My peanuts expired on 11 October but now it is November. What should I do?
My peanuts expired on 11 October but now it is November. What should I do?
Evacuate your house immediatly!
Re-activate them.
Grow up.
Eat them. Peanuts stay good for ages. You'll be able to tell when they actually expire because the oils in them will smell bad. Keeping them in the fridge or freezer will make them last longer.
Take them to walmarts customer service and start screaming about how the peanut industry and walmart deceived you and are trying to poison you by selling products that don't require refrigeration and expire soon. It doesn't matter if you bought them at walmart in the first place, they'll probably 'reimburse' you, then you can buy crunchy peanut butter with the money/gift card.
roast them
what were they 5 years old or sumpin?
Load them into shotgun shells and shoot squirrels with them.
I think I bought them in summertime because I remember I could still walk when I bought them.
I laughed, user
Did you lose your legs in an accident?
I broke my leg but then it got better. I didn't eat many peanuts after that. Now I eat peanuts again and they are expired.
Ok maybe I should not worry then.
Be careful, your leg broke after you ate peanuts last time
Open them.
Tell us if they have a nice hiss.
Expirery date =/= use by date.
Grind them into a powder and add them to a cup of boiling water. Stir well and set aside to cool.
Get a spray bottle, and fill with the peanut water once it's cooled.
Spray one (1) spray on all of your paper money and coins before you spend it.
thats not nice :(
What's wrong with peanut water?
It wards off bad/evil spirits. A sort of manufactured luck when applied to money.
These 2 are trying to keep the luck all for themselves.
Put the peanuts in a taco
Eat them faggot
maik thai shitty peanut sauce
Sell them at a higher value for profit.
You should be safe if you just add enough Coke.
Could give it to children in Africa. One peanut per kid.
Why the fuck is world hunger so "difficult" to solve again?
Get the time machine warmed up
Politics and apathy. The world has been producing a caloric surplus for years.
don't listen to these guys
it will create peanut gas
Because every time you give Africans enough food to survive, they start making more Africans, so eventually the food will be insufficient again.
You never seem to learn, user.
I hate this but it's true.
That's a harsh reality that the world doesn't seem willing to face... but reality is still the only game in town.
>Why the fuck is world hunger so "difficult" to solve again?
Because, for nearly all of human history (and for millions of years before that), one reality has held true - people who are the best fit for their environment fed themselves, their local communities, and their children, thus passing on their genes. People who were less fit were less likely to be able to feed themselves, thus ending their genetic line, and making our species stronger in the process over time. People who were too eager to give away their resources to those who could not benefit the resource producer were quick to find themselves less able to give their own offspring great success, or created dependent communities that helped weaken their own tribe, thus giving them less opportunity to pass on their own genes.
Sharing to benefit humanity is great, but we are genetically programmed not to engage in blind altruism very frequently, so we don't. And although that is sad in some ways, a long-term perspective should show you why that is actually better for humanity. We probably wouldn't be here right now if, as soon as everyone figured out agriculture, they decided to just pass the food out to every other tribe who didn't have enough until everyone was fed. And the problems that come with blind altruism only grow the more we engage in it, as described here Sorry man, nature isn't designed to be a happy fairy tale, and we're not yet at the technological point where we can escape the bounds of natural law.
>Why the fuck is world hunger so "difficult" to solve again?
We are almost at max capacity and resources are never distributed perfectly is why. Borlaug only stalled the shitshow for another 20 years, but you will get to watch it.