What's the best flavor of pop tart?
Pop tarts
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I like raspberry.
The best I have eaten myself were the limited edition Sugar Cookie ones that are available around Christmastime. VERY close second are Cookie Dough. I don't live in the US though and had to buy them on occasions when I was visiting the states.
At home we only have the three standard fruit flavours, strawberry and blueberry and I think cherry. I have maybe seen the regular chocolate frosted ONCE. So I haven't tried the vast majority of Pop Tarts. And I really want to. Yeah they're trashy but I won't pretend I don't like them as a dumb occasional thing.
S'mores, Cookies and Creme, frosted cupcake, vanilla latte, pumpkin spice, brown sugar cinnamon, Chocolate chip, I will never NOT be jealous of America dominating the market when it comes to variety of foods and special flavours.
Frosted Brown Sugar and Cinnamon
next question
the best pop tart flavor is POP TART IS A SANDWICH AND YOU CAN DEAL WITH IT
Best: (all frosted of course)
Brown sugar cinnamon
Hot fudge sundae
one of my favorites is the birthday cake ones, they taste just like those store bought white sheet cakes, compressed into little planks
These are by far the best.
Who Poptart Ice Cream sandwich here?
this isn't up for debate
They all taste of despair
you don't need frosting 'cause the filling is so insanely sweet.
Are you gay?
whats the best way to enjoy a pop tart?
I don't think i've ever actually toasted a poptart in my entire life
only did a few times as a kid
Warm and lightly toasted if you want to fully enjoy it. Very confy
You really should.
Is that any good?
all poptarts are the same. prime depression meals.
no. just no.
cherry is p gud tho
Wasn't pumpkiny enough...
Unironically this.
Yep. In middle school I used to buy those from a vending machine and microwave them into oblivion (since there was no toaster). It would just turn into caramelized sugary mush surrounded by some burned pastry, and being 13 year olds we thought that was the shit.
It's tastey as hell though
Still disappointing.
Wild berry
who the fuck actually eats this sugary shit
My favorite pop tart? Um, none? All are around 400 calories per pack. Why have that when I could have a plate of egg whites?
I know it's boring, but I always enjoyed apple
Cherry. Fuck anyone who thinks otherwise.
You're right. Definitely the worst flavor. Undebatable.
Undisputed champ of poptart flavors right here. Not even a contest. Different leagues.
Heres how u cook them shits
2 in the toaster
get ur knife ready
premove ALL the crust. in the trash. then u just eat the filling warm chrunch yes
>Faggot Opinions: The Post
is there any poptart that isn't some weird sugary shit?
FUUUUUUUUUCKK!!!!! Veeky Forums my toaster is fucking dead DEAD!!! I just bought a new box of poptarts yesterday and I don't get paid for another full week next Friday! I really need to eat these poptarts but I really don't want to eat them raw since that's pretty dangerous. I don't need to be shitting myself too death at work. How do I cook these up? Can I skillet fry them? I have olive oil, can I get them hot enough before the smoke point of the oil is a problem?
Do you own an oven?
>I'm at 9933
>Can I skillet fry them?
Yes. And you don't need oil. Low heat until they are warmed through.
Or use your oven
Or use your microwave
These have really grown on me
One of the Dish Room Friends from my work came into work one day and gave me one and it was cash as fuck
>Brown Sugar Cinnamon
>Chocolate Chip
>Hot Fudge Sundae
I ate one of those and got food poisoning. Same with the brown sugar cinnamon those got me several times. I can only eat the strawberry poptarts
i once bit into a year old A&W poptart, taste more like a popped shart
pop tarts, pop tarts
the favoured food of amerisharts
eat 'em for lunch, eat 'em for dinner
we know why Beetus is the winner
>not nature's path pomegranate and cherry pop tart.
I've never seen pop tarts here
t. Indonesian
Takes me back to when I was bulimic and I ate like 3 of these a day
Good times
>all of these retarded cinnamon fags
Cherry, or blueberry.
I used to like smores as a kid, but it's too fucking sweet for me now
the purple ones with the blue squiggle. havent had one in almost ten years so i dont even know if they make them anymore.
Wild Berry
Those are so good
Smores if toasted but they get old fast. Choco chip and brown sugar a best
Do you have a deep fryer?