Why do gamers like mountain dew when a superior and more beneficial drink known as coffee exists?
Why do gamers like mountain dew when a superior and more beneficial drink known as coffee exists?
Gamers are wrong about literally everything else. Why should beverage be any different?
Hello, Reddit
Because coffee is only good when you put cream and sugar into it
Why do you drink your caffeine when you can take a pill you retards?
stay retarded, basement dweller.
you must be 18 to post here
who are you quoting tho
cause drinks taste good
>not maximizing your focus with adderall
Fucking poorfags.
I don't care for coffee, usually when I'm playing something I'll either drink water, beer or bourbon.
Who /icedtea/ master race here?
chasing adderall with a shot of espresso
Enjoy your diabetes moron.
>You can take them anywhere
>May need water to get in down, but is not required
>Fits into a pocket
>Doesn't smell like shit
>Won't give you yellow teeth
>Isn't addicting
Is this the chad of Caffeine products?
>People drink raw black coffee to try to look tough
It tastes like shit without milk anyway.
Would drink coffee if I didn't hate the taste. I drink g-fuel 1-2 times a week for a caffeine boost without tolerance.
top tier choices, change bourbon to rye
>Energy drinks
Kill yourself soyboy
Because I can't be a snob and endlessly debate the correct way to eat a pill.
because its the dew. its the drink of gods. also coffee taste like ass and thats why mainly yurpoors drink it.
coffee is disgusting no matter how you drink it
>doesnt know what water is
ok kid
Scientifically, how does coffee snobbery even exist?
Coffee is merely beans, which all are grown in Africa or Latin-American countries. An aficionado doesn't really have any control on whether or not the Bolivian farmer lets his dogs poop near the bean stalks or not.
The importing process to the cold north plays a part but you can't really control how well it's handled there. Those two things mean the most
So snobs are like "haha knave, this obscure Belgian brand is the best ever!" when it's not actually Belgian, really rural African, just sold there
i mix chocolate with my coffee
>being productive
Way to fall for the meme, good goy.
I drink black coffee because I think it tastes shit WITH milk
doesn't coffee just make you twitchy and make it more hard to focus?
i don't think it does the same thing as aderall at all
though to be fair, i don't think aderall really helps normal people so much that it's like a huge disadvantage or whatever, wouldn't surprise me if most of the people that take aderall to be better at games actually need to take it in the first place because they have ADD or ADHD or some shit and can't focus like a normal person
nah you just dont know how to make coffee lol
>that pic
Xtreme Focus Z
>tfw fell for adderall meme
>tfw ended up selling and doing crank one year later
Fuck your speed and fuck you
Yes good. Continue this train of thought and apply it to all things.
You'll learn that humans are delusional as shit.
>to look tough
yeah man I totally wanna look tough when I drink my coffee in the moring
>never butt chugged coffee
>taking caffeine via a beverage is addicting
>taking caffeine neat via a pill somehow isnt
Also coffee is a good excuse to take a break and an easy way to foster friendship, like giving someone a cigarette used to be when everyone smoked.
It's difficult to get into various hard liquors. I found I enjoy four roses so I mostly stick to that.
Children or faggots, this is the questionm
I see it like drinking a beer. The taste isn't great but it works.
>inb4 craft fags
Get fucked you queers.
its fine in small quantities but made me shake while watching porn so i put a stop to amphetamines
You probably have shit coffee where you live, so I kinda understand your point.
>People drink raw black coffee to try to look tough
I like coffee both with and without milk but I'll freely admit to doing exactly this.
The retarded thing is, it sometimes works.
I only do coffee or /sips/, but i should really consider just replacing /sips/ with caffeine pills. I grind my coffee in a hand-grinder then use a french press. Rewarding and comfy. /sips/ are for when I cannot be assed to do that.
Yes, people have different tastes than you. That automatically makes them children and faggots.
Atleast you didn't suck a dick for a shot of meth...right?
Or you can be a normal human being and drink fucking water?
>Doesn't even know proper english
The real question is, are you retarded? Nevermind, I already know.
'Gamers' are walking sacks of disposable income and are very suggestible.
Meth is cheap as fuck.
That's why it's the poor man's drug of choice.
*sips tea*
You need to be 18 to post here, son.
Literally any young adult is like this, not only 'gaymurs'
Sup tumblr
Plenty of people enjoy the taste of beer you tremendous faggot
Green tea
Are the only drinks
No, but I did brutally attack a man with a baseball bat to get some money he owed for some meth i gave him up front
It's an acquired taste. Unless it's piss shit like Bud Light.
It's just preference m8. I drink black first thing in the morning out of addiction to caffeine and laziness, but most old-fashioned coffee recipes include milks or sugar in them
I mean you don't go to an Italian cafe and ask for a milked coffee type with no milk
Switched to only water for a month, heart burn/gerd symptoms gone. If you're having digestive issue. highly recommend, was even able to stop taking meds.
cortado is top tier
>Eight variants for fags who don't like the taste of coffee
not having a morning black coffee and a cigarette before an all day /v/ session
>being a gamer
>not drinking Monster
Pajeet pls
just drink water you faggots
Partician choice
The only time I ever put cream in coffee is if the coffee taste like piss and there's no other caffeine option around, otherwise coffee is superior black. Real dark Americano is top tier
>wake up
>drink a big fat black coffee
>take a big fat black shit
>ready for vidya
Hey /v/
>smoking in 2017
Stop it, you cunt.
You can do both!
>200mg caffeine drink with no sugars and added vitamins/nutrients
>equivalent to an "energy drink" such as a monster
the morning shit after a strong black coffee and/or a cigarette is fucking majestic
because coffee is fucking disgusting, only if you add something like mint / chocolate flavor, it's decent.
I've drank coffee about 5 times in my whole life and I'm 23
>falling for the marketing
I know right. It just flies out of there, no pushing necessary.
there's water in both
>not smoking in 2017
Manmore beverage guide:
>Organic coffee (no chemicals or weirdness added)
>Filtered water, lots
>Protein shakes
>Veggie smoothies with lots of broccoli and kale
>you must be 18 to post here
HOW DARE HE?! Drinking his coffee so much differently than you
Enjoy your teeth, caffeine junkies.
Here's a better solution: get some fucking sleep.
Coffee is a meme drink and caffeine is bad for your heart. Enjoy your cardiac arrest retards.
>not drinking garlic juice
Enjoy your life user, nobody ever gets out alive.
>All these faggots shitting on black coffee
It's an acquired taste you sissies. Might as well take estrogen and wear a cage if you can't handle coffee you gay bois.
Yellow is the natural coloration of teeth enamel. The whiter your teeth are, the weaker they are.
>Filtered water
Do Americans actually have to filter their water? I thought it was only a couple of cities with fucked up water supplies
>get prescribed adderall even though I have a fucking anxiety disorder
>i show up to work literally shaking for a month straight until i get fired
thanks doc, really earned your phd
America is a third world country, I wouldn't drink the tap water there.
Im trying
For the last two weeks ive been smoking old ass pipe tobacco
But last three days have been smoke free
Im drenched in sweat please pray for me
>suffered unacceptable side effects from prescribed medication
>kept taking it
Who's the real dummy here?
Who /nespressomasterrace/ here?
don't be a faggot