>eeew seaweed
Why are wh*tes so repulsed by sea plants but not land plants?
Eeew seaweed
Who? Your underage 3rd grade pals from math class? I've literally never heard of any adult being "repulsed" by seaweed.
>knowingly evading filters
You little bastard.
This. If anything, seaweed is overly popular.
i think it's gross but i'm not repulsed by it. i just don't like how it tastes.
I really dislike seaweed. I'm not sure if it's a taste issue so much as a memory thing, but every time I eat it it reminds me of this time I found a fish washed up on shore and poked it with a stick and it exploded and maggots landed all over my legs.
Seaweed isn't even a plant.
Because it has a tendency to taste like fucking bilgewater, with a generally soggy spinach consistency.
I eat it pretty regularly but I can understand if someone doesn't have an undying love for the dirt water bottom feeders. Same with scum sucker fish.
In my case is not the idea of eating it (I eat grasshoppers, tripe and kraft singles) but the fishy tase of nori is too much for me to enjoy the rest of the dish. I do eat the one on OP's pic, tho
I had these once
They were not very good
isn't it like giant algae or something?
i think even algae are plants
Dulse/dillisk, carrageen, Irish moss, kelp, kombu-royale, sea-lettuce, wakame, all grow in Irish waters and have been eaten here in soups/stews for thousands of years.
>another wypipo thread
back to twitter, shithead!
>hurr wypipo food iz shit
Only diverse food in the world. Niggers and asians literally just invented 390 different ways to eat the same low quality ocean shit scraped from the bottom of your local tranny beach, and chicken.
That is not true, and every racist is wrong about food, weather it's OP or you, you're both fucking retarded
algae is microscopic life that happens to clump up into big blobs iirc
Because you can’t drink sea water so why would you eat plants that grow there?
I'm not racist. Cuck.
Why wouldn't you just eat roasted salted seaweed? It comes in little bags.. like chips. Why would they even make that?
Back to /r/asianmasculinity with you!
That said, seaweed is meh tier food. Not truly horrible but nothing to write home about either.
Seaweed isn't a plant
do you even need to salt seaweed? i mean it's probably already salty af.