That first sip of the day

>that first sip of the day

End this meme

So orange juice thread?

>that last sip of your life

can someone post this in my thread? thanks


I fucking hate Veeky Forums for bringing their garbage threads here.

Don't worry all the millenialtards who drink this will be dead before trump leaves office

tfw 4 whites for $5.50 AU at the supermarket this week. I think I feel a heart attack coming on.

If you ain’t drinkin’ Gronk, your noggin needs a bonk

It's not a daily sip, since it is sugared, but the best beverage in my life is pic related. Specifically pomegranite acai. idk why but it makes me very pleased to drink

Your parents still regret you.

>tfw chugging down can after can of this shit as a substitute for coffee
Coffee gives me terrible stomach acidity

Try green coffee. It has more caffeine and should be less acidic.

Try killing yourself if you can't function without your stimulant

Every sip could be your last, user.

Cherish that sweet, sweet, caffeinated goodness while you can.

Try blowing me if you can't hear about coffee without having a stroke.

You could just drink water with some lemon juice in you pathetic faggot

I do these sips for best value
Not quite as tasty as Monster or Rockstar sips, but close enough for how much cheaper they are

trying a Korean sip today

(yes I know it's not technically a sip because of calories but there aren't any zero calorie ones here)

you have very feminine fingers

Please be in London

Someone explain why the sugarfree ones hurt my stomach so much

pic related

>fat hand

man energy drinks are fucked up they fry yo braincells or some shit
skip them and just drink coffee guys.

Coffee gives me heardcore heartburn unfortunately, and usually in the morning I prefer something cold and refreshing as opposed to something hot


are you a dumbass? drink water you dumb fuck

I'm blatantly in Korea

I'm blatantly a female

show benis

Yeah, because water has caffeine and sugar in it....

I think you're the dumbass here, Dasani shill


i'm having my first sip in a bit

is she still around?

What's the best sip and why is it purple?



You could have imported the drink

what the fuck is wrong with your fingernails user they look like ufos

how's your cousin doing

please stay in your general so you can be filtered properly

how is pic related not considered a step up from zero ultra? it's superior in every way

I tried cheap sips (30 p a can tier ones if britbong) and I swear they gave me terrible gas while I was drinking them

Switched back to sips and now barely any gas. Anyone else experienced this?

Monster energy drink are using this meme to advertize their product both here, on Twitter, and on other forms of social media. Don't be arrogant, manufacturers know how to use these places to sell you products. It's not just a forced meme, it's a corporate forced meme.

Fuck you degenerates and your poison sugar water that literally has 666 in hebrew written on the can. Stop telling everyone else about it for the sake of attention, (you)s and likes.

Does anyone really like these? They taste like chalk. Might as well just drink water.

>being this new
For me, it's the McChicken.


fellow /sip/pers, if any of you happen to have bought assassins's creed cans, please share the 10-digit code that's stamped onto the bottom part of the tab.

I need those.

forgot pic. cans like these, with black tabs

Fuuuaaark I wish I had some right now

>english teacher obsessed with KPOP or exchange student obsessed with KPOP
>physically retarded fingers
>whats wrong with your fingers
retardation most likely

Real talk why is codeine so expensive

You people are more dedicated than the /sip/ posters. They stay in their thread, so lay off the anger and have a /sip/ of something good to relax yourself.

I had been cutting down on my consumption, and now I drank a whole can at once.
I'm dying.
I wish they made this with like half the caffeine content. It has such a great taste, but you need to really binge in order to keep your caffeine tolerance high enough to not feel your heart seize up after drinking your fill.

One 16oz can has 160mg of caffeine. That's less than one caffeine pill. That's less than two shots of espresso. That's less than an average 8oz Starbucks brew. Calm down.

I'm sweating and I have an awkward, unpleasant feeling in my chest. I also feel restless and anxious.

Caffeine is poison.

>tfw no unpleasant feeling, restlessness and anxiety on a gram+ of caffeine

t. 200lb caffeine addict

nigger, even a sip of water first in the morning is hard to swallow, I don't know how must it feel sipping that ammount of taurine, sweetener, citric acid and carbonic acid
I need that shit in the afternoon, tho.

you're 2x10^3 grams off

I bet you believe in the sugar rush too.

You's right, I weight 200lb and I am not an obese caffeine addict
