Arrrgghh! I'm going nuts.
Every fucking day there's a few maggots on one shelf in my kitchen cabinet. It's been going on for two weeks or so. At first it was beetles, I'm thinking flour beetles perhaps. But now it's always maggots. And they seem to be increasing in number. At first I threw away a package of rice. They kept coming. Yesterday I threw out everything on that shelf except a salt shaker, a pepper grinder, a bottle of vitamin pills and a jar of Nescafé. And yet this morning there were 5 fucking maggots on the shelf. What do?
Arrrgghh! I'm going nuts
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Kill yourself
Have you considered possibility they are in the wood that your cabinet is made of?
Which would make them termites, which is quite plausible.
Yeah I've been thinking about that. I hope that's not the case because then I'll have to get the landlord involved.
Set up a camera and watch where they come from. Also post the video for us after.
I realize that sounds a little retarded, what I meant is that juvenile termites somewhat resemble maggots
soak all your food in bleach
They are very small. Seems very complicated to do. I'd also have to buy a good camera which is fucking expensive.
It's weird because during this same time I've had itching in my butthole. I've taken pills for it because I thought it might be worms. Never saw any worms in my poo or anything though. I asked about this on here before, or maybe it was on /adv/, and one guy said there was no connection between the maggots in my kitchen cabinet and the itching in my butthole. But it's so weird that it seems to be the same time period that those things happened.
Fuck, I killed the maggots and wiped the shelf like one hour ago and already there was a new one. It seems to be escalating.
Try looking up
When you think about it, this is a pretty good idea for a horror movie.
Then just watch the shelf for an hour and see where they're coming from.
Also post pictures whilst you wait so we can identify them for you.
And yet another one appeared. I took out everything on the shelf. There's not one thing now.
Do you see where are they coming from? How have you still not seen? Negro, just sit still and watch.
Do they look like pic related?
This happened to me once, and also flies. Fat, heavy flies that made a thud when they'd crash into my computer monitor, windows, etc.
I tore my place apart, over and over again, and found nothing.
Finally I found it. A mouse had crawled under my sofa and wedged itself behind a cushion and died there. Hundreds of dried maggots and dozens of live ones. I threw out the sofa and bleached everything in the vicinity, but it took a while before I caught all the flies.
This is why I laugh when people complain about how glue traps are "cruel". Fuck mice, the more they suffer the better.
no, more like pic related
>soak all your food in bleach
>bleached everything in the vicinity
What is bleach and how does this work?
Remove stuff from your cabinets one by one. Check each item. Clean the cabinets. Look for holes inside, around, underneath, above, everywhere on your cabinets. There's probably something dead in there.
This. Maybe a mouse died in a place you wouldn't notice or something.
Soaking food in bleach is a no-no, of course.
>There's probably something dead in there.
I don't know where there would be anything dead. Not really room for anything I think. Also that pic is of a flour beetle maggot.
They're coming from somewhere so you need to check everything one by one.
Just get started already.
As I said I threw out everything on the shelf.
What about the other shelves?
don't see any maggots there
First lie of the thread spotted.
>Yesterday I threw out everything on that shelf except a salt shaker, a pepper grinder, a bottle of vitamin pills and a jar of Nescafé
You left several items on the shelf. What else are you FUCKING lying about, huh coward?
Well start checking those items anyway.
I said it here:
The nescafé and pepper grinder are on the countertop now. Gonna empty the Nescafé. A fucking waste of money but what can I do.
Empty shelf
Blast with bug spray
Let empty shelf air out for a day
Restock shelf with new items
Store everything you open in glass jars
I've been there, the only option is a hard reset
Why not check things before chucking them? Stop wasting food.
I've checked everything. The only item I found anything in was an unopened package of rice. There was one adult flour beetle in it, alive. But I threw that package away like two days ago or something and the maggots keep appearing.
From the shelf cracks?
Yeah, like we discussed earlier in the thread, it is possible. FML if that's the case though, gonna have to call the landlord then.
I had termites a few years back and they look more like ants rather than maggots. It was pretty fucking gross. The juveniles have wings which they shed. There was a giant pile of wings under the couch.
Adult termites look like ants, yes. That doesn't speak for the larvae though.
>>juveniles have wings
No. It's only the elates--adults capable of mating, such as drones and new queens--that have wings. After mating the dones die and the queens lose their wings. Normal termites do not have wings.
Then they were drones. Whatever.
All in one place? Unlikely.
I think you had a spider living in your couch, and you found its trash pile. Ever noticed the pile of inedible insect bits underneath a spider's hangout?
Mostly concentrated in one room; in the living room, along where the floor meets the wall. The floors were hardwood. The couch was against the wall so they were probably attracted to the darkness. There were a few live ones out and about and the trail led me to look under the couch. It was definitely a termite infestation.
I've been getting fruit flies every once in awhile in my office/desk.
I haven't had food in here for weeks and I don't have a trash can.
It's pissing me off
You ever stop to think that maybe the larvae got into the Red Bull?
Maybe they're coming from a co-worker's place?
Sorry I meant my home """office""" since I'm a NEET
Take everything out of cabinet, place in ziplocs and store in freezer and bomb the fuck out of the cabinet.
You gotta nuke your kitchen, bro.
Empty the shelf
Put the flours pasta rice etc in the freezer to kill them