"I don't eat onions."
Food-related things that people say that sends you into murderous rage
Other urls found in this thread:
>”Durian tastes bad :^(“
Truly the pleb filter of fruit.
>...then I mixed Spinach, Salami and Strawberry jam and heated it to see what happens...
I'm most turned off by judgmental nerds like OP
Who cares
Is it okay if I just don't like raw onions?
>"It's not too spicy is it?"
I'm fine if people have food preferences, if they don't like mushrooms/onions/whatever. The only thing I hate is if they refuse to try new foods or never try the things they dislike again. I know a few people who didn't like onions when they were a kid and haven't tried them again for years.
"I hate mayo" eats thousand island dressing.
I've never heard anything that sends me into a murderous rage.
"I can't even boil water."
>"I don't eat onions. I have severe fructose intolerance."
I'm going to kill that bitch
Oh I fucking hate this. It takes a special kind of retard to not be able to follow the simple instructions in a recipe. Everybody can cook to some degree.
>I don't eat sea food.
One of the most diverse and general grouping one can choose to rule out of eating in its entirety. The only common connection being that they can't eat anything that lived in water originally.
"I hate cooking.", "I can't cook."
>has never cooked
No, onions are always good and disliking them in any form makes you a pleb.
I had a realization a few years back when I was in a culinary event/restaurant showcase and I had an objection to eating pico de Gallo with silk worms sand assorted bugs not because of the bugs but because of the raw onions in it. I realized the absurdity and it was actually quite delicious.
I hate adults that don't like veg. I hate people that try exotic food and proceed to trash talk it and compare it to their favourite dish of their local cuisines, just experience the shit for what it is.
>your subjective and personal tastes are inferior to mine
Shit meme
>Rare please. Thank you, m'lady.
>No ketchup for me, and a fine day to you ma'am.
this post
>literally everything is completely subjective and therefore there is no way of telling if something is good or bad food cross-culturaly
Shit meme
>it's not authentic, therefore it's bad
>water's fine, thanks
>I could afford soda, but my decision to buy water is not dictated by price but rather a personal preference
>"What would you recommend for a vegan?"
>"The length isn't great but I'm told the girth is somewhat decent."
Pretty much yeah. "Good food" is food that the individual enjoys eating. That's literally it. If you disagree, you're just being pretentious.
There's a neggress in India that eats sand, faggot. There's a point when your opinion is objectively shit. "Everyone's opinion is equal even mine, the retard that eats fresh shit from my own asshole." Fuck right off.
>Aren't you gonna use ketchup?
Try harder user, cmon now.
>"Good food" is food that the individual enjoys eating
More power to them. They wanna eat what they wanna eat, why do you give a shit. To them, that IS good food. Looks fucking disgusting to me
That's why i think your definition of what classifies as "good food" is retarded. You can't define it on an individual level. Something like that has to be defined on a group level. Shit like the things in the youtube links aren't normal. We know that, because most people aka the norm, would deem that stuff disgusting.
Since most people, regardless of culture and background share some basic understanding of what good food is, i think it's completely wrong to say "good food is what the individual likes". I'm not saying that you can't like what you like, but freaks should know that they are freaks.
"A vegan diet prolongs your life and makes you healthier"
I don't really care what people eat, really. It's their life, they can suicide as slow as they want, but fuck if that lie doesn't piss me off
Also people, don't be so fucking judgemental. Not everybody loves what you love, autists.
Don't cry, user. Mommy knows you're equal to chad. Here's your tendies and ranch.
I hate onions, I just cant eat them.
Its not that I dont like them, its that every time I bite into one in some dish I nearly vomit. I cant help it, Id like to like onions, since they're in everything, but they just make my skin crawl when theyre in my mouth.
>i never taste my food while I'm cooking
Nothing about other people's food preferences makes me rage. I live in the US - I see absolutely atrocious food people happily consume practically everywhere I look. If I raged about it I'd be raging all the time. Don't have the bandwidth for that.
>"Skim milk is healthier than whole milk."
These food elitist threads are always a laff.
OP, why do you think it's your business in any way what people choose to eat? Why don't you just mind your own goddamn business?
When I was a kid I had very sensitive taste buds. Pepperoni was too spicy, pickles were super damn intense, onions and garlic were overpowering. Even soda was too sweet. And there is always some shitbag like OP who would just accuse me of being "picky" and having irrational food aversions. "Just try it, user, you'll like it." Fuck you.
>Label says fat-free? This must be healthy!
>Fat is bad, I don't want to get fat!
>When I was a kid I was a total pussy about food
It's OK, user. Thant doesn't mean you're any less of a man now.
Everything is subjective. To me "good food" is simply a component resulting in a balanced diet. Taste is personal. The only thing I can think of that applies to what the OP is asking, is bloggers/cooks/chefs trying to convince me that their recipe for X is "perfect" and/or "authentic".
>The Perfect Scrambled Eggs
>The Ultimate Traditional Pesto
No. There is no "perfect", authenticity is bordered regionally, and tradition oftentimes equals stagnancy.
But again... that's just my opinion.
>associating taste in food with manliness
Well I guess if you've got nothing else going for you...
this but unironically
people who get uppity over steaks are terrible
>associating taste in food with manliness
It's a pretty common thing, actually. Being overly fussy about anything is more of an indulgence granted to females than males. Your mama spoiled you.
>tfw your bf calls you a bitch boy and berates you for not wanting to eat certain food
>tfw we're a gay couple
I'll support wanting a general temperature range; but rare to medium rare, rare to medium-rare or even medium. Medium to medium rare or medium well; those are nothing to throw a fit about unless you molest it with a thermometer all the time. You can guess by firmness, but that and it's color and be fucked with by varying amounts of fat and connective tissue. There's no 100% rate. And after resting the steak you can expect at least a 10-15 degree temperature change, possibly more. So if they don't eat it immediately it will turn out a different done-ness.
Fuck well done though. Grey steak that might end up over 10 degrees more than grey means you should have just ordered a porkchop.