> ri-ZOH-toe
>whore-sturr-sheer sawz
Your mum.
>it's an American episode
>being too retarded to understand the concept of a dialect
that's rough, buddy.
>being too retarded to understand comedy
That's rough, Buddy.
What's wrong with fi-lay?
I know a guy who unironically pronounces it like "War chester shy er"
>Oh let me WARSH that for you
>Can you empty the dishWARSHER?
Fuck everyone who says that shit
>Lam-e PEpe
he wants you to say fill-it like the way a bbc fills up his wife
Guy Fieri pronouncing tortillas
It's a regional thing.
Anyone else like how French people say "butter"?
Shut up, fag, my grandma did nothing wrong.
>par-mee-jay-no ree-jay-no
>ramen noodles
I could fi-lay a chicken breast and be left with chicken fillets no?
My dad got hopelessly lost because he kept asking where Warshington street was and no one had heard of it.
>live in virginia
I fucking hate this state
Ive grown up in podunk Missouri and bum fuck egypt Illinois and the only time ive heard it was a few old ladies born and raised local and the rest of their family never said warsh.
aloominum foil
the list goes on and on
its not a french word so its pronounced fillet
yeah paninis is so annoying panini is allready plural its like saying sausageses
Better that Luville
I can't ever say it right. I get looks no matter how hard I try to slur Louis. It sounds like the locals had a stroke that only affects the way they say louisville. Fuck the cardinals and fuck Kentucky
>braye cheese
Just fucking stick to your own language please.
it's just luhvuhl
I would guess English. Americans are pretty quick to abandon English pronunciation of foreign words.