>he uses the word "mixologist" unironically
He uses the word "mixologist" unironically
imagine this photoshoot. These vapid wretched cunts holding that pose, pretending they're having a conversation the context of which explains the faces they're making.
I fucking hate women.
You sound angry user. It sounds like they heard a funny joke about your tiny dick and no sex life. I'd laugh like that also if it was in refrence to you. :^)
I hope this is ironic. If not, I'm sorry
"mixologist" is still 1000x better than "cocktail geek" which I've heard some people on Veeky Forums suggest, apparently without sarcasm or irony
or you could just call yourself a bartender which has worked fine for generations
So you look all over Veeky Forums for women in stock pictures so that you can bitch at them? Ok.
is that way, young bitter one
>make one comment about one picture
clearly I must have scoured all of Veeky Forums desperately seeking a picture showing women
>calls himself a mixologist
>grumbles if he has to make anything more complicated than liquor+mixer+garnish
This is literally like my fifth time I've seen some kissless virgin bitch about women on generic stock photos through several boards for like the last month, you can't blame me for thinking there's a pattern.
Oh, so you look all over Veeky Forums trying to find any posts you can find saying anything negative about women, so you can try to defend their honour? Very interesting. Get a life, roastie.
Anyone who uses that word should be shot on sight.
My God.
No you stupid fuck, I browse other boards and I find this shit at random
>Hurr Durr vapid wenches
> Fucking retard
>Hurr roastie
sounds like someone spends a bit too much time on Veeky Forums. Get a life, roastie.
>Kissless virgin tells someone else that they spend too much time at Veeky Forums.
Perhaps if someone is complaining about how many posts of a certain type they've seen on Veeky Forums, one potential solution would be for that person to spend less time on Veeky Forums.
I know you roasties are terrible at logical reasoning, so read what I wrote carefully a few times.
you seem upset, fuckboy :^)
This is actually the worst thread I've ever seen.
you've probably been here a grand total of 1 (one) week if this is the worst thread you've ever seen :^)
t. Redditor trying to fit in
i've been here since june 2011 but okay friend whatever helps you sleep at night
>remembering what specific month you came here
I like to imagine you have been counting your days on Veeky Forums by using a sharp object to etch tally marks on your bedroom wall
not too far from the truth
in other news, thread completely derailed
I don't think you understand how a lot of these things work. They usually get real drinks and are told to discuss some awkward or funny topic. 100 photos and 10 second later you get this.
>pojeccts his insecurities asdisdain of women
>calls others projecting
Wew lad
90% of this board can't spell "mixologist"
kek, keep the dream alive user
>goes deep into the armchair psychology
>thinks "Anonymous" is one person
>I'm not the guy you replied to i swear!
Get help
>she calls herself a "Molecular Gastronomist"
>all she does is bake muffins
>not even good muffins
>"cocktail geek"
it's a stupid phrase but it's not outright hipster garbage like "mixologist". it's just two descriptive words. no different from "bicycle geek" or "computer geek"
Well, "bartender" really is fitting for people who actually do it professionally, as it refers to more than making drinks - interacting with the guests may be even more important when it comes to "tending bar".
As for some fags that just make cocktails on their own, it kind of doesn't fit, does it?
Cicerone or beer sommelier is worse although I've never been to a place that had one of those faggots.
>beer sommelier
this one isnt bad, beer is more diverse than wine 2bh and somewhere with a lot of beers could use someone to help unfamiliar clients make the right decision on what to drink that will be to their personal taste
That's what a fucking bartender is for. >What beer should I get.
>What beer do you fucking like?
>Say no more senpai
>What beer should I get.
>What beer do you fucking like?
>I don't know, I only JUST turned 21 and have yet to drink a beer because american law prohibited me from doing so until the clock stuck this fateful midnight some twelve seconds ago
guinness is for plebs btw
Who the fuck has never drank before 21. And at the brewery i worked at that's always what I asked the plebs who didn't know what they wanted then I would offer the most expensive beer that was the same color as the swill they usually drank.
>came summer 2011
>very annoying, uses trite phrases
>Who the fuck has never drank before 21.
you wouldnt want to break the law now, would you? :^)
>""So, user. We heard that you cook. What's the proper way to handle lamb?"
Look at that dirty nigger. Absolutely disgusting
Fresh OC tell me what you think
Faggot tier trash
No, I don't spend too much time in here, it's just that you spend too much time being a kissless virgin, I'm willing to bet this is not the first time you bitch and moan at a stock picture of random women you spastic fuck.
Slather it with sauce
Unironically, i cant say that i dont disagree with the use of the word 'unironically'. Irregardless of what anyone says.
low effort, zero grasp of the concept: 0/10