Would you go vegetarian if meat alternatives were 90% to the taste of meat?
Would you go vegetarian if meat alternatives were 90% to the taste of meat?
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going veg is easymode. you don't even need to have meat alternatives. but going vegan and not having butter and eggs is a no go.
probably not
it's not about the taste for me, since meat-free dishes can be delicious. It's just that whenever I've gone a longer period as a vegetarian, I start feeling weak and lacking energy. Also, I found I had to eat a whole lot more to feel satisfied.
Nope. Many vital nutrients are much more bio-available (more readily absorbed into the body) from animal sources rather than vegetable. I'd rather not short-change my own nutrition by eliminating meat from my diet. The best diet is a low-meat one, not a no-meat one.
Only if they were also 90% the price of regular meat.
I'd probably eat more vegetables but why would I ever go full vegetarian?
Came here to post this.
you dont buy the sustainability and ethical arguments? Seems like vegans are totally correct in those lanes.
No, not even if the taste was identical. Knowing it's just made out of vegetables cheapens the whole experience.
i buy those arguments but going full 100% vegetarian vs. having some chicken, or a hamburger once a week have essentially the same impact and are significantly easier for me.
>Also, I found I had to eat a whole lot more to feel satisfied.
same here. when i was unemployed for a couple months this summer being vege was easy because i had time to make 5 meals a day
Would you eat 10% of a bowl ofpoison tainted candies?
what are you talking about, calorically veges are already less than 90% the price of meat. if that isn't the case you should stop buying from supermarkets and go find a fruit market
the reason is no, and here's the main reason for that which vegetarians don't understand because they seemingly lack a sense of taste
I mostly eat meat for convenience and affordability. However the reason I would never stop isn't because of that
its because the experience of enjoying the highest quality meat, like an aged ribeye.
I'm only actually interested in the top 1% of meat, so If the best alternative is only 90% as good as the trash nobody cares about anyway, then there's no point
How about no, thats retarded. If calories per price mattered Im sure user would eat nothing but flour all day. Im with him, if the option is $11 for a pound of lab grown "ethical" meat vs $3 for a pound of normal hamburger then it isnt even something I would consider. Even wagyu is only $10 a pound for ground chuck off of amazon and thats far better than 90% of lab grown equivalent meats.
Meat is expensive as fuck, dude. Beans and legumes are so much cheaper.
you're totally right, i mis-read OP's post.
I'm talking about meat alternative and general alternative foods. It's an expensive market and all those replacements cost a lot more than plain ol' meat.
I'm aware that there are cheaper diets than meat, but OP was talking about meat alternatives, as in food that tries to simulate meat while being vegetarian.
my main issue is with meat substitutes, don't try to replicate meat with veggies, focus on being damn tasty veggies
I actually prefer it when the "meat" of a vegetarian meal doesn't taste like meat. There's a whole lot of other flavors to explore in protein-rich plants, why bother trying to taste like beef? If I wanted to taste beef I'd eat beef.
>t. omnivore
i will never go vegetarian
Maybe, I'd eat vat-grown meat more likely though. Accidentally got a veggie burger as a kid and liked them since, although I don't get em' often.
To preaching vegetarians and vegans. Go fuck yourselves.
the point of going vegan is not to eat meat, if you want to eat meat, go eat meat
fucking go to a slaughterhouse next time you think any animal ethically was murdered in a peaceful serene setting , fucking thing died squealing in agony screaming and struggling for life
Yeah, commercial slaughterhouses are shit. Have a friend who breeds rabbits so I take a few of those, need to find a chicken guy.
>mfw eating a pulled pork sandwich watching food inc in class
but now that it's dead, it's troubles are now over
I'll lose meat, but fuck all if I'm giving up dairy
If it's got the same taste and texture while still being affordable, sure.
If the meat substitutes I've tried are any indication, however, then we won't be at that point any time soon.
No, I like eating meat.
Is bullshit. Most of the land that cattle graze upon is scrubby shit that can't be used to grow crops without massive irrigation.
Ask the folks living around the Oglala Aquifer how "sustainable" that is. Oh wait, we already know it isn't.
I hope you enjoy switching to the keto diet when your veggie crops all fail due to drought. Mmmmmmmmmmm, roast pork.
Would never give up seafood. Or milk and eggs.
I guess otherwise the problem with going vegetarian is the inconvenience more than anything.
I was at the store just now and saw they had fresh seafood salad sandwiches. I said I would get one on the way out and forgot! you just reminded me fuuuuuuck!!!!
No, because the suffering of the animal that is to be eaten is intrinsic to the consumption of its flesh.
No, the suffering of the animal makes things yummy. It's like eating the heart of a bum who is lost in life when you could eat the heart of an athlete who just lost a very important competition
being a vegeterian is the same as being a gay
When will vegans learn people don't want meat replacement alternatives, they want vegetable meals as delicious and easy to make as meals with meat. No one wants to keep buying fake soy bacon while reminiscing on the real thing. Give me good vegetarian recipes using natural ingredients that are as tasty as meat and I'll give it a go
Falafel my dude.
Unless you're buying from someone you know your produce most likely had something killed to protect it be it rodents,snakes, or birds.
Assuming the vegetarian alternatives were cheaper I would eat far less meat, but I wouldn't give it up altogether.
No. If I'm craving the taste of meat, I can much more easily just eat meat.
I'm tired of seeing vegetarians and vegans put these meat imitation food products on a pedestal because they're "close enough".
Fake meat isn't going to draw in meat eaters because we already have unrestricted access to the real thing, and it's certainly not going to get people to respect your "cause". Make an alternative that tastes good without trying to be something else (and failing to do so).
A good example are bean burgers. They taste and feel absolutely nothing like beef burgers because they don't try to. As a result, they're not some ugly mystery substance full of chemicals and additives. But, they're tasty and substantial enough to be a proper substitute for meat.
I wouldn't mind going full vegan if there were any cheap substitutes for chicken. The only thing I really think I'd be missing about going vegan would be the flavour of roast chicken, as well as chicken soup/stock.
Grilled vegetables and vegetable stock are kind of bland, in comparison to chicken.
>...90% to the taste of meat?
No, 100% match in taste and texture or it's not a good "alternative". I don't eat beans when I want lentils because they're two different foods.
I would go vegetarian if meat alternatives tasted like meat 100% of the time, cost the same as meat, acted like meat in recipes, had the mouthfeel and texture of meat, and the same amount of nutrition as meat. If I was unable to distinguish between meat and meat alternatives on every aspect, I would literally only eat meat whenever a vegetarian faggot complained about people eating meat instead of eating it because it's delicious.
No. It has to look, taste, feel, and smell 100% like meat. Besides I only try to limit myself to chicken breast only. Red meat for when it's an occasion like a family dinner or something.
Absolutely. Read Kellogg and the Brotherhood of Being.
Seitan is cheaper than any meat. It has the texture of chicken and you can flavor it any way you want that imitates a meat dish
Would you fuck a woman if her genitals were 10% penis?
I like meat because it keeps longer than vegetables. Vegetables taste like rotten ass if they're not fresh picked, but meat ages and can actually start to taste better.
You don't count.
1) homemade seitan costs at least $3/lb (a 5lb sack of flour makes a half pound of seitan and costs $1.49 retail). By contrast, bone-in breast is usually $1/lb when on sale and has a lean meat EPW of 65% meaning that it costs $1.54/lb for the meat only.
Many other meats are around that or cheaper, like lean ground pork from Asian markets ($1.19/lb), turkey mince chubs ($1.66/lb on sale), beef brisket ($1.69/lb for a whole brisket; double that for a portion) and whole pork shoulder ($1/lb; a whole shoulder averages around 6lbs and has a 0.7lb bone and 1.13lb of separable fat and skin, so the meat costs $1.44/lb)
2) seitan has a texture more similar to shiitake or king oyster mushroom, IMO. Meaty, but not like meat. If that makes sense.
3) seitan takes about 1 hour to make and another 15 minutes to prepare for cooking. Trimming and deboning a whole breast should take no more than 20 minutes. And once that's done, it's ready to go, no additional work necessary.
Conclusion: economically, texturally and temporally, seitan is not as good a deal as meat.
>b-but storebought seitan!
Where I live, the cheapest seitan I can find is already flavoured with Chinese five spice and sold in a can. It's not as versatile as homemade because it's spiced already and it's not that cheap ($1.99/14oz).
The cheapest plain seitan I can find is some organic bullshit from Pacific Foods. It costs $3.59/12oz.
fuck yes
You too.
i don't see a reason to go vegetarian so no.i prolly wouldn't go full vegetarian even if it were 100% of the taste
I would eat lab-grown meat
>meat replacement
Don't do that
I'd be more inclined to eat VEG options more often if they were drop in substitutes for meats and didn't have a fuck ton of soy in it
if meat alternatives won't give me moobs and they taste like meat and have the exact same nutritional value then sure, why not?
no. I live my life at 100 percent.
I accept nothing less than 100%
no, why would I eat something inferior when meat is so readily available. Maybe is I was a lazy poor fuck I would consider it, but little motivation as a non poor person
has to be taste and also bio available nutrients.
I know eating meat is less beneficial to the planet than sustaining myself on veggies but I don't really care.
Millions of people and thousands of corporations get away with shit that is much more awful than one guy eating meat.
>people don't want meat replacement alternatives
Yes they do. They want those alternatives to taste good, though.
A very small percent of people desire an alternative to meat because meat tastes good and most people like eating meat. Mainly just a super small percentage of privileged white people with arbitrary morals looking for an alternative, a pretty small market though one with plenty of money to waste on frivolous trends
>ethical arguments
Shut the fuck up faggot, it's well known that vegans have no ethics they just pretend to.
I have kept animals, fed and cared for them and eventually slaughtered them on my own. Stop being a fucking pussy.
its texture as much as taste. and protein content. so, no, i will never go vegetarian. unless i actually start feeling THAT bad about eating animals. but chicken, fish: never a problem. maybe mammals one day.
they are. the clitoris is a tiny penis. so yes.
I was a vegetarian for a couple of years for a health issue. Before that, I would never have considered being a vegetarian. It had nothing to do with my feelings toward animals.
The biggest problem with being vegetarian was the reduced choice of items to eat at restaurant.
After two years as a vegetarian because of a health issue, I gradually started eating meat again. Part of the reason for the gradualness was to see if the health issue returned.
One thing that was very noticeable after not eating meat for a couple of years was that some meats didn't taste all that good, especially hamburgers and steaks.
this is really the only way i'd eat animals
I had a hamburger yesterday. it was pretty good
>a pretty small market
A realistic-tasting, competitively-priced burger would disrupt the fast food industry. I don’t know why you want to pretend that’s irrelevant.
>A realistic-tasting, competitively-priced burger would disrupt the fast food industry.
A good tasting and considerably cheaper one may, but very few people are going to buy a similar tasting though clearly inauthentic product at a similar price
Now maybe if you can create a substitute that tastes as good and costs next to nothing, that would be disrupting
Well argumented. I can say nothing except that meat prices are higher here and the only thing I've seen competing with seitan in price is lambs liver sold at the butchers around slaughter season. Even chicken doesn't come close to it and that is basically the rat meat of our times.
Enjoy your low prices. I envy you.
will vegetarians/vegans eat meat when lab-grown meat becomes cheaper than farm-grown?
the whole argument is pretty much an ethical one right?
Yeah why not
china go and stay go
It didn't take very long before I reacquired my taste for hamburgers.
What I missed most in the two years I was vegetarian wasn't hamburgers or steaks. It was mustard. As a vegetarian, about the only thing I had to put mustard on was a bean sandwich.
One of the first things I tried after starting to eat meat again was sausage.
Before I became vegetarian, I preferred ketchup on my hamburgers. After the two years and I started eating meat again, I starting using mustard and have never changed.
I'd rather eat something that was fully confident in its own flavor. Blackbean burger patties are pretty great on their own.
Yeah, would probably be much cheaper.
But meat alternatives are grosser than normal vegetarian food. You're talking like you think you're close to replicating meat when I would rather give up and eat tofu than meat if I couldn't have it. Everytime I see some shit like TOFURKY I'm like oh, good, they took some perfectly good tofu and ruined it. Same thing with rice and soy milk, I would rather just stop drinking milk.
By the time you replicate meat it will just literally be replicated meat like on Star Trek.
When I was a vegetarian for two years for health reasons, I tried some meat replicas. They were pretty shitty.
I quickly learned that if you want to eat well as a vegetarian, the first thing you do is rid yourself on the idea of trying to replicate meat with non-meats.
I don't want to become vegetarian because I hate vegetarians. That's the main thing.
people would just start complaining about how its processed and unnatural and "full of chemicals"
i doubt it, because by the time we figure out how to replicate meat taste and texture, corps will have probably figured out actual mind control chemicals and stuck them in crops, and someone will figure it out, and after a ton of people die, the fda will be modified to account for chemical additives hopefully.
that, or we'll just be livestock and people wont much complain of anything
If the meat alternatives were reasonably priced, sure. They would also need satisfying texture.
Most things at the moment are at least two of retard price, retard taste, retard texture.
Good shit, homes. I'm a farm boy too, sadly, I get attached to cows, pigs and chickens. Made me real sad and stressed when dad killed one or made me kill them.
I can kill rabbits and bunnies just fine, tho. Dunno why. I guess that because they don't get attached to humans.
Yes, but only if meat alternatives were passable in all sensory criteria to make them indistinguishable from meat.
It's gotta look meaty, smell meaty, taste meaty, and chew with the same texture as meat, otherwise it's not good enough...
Doesn't need to be perfect, but it has to be much better than it is now