Objective Fruit

Seriously though, is there literally anything you can legitimately justify changing here?

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Raspberries are boring and pineapple is amazing. Also peaches and nectarines high...but what, white flesh peaches god tier?

Anything with pits should be lowered, particularly pomegranate because it's a pain in the ass to deal with.

I'm glad to see kumquat was, appropriately, omitted.

Agreed with pomegranate, there are ways involving water to deal with them but you need a fucking mixing boil and some time to deal with fresh fruit?

Mangoes are a trend fruit and belong in shit tier. They're worse than pomegranate when it comes to pain in the ass. Pears deserve high tier because they can be eaten raw, cooked, or used as part of a sauce.

Most pitted fruits belong in the highest tier because even the underripe ones are good, and you can eat them down to the center with no seeds. Blueberries are goddamned boring unless you cook down a lot of them; even ripe they are underwhelming.

Pomegranate is shit tier.

Pineapple and strawberry are not real fruits.


id say bananas should be higher due to their versatility but like, i fucking hate plain bananas

I hate seeded oranges. Unseeded are great though.
How have we gone this long with so much gene modification and not been able to get rid of seeds altogether?

jackfruit for high tier taste
does the pain in the ass prep push them to medium tier though

Pineapple and banana should be at least high tier, maybe even god tier, pomegranate should be in medium tier and you put oranges twice. Also where the fuck is the mango in the god tier section you scrub?

>shit tier
unironically a superfood, kiwis are crazy tasty and good for you

>pineapple and kiwi
>shit tier

Please go get yourself an ice water with lemon, come back, and unfuck your post.

Because you need seeds to make more fruit, dipshit.


Then how do we get unseeded oranges and grapes

Get the fuck out of here Vegfag. Nobody has time for your shit.

I partially agree, but I'd definitely put mango higher and I hate watermelon. I'd also put grapefruit higher, but I love grapefruit. Other than that, yeah.

Blueberries, when handpicked from a local blueberry farm, should be top rung. Those little bastards are fucking god tier. Even in the deep south where most fruits are unmercifully atracked by insects, the only predators on those jewels are birds and tortoises.

*and the chart failed to even mention blackberries, which is insane. These thornless I bought 2 of for like $10.00 have spread like weeds and within 2 years this is already what it looks like in my garden.

>hating on grapefruit
OP confirmed for faggot.

This is completely fucking wrong

>God tier
Lemons, limes, cherries, kiwi
>High tier
Red grapes, passion fruit, red apples, strawberries, lychee
>Mid tier
Green apples, bananas, raspberries, blueberries, pineapple
>Low tier
Mango, orange, satsuma, grapefruit, green grapes
>Shit tier
Peaches, nectarines, plums, melons, pears

jackfruit is a real thing?
they give me that to serve to customers as a vegan option and i always thought it was artichoke and some sauce, but with a different name


Literally flip the entire chart

>Watermelon god tier
Stopped there.

>citrus ranking so low
>anything remotely acidic shit tier
>mangos anything but god tier
shit taste

They graft trees user. No common apple variety tree is grown from a seed for example, they are all cuttings/grafted as far as I know.

OP has a child's tastebuds

Missing bilberries, wild strawberries, cloudberries, redcurrant and blackcurrant at the top

but niggas like dem woadamelens, dis why iz god tier dawg

fuck you and your chart, faggot

all fruit is godly. it is not for man to make distinctions

i live in nyc and the haitians sell it literally on my block, at the corner, they do all the prep, still pretty cheap. I like it.

they have an old school dvd player and speaker playing the same computer voiced infomercial about jackfruit health benefits AT ALL TIMES.

Watermelon should not be god tier. The rest are pretty agreeable, except pomegranates - who even eats those?. Lemons don't count as shit tier because you don't eat them whole, its god tier as an addition to a lot of dishes

>Watermelon and cherries in god tier
>That entire shit tier
t. child


All opinions, shit ones at that, which don't count for much in an "Objective Fruit" thread.

You can say "hurr I have shit taste" but that doesn't actually give you a valid leg to stand on in terms of disputing this chart.

Seek help.

What kind of help should I be seeking and for whom?

Your message is very vague.

Fruits are for girls. The only fruit I need is guns.

Grapefruit is the only one that belongs in shit tier.

Orange, pineapple, mango, kiwi and peaches are god tier

I'd make a cause for ruby red grapefruit. Yellow grapefruit can fuck off.

Where do gooseberries fall on that list? Also, there are more than two types of apples.

>that completely wrong shit tier
>watermelon in god tier

Spotted the nigger.

This is the worst thread in a while, but it's clear OP is a master troll.

I've been on Veeky Forums for half a decade kiddo you can't get shit past me

how are bananas and apples not god tier. they are so quick and clean, hard to beat

also watermelon is overrated as fuck.


Life got past you.

how do you eat pomegranate? do you eat the seeds or spit them out?

Where do Tomatoes, Okra, and Jalapenos go on the list?

I wasn't aware members of the nightshade family were 'fruit'. By that horrible definition, we should throw cucumbers and squash in there as well.

worst opinion please stop living

Some of us don't eat nigger food.

Apricots and their evil twin, peaches, can eats bags and bags of dicks.

Fuck you. Kumquats are great. You can eat the skin.

>and you put oranges twice

think again fruitlet

>Mangoes are a trend fruit and belong in shit tier. They're worse than pomegranate when it comes to pain in the ass
I dont even.

Agreed. I hate fruit and love veggies.

This is truth

OP has very childish tastes in fruit

just about everything

Id rate the stone fruits lower
Though I guess Ive had some good peppered peaches, sliced on a baked baguette with ricotta

Any list that does not include Jackfruit in God Tier is shit.

Where's the durian? WHERE IS THE KING OF FRUITS?

some flavors I like better than the actual fruit; am I crazy?

any fruit is at least high tier

>no top tier

I thought you said sea kelp.


Fuck cantaloupe

tangelo in god tier
pink lady/cripps pink apple also in god tier

pawpaw/papaya in worst absolutely disgusting shit tier

You placed the some of the healthiest fruits and tastiest in the shit tier...

See this guy get it wanna be my new best friend

find god, son.


When they're in season they're all god-tier

I would place the banana above godtier, because the banana is the most versatile fruit. Its healthy, sweet, nutritious, full off potassium and its so incredibly simple to eat. You just peel it and eat it, without creating any mess or having to use any knifes or tools. Its the most practical fruit in the world. The kiwi would have to be placed in the god tier list, since it has the best vitamin and mineral profile of all the fruits in the world.

you can eat the pits in pomegranate seeds you dipshit

Mango and pineapple is god tier. Mango is the tastiest fruit out there.


The only presences acceptable in true God Tier are those of tomatoes and figs. Everything else gets lumped below, nothing else matters.

Replace raspberries with blueberries and strawberries with pomegranate and that's a pretty solid list.

I agree with this list most of all.

Are you the Irish Stew guy?

op is trolling

all me all gg :^)

Olives are the god-king of fruit.

Leave and never return.

>red delicious

lets be honest here

is there a more vile apple cultivar?

At least gala is cheap as fuck

None of those fruits in shit tier belong there, especially not pineapple and grapefruit.

gotta be.

don't you have a PTA meeting to attend?



You people could never be more wrong

>kiwi in shit tier
>pineapple in shit tier
>watermelon in god tier
>pear and mango in medium tier and not higher
Dude, you're 8yo. Did your mom help you make this post?

>lemons over limes
Guess how I know you're retarded?

Dude I'm the op and my thread got like 100 replies.

This is the only reply your post will get, loser.

>limes over lemons

really nigger?

Fucking hipsters bro

All "culinary fruits" are shit. Come at me. Know that by "culinary fruit" I mean what is normally considered to be fruit (e.g., not tomato) a.k.a. "fruit except for bullshit technicalities you will try to come up with to stump me."

Aquire Syntex .