marijuana money.
>Mercedes survivng on state and marijuana money
More info on this?