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What's on the menu this week lads? For me it's vodka, the breakfast of champions.
Naltrexone for me. Hopefully Another week or more without booze. Did pretty good this weekend. Between Thursday to Sunday night I had about 30 beers total. No wd's this time. Thank fuck.
Spent the weekend drinking cheap sake. 750 ml 15% is about OK. Back to vodka tomorrow if I can get to the store. Otherwise, I'll be grateful for the taper.
Fuck a taper. You have Thanksgiving coming up. You wouldn't want your family to think you're an alcoholic, would you?
88s to you, too.
"Family." That's rich. The only family I have is ghosts. They'll be here no matter what I do.
who else here /unshakeablesenseofregret/ about having turned to the bottle too early in time? it fucking eats at me. i would do damn near anything to go back to that juncture where i took the path of alcoholism, to complete my degree in fewer than 7 years, to give my brain half a chance to finish developing, to actually enjoy the most testosterone-ripe years of my life.
anyways, i'm two days away from two weeks sober. this is when i cracked last time. i think i can make it at least a month.
I'm rooting for you user. What made you fall off the wagon last time?
Is it possible for me to taper off with less than half a mickey of 44.9% vodka?
Please hurry. The stores close soon.
Please God hurry.
Horey crap I am going to do SO MUCH sex up my soulmate alleydrinker. So blatantly a millionaire, 10/10 tayswiz lookalike. Life is so awesome, this is foolproof.
Why not just off yourself for being such a mindless peace of human shit?
i actually only had two or three drinks the the last time. it sounds pussy as fuck, but an old boss of mine called/left me a message out of the blue asking me how i've been, what i've been up to the past couple of years, mentioned a potential internship opportunity... i have pretty severe anxiety (shocking, i know), and in addition to not having shit to show for myself over the past two years besides an impressive resume of alcoholism, the guy is pretty "intense" himself. i decided i'd have a few drinks to take the edge off. humorously, he didn't even pick up after i downed them.
how many drinks are you averaging a day?
>mindless peace of
I might actually die. I love you guys.
You know that's a fucking no. If you have to ask it's probably barely enough to keep the DTs away.
the saga continues
I think lots of people die tbqh.
I’m not even scared of it any more. Going to snuff myself when the suffering becomes too intense. I see zero reason in continuing to live just for the sake of it. I’ve spent enough time on detox wards to know how pointlessly horrific the al/ck/ death is.
You'll be fine. It's a disappointment to fall off for something like that but you've already done nearly two weeks so you know you can do it again.
At least suicide by cop bruv. I'm sure they dont have alkyhol in hell.
Oh I’m already in hell, there’s plenty of booze here.
Cops are too cruel to kill me. I act like a proper cunt when blacked out and messed up on multiple substances. E.g. while I still can’t fathom why, a few months ago a cop drove near me, and I stood in front of his car. When he stopped to avoid running me over I jumped on the bonnet and started to unzip ready to piss on the windscreen. Stunningly, he wasn’t happy with it. I had to run like hell while throwing tins at him, then jump like 20 feet off a bridge to escape. Absolutely retarded. Minutes later I stumbled down the same street trying to start a fight with everyone/anyone. Took a swing at some huge dude, missed, he strangled me to the floor and the same copper came tearing around the corner. Cuffed and chucked in the back, spent 17 hours throwing up and withdrawing in a cell with some fucking psychopath who spent the entire 17hrs screaming and kicking the door. Got charged with common assault. Fifth time I’d been in nick that week. Now even junkies avoid me.
Wish I owned a shotgun/bomb, it’d be so easy.
I can't do that. I'm going to see my fiance in a week and I fucked up. Yes I know I'm scum.
So happy for you. I just hope I can limp to the bus stop tomorrow.
I know we hate ourselves, but group dancing? youtu.be
I wish I was a normie.
I can barely make it downstairs, but hey, I feel his pain.
Don't be too hard on yourself. You just sound like typical bogan. Sure you're all a bit daft but sound as long as you stay off the meth.
Yeah I'm probably going to die. I just want to enoy something. Sorry.
I don't mind that, but he is young and complaining about things that really don't affect him. I'm sure his "sore feet" are just a minor temporary thing. Not like they really make him into a cripple. It's just something to sing about.
user I just like the group dancing.
Whoopee. By all means, don't mind me.
It's okay. I get it.
I'm a bitter shit. That kind of joyous celebratory crap helped make me one.
“The thing about alcohol is that once it’s taken everything, it’ll come back for you”
I have to defrost my fridge and freeze with Christmas upcoming. When all the cold beers are done I'll start.
What a pain in the fucking ass this fridge is. I guess I can't complain since I got it for free but defrosting is such a huge pain in the ass.
>tfw drunk on 2 pints of beer
being 5'3 and deliberately lowering my tolerance has been a blessing to my wallet
Do you remember doing all that?
It's winter soon, the window sill is cold enough to keep your beers and food.
Don’t remember a damn thing, but the whole town knows me, word gets around.
Australian. It was 33 degrees (91.4 fagenheit) today. Summer is a little over two weeks away.
Id move. Fuck that. I loathe hot weather.
I enjoy both sunny days so Australia is fine for me. I do like those cold winters you get in the Northern hemisphere though. Been to Japan and Cucknada in winter and both were lovely.
I’m in England and I despise the heat here. It’s normally mild, so absolutely nobody has aircon. As such when heat does hit, I want to destroy nations. Cool weather is delicious. Going CT during a heatwave may well end me.
Frozen af rn tho ;_; fapping for warmth
I have a can of jack and coke thats been sitting open for about 14 hours, will it be alright to drink?
Just drink it you poof.
Yes, unless flies or dust or mould is visibly floating on the surface.
Why does your boyfriend put up with you?
>Have been putting off washing up for days
>17 glasses and mugs, 8 plates, 2 bowls
Why am I such a lazy fuck? It will take 20 minutes max but I can't bring my lazy ass to actually wash up
drank so much last night that I blacked out. there's a pile of vomit on my floor that I stepped in when I woke up.
Why does rap music age so poorly?
Things that were never good tend to age poorly. No one ever starts liking rap older than a teenager. You like it because it's constantly shoved down the throat and marketed towards that demographic. As an adult with fully formed opinions and tastes you come back to it and realise there's nothing good about it.
I'm feeling it
You don't seem biased at all. Tell me, what's some of your favorite music?
Fuck, Lots of stuff. Springsteen, Smiths, Bowie, Beatles, Michael Jackson, Cure, Nirvana, Radiohead, Killers, Doors, Tool, Madonna, White Stripes, Creedence off the top of my head. I don't listen to a lot of new music.
I listened to a lot of rap in my teens but now it seems like shit. Public Enemy, Kanye, Eminem, Cypress Hill and Tupac still okay but for the most part I won't go out of my way to listen to it anymore. Even it comes up on shuffle I might skip.
So you have some of the most basic music tastes in the world and you're discrediting an entire genre of music?
Not the guy you're arguing with, but why on earth would having "basic" tastes (or not) have anything to do with whether or not it's acceptable to discredit an entire genre? Is it magically acceptable to discredit rap (or whatever else) if someone has extremely eclectic tastes?
alright friendos, the time has come once again.
time for a break. hopefully i can manage at least a month this time...
cheers me, soberanon, when you take your sweet sips of that devil's necture
Yes. So?
I would be much more accepting of one's opinion if it's shown they have a knowledge of the subject they're talking about.
For instance, if someone said that their favorite foods were chicken tenders and French fries and then they told me that all vegetables were bad because they didn't like broccoli, I'd think they were not worth listening to, much like the guy who only listens to dadrock and popular 90s music and then says an entire genre is bad.
To be honest I just got triggered and this ain't /mu/, thank you for your time.
Fucking faggot.
school in two hours. hungover as hell. vomit all over my apartment. now I remember why I don't drink
Is there any point in going to the bar alone if you can just drink on your own?
I had sex with a milf once
Nope, it's way cheaper and you can put on whatever entertainment you want.
>alarm set for 5am
>wake, alarm still going, 3pm
>Sleeping through 10 hours of the alarm beeping How fucking long did you sleep total? Are you a bear?
was she an actual "milf" or just old and haggard?
the latter
She’s so beautiful and perfect in her wedding dress. I can’t stand it, when will the pain end
Have to read with one eye closed, one word at a time. Going blind, mang. Shit is really becoming a challenge.
I don't go to the bar to drink I go for atmosphere. Drink before hand so I'm already buzzed, only pay for 1- drinks at the bar, key is drink em slowly.
The places I go usually have live music or friendly crowds. I people watch mostly, sometimes try to strike a conversation, if I see some girls checking me out ill walk over and promptly spill some spaghetti.
If you need more I bring a flask and ask for a cup of water n either just take shots out back or in the bank. I walk or Uber home.
It all depends on how your body reacts to one unit of alcohol. when I taper, generally I go for one unit of alcohol per hour, then per hour and half, then 3 hours, then 5 hours, etc. As long as the sweats are stopped I know im going slow enough.
You need to get off the booze and on the shrooms laddie
Why shrooms? Really don’t like them... swore I’d never take psilocybin again after blacking out on 1 ounce 12 grams of Atlantis sclerotia. I’m totally out of control on that stuff.
They’re finding hopeful results on psilocybin and neurogenesis in clinical settings.
Didn’t know that, but fuck man, still not sure I’d take them, they’re too chaotic.
Shoenice is live-streaming on YouTube right now. God he looks old. Guess downing spirits every day isn’t good for you.
eating weird mushrooms you bought off the darknet in your mother's basement doesn't count as a clinical setting.
They were from wholecelium.com, cbf to pick libs. They didn’t help me at all though the 50 or so times I took them.
Incidentally, neither did dimethyltriptamine. Fucking great fun, but still nothing profound.
LSD on the other hand, that stopped me from craving booze for three solid days.
I don’t think psychedelics are a solution at all desu, I don’t imagine that having a shrink handy would have helped.
it is even more retarded to disregard hip hop if you have eclectic tastes, but being a basic bitch and pretending you know shit about hip hop is embarassing. You can say exactly the same about rock and pop, you've been forcefully spoonfed it from birth and that's why you liked it.
You sound 14. Why is your post so loaded with spite? Fucking hell. Is nowhere on Veeky Forums safe from ranting brats?
>is there a point in trying to get laid
idk man only you can decide that for yourself
>after blacking out on 1 ounce 12 grams of Atlantis sclerotia
you're supposed to start with low doses and build up so you dont have god awful off-putting experiences the first time
Yeah I did. I only took 40g because I had a 3 day tolerance. Generally psilocybin is self-limiting, it simply wont work 2 days in a row. So I took 40g at once, and very soon thereafter blacked out hard. There were a thousand differ voices in my head and I didn’t know which was mine, then I regained consciousness some hours later.
>completely abuses and disrespects an incredibly potent psychadelic
>i dont like shrooms
I didn’t get anything out of small doses, so over the course of 1/4 century as a psychonaut, yeah I’ve had some intense experiences.
Why are you trying so hard to be inflammatory?
It’s “psychedelic”, btw. Please shoo before you irritate me, you clearly don’t know much about drugs.
You don't take them for the trip, you take them because they potentially revert brain damage.
>who else here /unshakeablesenseofregret/ about having turned to the bottle too early in time? it fucking eats at me. i would do damn near anything to go back to that juncture where i took the path of alcoholism, to complete my degree in fewer than 7 years, to give my brain half a chance to finish developing, to actually enjoy the most testosterone-ripe years of my life.
m8 r u me
Do you guys find yourself drinking more on the weekends or the weekdays?
Nah. If I’m conscious I’m drinking.
I'm usually too exhausted from weekday drinking to drink even more heavily on the weekends.
>Is there a point in public spaghetti spilling?
Isn't 40g really a lot for shrooms? Did you confuse dry/fresh shrooms or something?
if you want to get any pussy at all you're gonna have to nut up and be willing to spill some spaghetti
5g in Amsterdam is a “small” dose, 10 “average”, 20+ Is loony-tier. I only took so much because shrooms generally won’t work 2 days in a row. Would not repeat or recommend.
>We're all gonna make it
Who else here spleen area pains?
>puts up hand
Yeah was shown to be inflamed some years ago. MRI team said it should sort itself out it I stop drinking. Was maybe 3 yrs ago though and still drunk.
*ultrasound I mean.
Guys I can’t take the heartburn. Omfg I will never buy that frosty jacks filth again. It’s all I’ve got atm and it’s pure acid. Having to drink acid when you have ferocious heartburn already, ooft.
Stopped drinking beer after 15 years. It's good - lost a lot of weight.... but I started to drink vodka... help.