Yeah.. I think I'll take my flyover food instead.... thanks
guys he made a thread about it
it's very funny still
very epic
i like this post a lot, what subreddit did you get this from could you /r/link me it bro?
I’m positive that place is great.
I don't understand. Does the food have AIDS in it?
I feel like this is just a media ploy to get people come into an otherwise mediocre restaurant.
There are already chefs and linecooks with STDs abound, but none of them ever make a big deal of it cause it's nobody else's business to begin with.
Maybe they should create a restaurant that's run by children with cancer. What should be the name of a restaurant where dishes are made by little kids with cancer?
No, that would be insane. But some people think you can get HIV just from touching a person who has it, so idiots gonna idiot.
even if it did, AIDS can’t survive your stomach enzymes.
>HIV+ restaurant
>it closes down a month later because all the workers end up dying from aids.
Thanks for the info just booked a party of 4 for Mrs Inteacels
The fact that you cut yourself a lot in a kitchen makes me wanna stay away from this place as far as i can.
Dont wanna HIV+ fluids all over ma meal
It's just so weird that they call it an "HIV+ restaurant." As if AIDS has its own cuisine.
They can get in through tiny cuts in your mouth, that's how Anderson Coopers bf got it: drinking semen.
OK then go eat there and shut the fuck up. Let everyone else be ignorant. You be the enlightened genius eating at the AIDS diner. We are all fine with you doing that. Have fun. Hope the chef's knifework is on point ;)
I don't think the workers cum in the food
Of course they do. They're mentally ill faggots.
What do you guys wanna eat this Friday? Italian, Mexican, Chinese, Indian, or HIV+?
If that doesn't happen will you admit that you're wrong?
That's true, but blood is already taken very seriously in a normal kitchen because there are all sorts of bloodborne illnesses, and a lot of cooks have them because STDs including HIV are epidemic in prisons. Since I've never heard of anyone contracting HIV from merely eating in a restaurant before (despite the fact that some cooks surely have HIV), it's probably possible to keep it safe with normal sanitation procedures. HIV can't really survive outside the body and simple bleach will stop it in its tracks.
Yeah, it doesn't make any sense from a culinary perspective. Obviously this is meant to be an "activist" message about "fighting the stigma around HIV+ people." It even says that right in the image.
It's in Canada so I won't be going there. I probably wouldn't like the food anyway since it's obviously just a "social activism" stunt more than a culinary endeavor. If you're so ignorant, why don't you shut the fuck up?
>If you're so ignorant, why don't you shut the fuck up
Holy shit, fucking great argument dude wtf feed my some HIV right now
Wow my dude, you have truly blown me the fuck out with your insurmountable logic. WTF I hate HIV now.
If even a single person got HIV from eating in a fucking restaurant, it would be shut down so fucking fast it's not even funny. To be honest they would not even be allowed to open unless they can show there is not a risk of that.
It's a stupid gimmick that is designed to rile people up and spark "controversy," so nice job giving them exactly what they want.
Coastie faggots virtue signal and end up dead of aids sounds good to me
It is "virtue signaling" but no one will get AIDS from this. If you genuinely believe that you are hiding your head in the sand.
I hate that show so god damned much
If I was in the area I'd check it out because I assume their hygiene will be head and shoulders above the average.
Delivery in 30 minutes or they're dead
Food + free AIDS
You'll probably just get hepatitis or herpes from the toilets.
They bleed good hygiene. Their cooking is their passion: their blood, sweat, and tears.
this really sounds like an idea Nathan Fielder would create
>I feel like this is just a media ploy to get people come into an otherwise mediocre restaurant.
>There are already chefs and linecooks with STDs abound, but none of them ever make a big deal of it cause it's nobody else's business to begin with.
Exactly, this guy gets it.
I hope the place fails and they die from their GRIDS as soon as possible.
Shit, maybe it is.
>chef quits
>have to search gay bars to find a replacement
Some of you guys are irredeemably fucking retarded. You cannot get AIDS this way. I'm not even shilling, you guys are just stupid as hell. There are more diseases that can actually be spread in the kitchen, better not go to any restaurant ever
That's why someone keeps posting this over and over again. He knows that retarded people will come out in droves to make retarded comments, and that the rest of us will be annoyed enough to correct them. It's the perfect bait.
It is a shame AIDS doesn't cause more outwardly visible symptoms so we can just ship them all off to a leper type colony. Or just gas them.
Say they dont keep up to health codes and what not. It would make the best episode of Kitchen Nightmares ever
You would be more confident and not care if you truly believed the shit you spew about aids. Its perfectly normal to be repulsed by aids. Go catch it if you love it so much and stop being a hypocrite
>"If you love it so much why don't you marry it!"
You're just as retarded as this restaurant idea.
AIDSburger in paradise
I don't understand what your problem is mate. I'm repulsed by cancer too, but I don't go around making up lies about it just to prove I don't have it. I am not a hypocrite for knowing that you can't get AIDS from eating in a restaurant. You are a hypocrite for saying that you wouldn't eat there because it is unsafe when what you really mean is that you wouldn't eat there because you are personally too squeamish.
Why are you so mad that people don't want to be near a disease
Let me repeat because you're a bit slow.
YOU'RE just as RETARDED as this RESTAURANT idea.
Hiv weakens the immune system, meaning the chefs are far more likely to be sick and carry illnesses. Also hiv blood makes any accident hundreds of times worse. Yeah, no one is going to get aids just from eating there, but it's still a stupid concept and rightfully feared
Do you know the definition of hypocrite lol? You sure are getting mad for someone who doesn't actively like aids...