Name better peanut butter
I'll wait (:
Name better peanut butter
I'll wait (:
For me, it's Peter Pan.
natural & chunky, best of both worlds.
Jif is definitely the best for hyper-sweet, processed American peanut butter.
Ju$tin's is good for natural, real peanut butter. I really like his maple almond butter.
The freshly buttered peanuts from my local WinCo. I make it myself just pull the lever and fresh nuts from the hopper ooze out into my container.
Jiffy was better. Then they changed the name to Jif.
Dogshit, because when you eat that, at least you're not lying to yourself.
>partially-hydrogenated oil with sugar and peanut flavoring
I'll pass
I loved Jif when I was a kid but now the only thing that shit is good for is making peanut butter cookies.
Adam's natural peanut butter is way better than Jif.
i used to love peanut butter as a kid but can barely stand it anymore
peanuts in general, really. i think its odd to grow to hate a food as you grow up but kinda like how kids hate vegetables, I just really cant stand peanuts
i got some ooze if you come pull this nut lever bby
I buy this. What is the difference? idk
The best peanut butter is just put peanuts in a food processor.
The amount of non-peanut ingredients
This stuff tastes almost exactly like it. So much so that I buy it now. It is also cheaper by $2.50 where I live.
Costco's peanut butter is pretty lit.
all the store brands are the same, this is just an example. jif is too thick and peter pan is too thin.
Peter pan and if you don't like it you're a bigot
>Try Peter Pan
>It's shit
Trader Joes all their unsalted ones especially the valencia ones
Simply Jif has one less gram of sugar than Natural Jif.
>"Hey I got way too much peanut butter, do you want one?"
step it up senpai
You can do even better than that
I would prefer to be kicked in the teeth than ever eat peanut butter again.
Is this a jar of fucking peanut flavoured olestra?
No, this shit is pure evil. No fat, no calories, weird ingredients. Everything peanut butter should not be.
non-chunky is only good for pushing your erect dick into it slooooooooooooooowly and feeling it all the way down
i like Skippy because you're always rolling the dice with salmonella and a major payout if you survive
Been eating this my whole life
i wouldn't even stick my dick in that shit
any all natural peanut butter is better. yes, its more oily, but without added sugar you get the real peanut flavor. creamy, crunchy, whatever. great on sourdough bread. fuck jif, fuck american mainstream pbutter
I've experienced this brand before. Tried their marshmallow spread.
It's not marshmallowy at all.
My niBBa
Once you go natural, you can't go back to "normal" peanut butter. Jif tastes like peanut flavored frosting to me anymore
But Peter Pan isn’t as good as Jif. Comes close, but not quite.
>Kirkland peanut butter
>Not getting the 80 oz jar of Adams
Do you even Costco, bro?
Teddy is GOAT
another man of patrician taste
Skippy natural. Creamy, low sugar, no HFCS.
Is this cheating?
How did they manage to do this
It's like you people don't even want to taste the peanuts.
you know those machines the use to fill crest toothpaste tubes? they buy a bunch at auction.
Haha yeah it's almost like fat, sugar, and salt taste better than a raw ass peanut you fucking HIPPIE
*hits blunt*
kind of a good idea in theory, but that peanut-butter tastes like paste. I bought some for a camping trip so I didn't have to pack 2 jars. hands down the worst-tasting peanut butter I've ever tasted.
enjoy spilling peanut oil everywhere
You're supposed to stir it down for a while.
I had this once when I was like 8. From what I can recall the peanut butter tasted like shit.
nice jar of Gif you got there
>not making your own