On what day would you go, Veeky Forums?
On what day would you go, Veeky Forums?
saturday you fucking retard
Corned beef cabbage is always nice
Tuesday or Saturday.
Does the philly come with a side of Donkey Sauce?
Beef stew or Salisbury steak day
friday. i love fish and french fries
Muh man
Saturday because the rest of the menu sucks
If they have good fish fry, Friday.
Saturday would be my second. Prime rib and stuffed sole is delish.
1. Saturday
2. Wednesday
3. Thursday
Is this an old folk's home?
Thurs Fri or Sat
What is an Italian combo?
Pick 3
Salibury steak? You do know that burgers with gravy already existed before you "invented" this, right?
Yeah but we perfected it.
They were called faggots in the UK
If you're gonna start an argument, learn what faggots are.
Yeah, right. Biscuits and gravy are actually savoury scones with bechamel sauce.
how many faggots have you eaten?
You don't have a clue what you are arguing about, do you?
arguing with a faggot about faggots
So you just hear the word faggot and use it incorrectly and start an argument? Some children need supervision when on the internet.