>thank you so much, for joining me today in this child beating, as we savor the cries and screams of the 18th century
Thank you so much, for joining me today in this child beating, as we savor the cries and screams of the 18th century
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you okay?
Yes, not sure what OP is dribbling about though
He beats his kids.
lmao OP is pretending this wholesome man does horrific things, COMEDY!
No, legit. It was in local news. He's charged with two felony counts for child abuse.
who the fuck is that? should i care for some reason?
why do people lie about this kind of thing
shut the fuck up
Was the story not posted here? We had a thread and it on /pol/ earlier today.
>why do people lie about this kind of thing
le ebin maymays and thinking he deserves it for being le sjw menace
Ah ok thanks
>and here is my black """"""""""""""""friend"""""""""""""" to join me today in cooking 18th SLAVE barbecue
not legit til i get a link, couple quick googles didn't gimmie shit
youtube cooking guy who makes 18th century food.
Veeky Forums probably hates him now because hes gotten popular.
More like le nhilists attempting to meme up anything and everything into a target to abuse because FUCK YOU SYSTEM XD
source or kys. Townsend would never beat his kids, his bull would not allow it
>republicucks are still buttblasted about the orange fool episode
>le anti sjw menace
Since we aren't using a belt the secret is to keep hitting them once they start crying, otherwise they won't learn their lesson
Don't forget to buy my weird clay pot thing used for something no one does anymore...
now if you'll excuse me I have to beat my child and then off while a black gentlemen roots in my wife's garden....
Now more than ever Ja/ck/ is ourguy
Didn't jack also beat his son?
>We had a thread and it on /pol/ earlier today.
/pol/'s had it out for this man ever since they imagined an insult against Orange Cheeto Retard that never actually happened.
Jack's kids are male. You never put your hand on a woman.
>beating your kids because they don't want to get fatter nor eat dirty disgusting slop with food poisoning
Also beating kids results in lower IQ and diminished executive function, just what the "master race" needs.
nice projection there champ, get fucked
Source? Either way that's cool as fuck, I wish my parents would have beaten me so I wouldn't have become a failure.
No thanks, do it yourself, lazy lib
Fairly sure the black dude specializes in being a slave cook when it comes to the whole borderline LARP deal, much like John specializes a fair bit in soldier and trail food. But, hey, let's meme this to death.
no you dont my parents beat me and I still became a failure
source or gtfo
This cunt always put off a creepy vibe tbqh
I don't find.
I do not find that he has the creepy vibe that you suggest.
Are you ESL?
>36 replies
>no source
>people still think its legit
He doesn't show up in google unless talking about his success on youtube.
He's a wholesome nice man. Don't tarnish the good Townsend name.
no one thinks that you mouthbreather
I have a family lake cottage in kosciusko county, IN. Here is the local paper and there is nothing there about shit.
Another faggot trying to bring down wholsome hoosiers and the values they share.
>tfw we only reference him with photos
>tfw all the google images are slowly replaced with links to archived Veeky Forums threads