My wife just started crying cause I told her she made me a bland breakfast. What do you guys think? It wasn't very good.
My wife just started crying cause I told her she made me a bland breakfast. What do you guys think? It wasn't very good
I would divorce the roastie bitch.
Too bad none of that is true
add some ketchup and quit being a bitch
Oh look, it's this thread again.
for reposting stale pasta.
I think your copypasta is stale as fuck.
This is a fucking repost stop replying
You should see how much she cries when you tell her you repost stale pasta on Veeky Forums
Make your own damn food then, you ass
Well how'd you say it?
Not this shitty bait again......get out.
I appreciate everything my loving spouse does for me
Appreciate the fact that your wife took the time to make you breakfast, you goddamn fuckface.
is that gluten free bread?
she should be breaking up with you
its always better to stay quiet when someone serves you something you don't like. if they ask you just say an insincere yes. it gets the point across and makes you look like a good person.
You could have put it more nicely. It's not that bad t b h.
>all these idiots responding to stale pasta
Stale copypasta, sage.
>this idiot posting animu
>complaining about anime on a mongolian owned bird watching bulletin board
Where did you think you were?
Does anyone have the pasta about the husband who got sick of his wife's shitty cooking, drove her out to a field and kicked the shit out of her? Asking for a friend.