>be english peasant
>everyone is eating sticks and chalk as snacks because all food is shit rn
>strike great idea
>dust chalk in flour
>be massive success
>go on to make other confectionary miscarriages such as sweethearts and candy buttons
>die wealthy and happy knowing you scammed a bunch of dumb fucks into happily eating colorful dirt
Be english peasant
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Still better tasting than HFCS in all it's incarnations
Am I some kind of ascended human for liking necco wafers, circus peanuts, and conversation hearts? Theyre fucking good man
The hearts suck ass, but I love necco wafers
New England patrician tier.
Rolls of chocolate NECCO's.
pepto bismal pink ones are so good wish they sold just packs of those
I never liked necco wafers, but I was fond of these. Can't find them since I moved out of New England though
That's right. We can afford nice colourful dirt. Not like those filthy peasants in Haiti.
>enjoys eating dirt
Canada Mints
those seem to be mint flavor though
To be honest, those look aesthetically pleasing. If they were made out of something edible and in more hygienic conditions, I'd eat something that looked like that.
I love chalky sweets. I don't know why so many people don't give them a chance.
because they have teeth
Are circus peanuts chalky? I never had one before they always struck me as being poofy and airy like a Peep.
the white ones are based
I fucking love Necco's fuck you OP
>dust chalk in flour
this is a late 1700s american invention
but you need teeth to eat flavored chalk. it's yankees who are obsessed with gummies and other candies you can eat with just your gums -- perhaps it is the yankees who have the poor dental hygiene???
I like these. The black and brown ones are trash tho.
>Americans complain about chalk when adding calcium carbonate is mandated by law in all mass produced bread
always a laugh when burgers don't understand their own country
enjoy your chalk-bread
how do you think they make white bread white? Dumb ass
You can find jamoncillo in a similar presentation, it's pretty tasty.
yeah. those are bretty gud
>this is the peak of the nigger without white intervention
And they still have the gall to complain. Fucking niggers man
they are perfectly edible. they just aren't nutritious.
even outside haiti, apparently there's this weird compulsion to eat clay that some people get .
I agree. They make them look as good as you can considering what they are.
I wouldn't worry so much about the hygiene, though. I've eaten plenty of carrots straight out of the ground in my life.
I'm english and I don't know what the fuck a necco wafer is
>peanuts as we know them today
i wouldn't call them chalky. but they are surprisingly dense. not peep-like at all
Those chalk candies are exquisite if you hate flavor, texture, and smell of food
>Being this ignorant
Marcellus Gilmore Edson (1849 – 1940) of Montreal, Canada obtained a patent for peanut butter in 1884.[7] Edson's cooled product had "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment" according to his patent application which described a process of milling roasted peanuts until the peanuts reached "a fluid or semi-fluid state". He mixed sugar into the paste to harden its consistency. A businessperson from St. Louis named George Bayle produced and sold peanut butter in the form of a snack food in 1894.[8]
As the US National Peanut Board confirms, "Contrary to popular belief, George Washington Carver did not invent peanut butter."[11] Carver was given credit in popular folklore for many inventions that did not come out of his lab. By the time Carver published his document about peanuts, entitled "How to Grow the Peanut and 105 Ways of Preparing it For Human Consumption" in 1916,[12] many methods of preparation of peanut butter had been developed or patented by various pharmacists, doctors and food scientists working in the US and Canada.[13][14][10] January 24 is National Peanut Butter Day in the United States.[15]
I guess this is what we get when you take the first result on jewgle as the truth.
Contrary to popular belief, George Washington Carver did not invent peanut butter.
Youre education is a lie.
necco wafers are disgusting but circus peanuts and original conversation hearts are patrician
I meant modern peanuts as we know them, not peanut butter. That's why I didn't say peanut butter. I didn't even know people thought he invented peanut butter.
Circus peanuts are actually good. The other ones you listed are shit though
Necco wafers are one of my favorite candies. I used to trade people for them all the time after trick-or-treating.
the pink necco wafers are also mint flavor
Thanks you cu/ck/s you just made me buy a 5 pound bag of them