What the fuck is with people and the Red Delicious meme if they're anything but delicious?

what the fuck is with people and the Red Delicious meme if they're anything but delicious?

The skin is bitter and the flesh is cloyingly sweet with no scent-taste/aroma to it at all, which makes for a nauseating combination

there are so many other infinitely better apples (fuji and gala for my favorites) to choose from, for the same or lower price

why do people continue to propagate the meme

It's a fruit that has been hyped up by marketing while at the same time possessing only the worst qualities you'd want in a product. Yet people keep on buying it. Such is the power of suggestion.

Here representing the Granny Smith Master Race

granny smith is pretty great too

I forgot to mention the lack of culinary value red delicious have. Since they have no flavor but bitter, they're absolutely useless in baking. Yet, people continue to make disgusting, bland pies with no depth with them.

makes me wonder what they used to taste like before the companies artificially selected them for looks and shipping hardiness rather than flavor

Plant a tree then?

It's not hard

>inb4 apartment pleb

I'll get back to you in 5 years

Pink-Lady is best apple

Excellent post, 100% worth the higher cost

They're good in season, but they also store well so they can be eaten when they're too old.

Best apple, non-balts btfo.

It's called white transparent in english by the way.

I like fuji apples

Why would I eat apples when peaches and plums exist

Why would I eat peaches and plums when pears exist

Apple products are solid, but overpriced.

Why would I eat pears when mangoes exist

But i only like red delicious, am i a tastelet?

Fuck off retard. Not everything is a meme.


Y'all be skatin' on mighty thin ice there.
This here's an apple town, and we don't take none o' that high falutin' hoity toity city nonsense here.
An' if yer gonna be insistin' about makin' trouble about it I'd have to insist you have too many teeth, an me 'n my kin will gladly help y'all adjust that number downwards.
Do I make myself clear, sugarcube?


I like Mutsu, and Stayman is great if refrigerated

If I want to go to a grocery store, and select one of each apple, then go home and take notes and rate each one, are the apples in a grocery store good enough to get a fair example of quality, or should I wait till apple season and go to an orchard?

Fuck u

when i was a kid, o so many years ago, the only red apple was red delicious, in the supermarkets. so thats what everyone ate. a really good red delicious is a good apple, esp. i fyou are a kid. golden delicious were usually too mealy. then granny smith came along, still not very good. now we have real apples, again finally. so red del is an OLD meme, like the rotary phone, its the UR Apple. look it up.

Red delicious is great if it's fresh (beginning of season) and chilled to almost freezing

Otherwise they are trash

fuck off applejack

>Cloyingly sweet

Why not just say disgustingly sweet, or even too sweet? The only time I ever hear or read the word "cloyingly" it's from some nigger describing alcohol or food. It's a dumb word, stop using it, NOBODY is impressed by your "mature" palette. "Humm... this desert has a single gram of sugar, thusly I describe it as CLOYINGLY sweet, I'd much rather it taste of used ash tray myself guffaw guffaw" < this is you, gayboy

Besides that, half the reason red delicious ISN'T delicious is because it isn't sweet, its not nearly sweet enough to be described as cloyingly so. So not only do you talk like a fag, but you're shits all retarded too you fucking queer.

Final point, Fuji and Gala are god tier apples. Anyone who disagrees is wrong.

y u mad tho

muh nigga

Pretty legit too. Def the choice for baking


This and gala are the top-tier apple unless Cosmic Crisps end up the real deal.

>fuji and gala for my favorites

>literally eating acid slime

Honeycrisp or GTFO
Every other variety is trash-tier unless it is fresh off the tree. If you're at the orchard there is room for debate.