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it's gonna be the same in just about any other developed country
>And surprisingly, young people (18-24-year-olds) are the worst offenders
how is that surprising
daily reminder british cuisine is better than yuropoor and amerifat cuisine.
daily reminder best restaurant in the world is in uk
daily reminder based on land mass, uk has most michelin stars
who gives a shit, why do you people worship restaurants where rich cocksuckers who hate you eat
Nice spacing.
triggered limey spotted
triggered cummy biscuit eaters
>t. soggy biscuit world champion
Do Yuropoors really eat this?
it's a mix between a drunk food and lazy comfort food.
typically, if you go to a kebab or chip shop, they'll throw in a couple of buttered rolls if you're not a total ass to the guy at the counter.
whereas you can make it a lazy comfort food with crispy chips.
you know sometimes i hate my fellow southerners for shit like this, but at least i ain't a yank like you.
food "Waste" isn't real
food is produced in a surplus, theres more than enough for everybody.
The only reason people are without food is because transportation isn't effective enough to get it to everyone
so theres no such thing as "Wasting" it isn't going to waste when it would have ended up as garbage either way
imagine being this retarded
Anyone else eat a chip buddy with tuna?
He is right and you have no argument
well good for you, i'm not a yank either you fucking retard.
If you're not going to eat it, don't buy it.
If you're going to take several months to eat it over time, get it frozen.
Wasted food is wasted food regardless of whether it’s surplus to requirements or not you dingus. I’m not gonna get into the whole distribution issue but it doesn’t just magically let you off the hook for being an irresponsible consumer.
This reminded me when i often ate peanutbutter with doritos paprika sandwich.
Shit was actually really good