Does soy protein make you girly like soybean oil? I use this stuff on my rice for flavor but ill stop if it will turn me into the soy boy meme. Also what is a good, cheap sliced bread brand without soybean oil?
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No and please fuck off with this soyboy/feminization meme. It will do fuck all to your body chemistry unless you're taking test. blockers and even then it'd be negligible.
Are you this insecure that you think something as insignificant as dietary soy is going to make you "girly?"
It's about as minute as it can possibly get. You aren't going to suddenly sprout boobs and get a shrunken dick from eating soy - that'll only happen if you take fag supplements.
Oh, and I meant to add a friendly kys for buying a gaming laptop.
If you're worried about becoming girly you're girly already
>t. Soyboy in denial but starting to wake up and getting pissed
>unless you'
Unless you're nothing. It does fuck all. The best argument you people have is going hurr durr insult the person giving real arguments against my bullshit blogspot claim.
Post your gains faggots. I want to see the pasty faced white boys talking shit about me.
no bully pls I just want to know if "soy protein" has Phytoestrogens or what the hell it is. There is a ban on soy bean protein until I figure out what the hell it is
All plants (and yes meat products too because guess what nigger? BIOACCUMULATION) have phytoestrogens you numpty. They aren't actual estrogen. It's like pseudovitamin B. It looks like the vitamin, but it's not actually the vitamin and it doesn't work the same way in the body.
Hey now, I did say "negligible".
Negligable nothing. It does fuck all. This entire argument hinges on
>hurr asians eat soy
>hurr asians are like "naturally androgynous"
>hurr 2+2 I'm so smart!!!
>it's turning the frogs gay!
ok but according to wiki a xenohormone will have hormone like effects hence the name. I'm sure everything has everything but I want to know if it is high in (((it))).
There's a lot of bullshit on both sides; but soy is frequently pushed because it's easily farmed and can be used as oil, sauces, meat substitutes, etc.
I don't eat it mostly because it's overproduced like a particular variety of corn and cavendash bananas. Aside from aged soy sauce of course.
Soy milk contains phytoestrogens which make you grow boobs!
Mammalian estrogen is in cow milk you say? No biggie.
>Also called "dietary estrogens", they are a diverse group of naturally occurring nonsteroidal plant compounds that, because of their structural similarity with estradiol (17-β-estradiol), have the ability to cause estrogenic or/and antiestrogenic effects,[1] by sitting in and blocking receptor sites against estrogen.[2]
"According to wiki" it can have either estrogenic or antiestrogenic effects and any occupation of the estrogen receptor by a phytoestrogen will block its triggering by estrogen.
Which means you're being less feminized by phytoestrogens THEN YOU NATURALLY FEMINIZE YOURSELF.
I know i need a certain amount of estrogen to get my dick hard and keep my bones healthy. I don't need any pseudo bs throwing my hormone balance off.
>I don't need any pseudo bs throwing my hormone balance off.
Then you must stop eating all foods on Earth and resort to an elemental diet. Have fun.
Everything in moderation why is this hard to understand Cohen? I don't need a high concentration of pseudo hormones in all of the most common foods I eat.
>Every piece of logic is the JEEWWS
you're beyond saving. Have fun chasing placebos and getting shilled to pay out Alex Jones lifestyle you retarded cuck.
>The pooled odds ratio (OR) showed a significant influence of the highest phytoestrogens consumption (OR 0.80, 95 % CI 0.70–0.91) and serum concentration (OR 0.83, 95 % CI 0.70–0.99) on the risk of PCa. In stratified analysis, high genistein and daidzein intake and increased serum concentration of enterolactone were associated with a significant reduced risk of PCa. However, no significant associations were observed for isoflavone intake, lignans intake, or serum concentrations of genistein, daidzein, or equol.
I don't know if it is a sign of mental illness but I don't really believe in the jew meme (at least most of me doesn't) but I push it nonetheless to entertain other parts of my mind. Acting like a retard is my favorite pastime but now my true identify is lost
It's not about Asians you retarded faggot
Soy indisputably contains two primary phytoestrogens