Would you guys risk it and eat 30 cent oysters without medical insurance?
Would you guys risk it and eat 30 cent oysters without medical insurance?
>30 cent oysters
I wouldn't WITH insurance.
Bake them .
C'mon guys. No fishy smell and it's easy to tell a bad oyster
if you don't know what a bad oyster smells like you shouldn't be eating them.
never had one, don't want my first one to be low quality shellfish
gimmie that restaurant half shell headass
I'm a NEET so I get Medicaid AND coverage under my parents plan despite being thirty because my psychiatrist submits an annual forming claiming disability to insurance due to severe anxiety. I'm not terribly worried, but I did once get really sick from eating an oyster sandwich during the summer so I am superstitious about eating them during summer months.
Yeah I wonder what percent of Veeky Forums is covered by Obamacare.
It's from the same place restaurants get them. In many ways supermarkets have higher standards than most restaurants.
Good shellfish = alive so you just have to make sure your oyster is alive.
>eating oysters in November
november has an 'r' in it.
No way would I ever touch that food poisining waiting to happen. Even if it were the freshest oysters. I was raised that your supposed to eat your food cooked not raw. When I was growing up we never had fish, occasionaly gordons fish sandwhiches and popcorn shrimp but that was the extent of seafood. After growing up and trying seafood for myself like sushi I can say my parents were very right in never eating weird seafood like this.
sorry misspelled gortons
Sure, no problem. I had salmomella from eating sushi quality tuna that was recalled 1 week later so I know it was that. Couldn't get out of bed other than to crawl with frequent breaks to get water, feed the dogs or piss. I figured I was dead but I'd sooner that than give the pirate profiteering medfags a penny. I didn't feel 100% for 2 weeks, but fuck medfags. Until they abide by the hypocratic oath they can rot in hell.
i'm just in Iowa and scared
OP here, check my price sticker. I'm in Indiana. But I eat a lot of seafood in Chicago so I can tell good vs bad.
Chicago isn't near the sea yo.
it's by water...close enough.
Well, 15 hours and I didn't die. Enjoy your 30cent oysters guys, You'll be O.K.
>Wild caught
Lol amerifats are so slow that they have to run and caught oysters.
My friend loves it despite having to get married in a courthouse because he couldn't afford it
Would be higher if they didn't need to actually apply for it...
I suppose I should get ready to be shit on, but whatever.
I would run 50 cent oyster happy hour specials from Monday-Tuesday during Summer. We recieved them pre-shucked and frozen, and yeah we had proper tags. We had Rockefeller on the dinner menu, at $9, so I'd run a happy hour lunch special of baked oysters from 11-4 that would come with a side of our standard spinach-roux blend, 2oz shredded parm, and 2oz bacon bits.
The special stopped once we ran out of the oysters that were pulled on Saturday, but it definitely pulled in a lot of people via the reader board out front. It hovered at like 50% food cost, but my chef loved that it trucked through product.
>...severe anxiety. I'm not terribly worried...
made me laugh