Anybody tried it yet? I almost bought one today but I've been wary ever since the horrific Fire fiasco.
Anybody tried it yet? I almost bought one today but I've been wary ever since the horrific Fire fiasco
What the fuck pepsi
Tried it this afternoon. Reminded me of a cream soda, with a salty note at the end. Didn't care for it.
Fire sucked but mostly because it reminded me of Fireball and that makes me sick.
This oughta be good, caramel is a flavor that goes good with cola. I figure it might make it taste a bit closer to root beer in a sense.
but its salted
if i want to drink salt id pour some in water and gulp that shit
maybe it would taste ok if it wasnt "salted" caramel, wtf even is that? i have a bad taste in my mouth just thinking of it
Have you never had salted caramel?
Jesus, shit taste user.
A bit of sea salt sprinkled over the caramel enhances the sweetness while adding a very slight hint of saltiness to it, as well as adding a nice texture.
Honestly just tastes like regular Pepsi with that awful "caramel flavored thing with no caramel" taste.
But Pepsi Fire is the best soda ever
Its not bad. The caramel flavor is there. No salt though
Not bad for filthy fucking pepsi sweetened with HFCS
>Pepsi constantly trying new things
>Pepsi Cherry Vanilla being the only corn syrup sugar soda i like anymore besides ginger ale
>Coke is stagnant
Pepsi won the fucking Cola Wars
>unironically drinking soda
you’ve been swindled by the corn jew
fuck off /fitpol/
>be in middle school
>some /cool/ kids came over
>they want to drink
>I put a bunch of salt in some root beer and iced tea
>they are all drinking it talking about how fucked up they are getting
>Soft drink sales are steadily declining for the first time in decades. Consumers are becoming more health conscious. How do we combat this trend? I know, lets add caramel to Pepsi. Literally melted sugar. That will win them back.
bepis needs to do all these things because cock regular blows it the fuck out so badly
the secondary items have always been better, except for fanta which is the best orange
Fuck. Almost reminds me of how much I missed Coke Blak.
it tastes better, it won user
mexican coke, i.e. cane sugar coke is its only competition and if that is still distributed around the world then i would give the win to coke but unfortunately user we're stuck in the USA with the shitty coke.
in another world, we could have been friends
mexican coke is sold along side regular coke in all the stores here
So this exists.
Its actually not bad. They kind of mellow each other out
yeah, but for some reason they're putting regular coke in glass bottles with corn syrup sugar instead of cane sugar. i've seen mexican coke being replaced too no less
whats this taste like?
Like Mountain Dew with Cherry. It has that Code Red flavor without the powerful punch that hides it away.
Its surprisingly nice for how simplistic it sounds
I tried it out of curiosity. It was awful. Tasted like fucking sunscreen for some reason
I've been looking for diet code red for a year now. I saw it when I was in pittsburgh last summer but I didn't get it
Is it better than the egg nog one?
So, you're poor?
Vanilla coke is also way better.
is it just code red mixed with regular dew?
wiki says it's a 60/40 mix of throwback dew and code red
>you tried pepsi fire
how does it feel to be retarded? haven't seen this one but will try it, especially with some dewar's.
I want to try.
But the only enduringly-great cola variation (besides diet) is pic related, and unfortunately I can't get it anymore.
It's absolutely horrible. Even the worst meme Faygo flavor is better. It has sucralose despite not being diet.
It's more of a gimmicky single serve thing. 12 packs make them almost no money anymore. It's all about the small indulgence and energy drinks. Starbucks is the number one selling premade coffee drink and Pepsi owns it. They figured out the single serve business faster and better than coke did and it paid off