fake news. weed kills brain cells, alcohol stimulates the growth of them

>humans are mice

So don’t give fetuses alcohol, we already got that covered champ. Except your mom apparently, since you think this is news

Holy shit who cares? As if my brain cells are worth a single fuck anyway. Who gives a shit if I drink myself stupid, I spend my time posting in this shit box. I bet chronic weed usage and frequent dabbling in all manner of powders and pills is bad for me too, but fuck it man, gotta have fun while you can, in spite of my body if necessary.

why do they always test on mice? lol and think that what happens in mice will happen in humans. im not even so sure they know how to properly test brain cells, but in mice how are we sure they have a brain?

>regularly getting shitfaced is bad for your brain
groundbreaking stuff, OP.

American education at its finest

Mice are horrible analogues for research, they're just cheap, the genome is mapped out, and you don't have to write as much IRB paperwork.

You wouldn't know that, europoor, because the stringent requirements of the FDA means pretty much all research is geared to the US and qualifies for the rest by default.

That's why you use high fructose corn syrup right? Because the research is clear, yet you still have the highest amount of people obese and with diabeetus

Research is clear that it causes diabetes? Any sugar in excess will cause diabetes, eurocuck. Healthy Americans realize that things can be enjoyed in moderation. The rest fell to the fruits of excess of a first-world economy.

Oh and the fattest counties are Mexico and pacific Islands. Update your banter.

>a legal drug which is responsible for countless felonies and all sorts of social and health problems is bad for you.
tell me something i didn't know.

>but in mice how are we sure they have a brain?
Dissection, I assume.

Who are you calling eurocuck? Fuck off m8

Makes sense. Trump has the best brain and he doesn’t drink

Doesn't change the fact you're a fuckwit mate

>never trust a man who doesn't drink
>t. Winston Churchill

Yep, that fits too.

>normie layman writing about scientific article
Might as well get a line cook to talk about welding

No, it doesn't. At least I can admit it though.

I don't drink gasoline... and I don't drink alcohol. I don't huff paint thinner. I don't sniff glue.


But I'm not american?...

>2018 - 46 days
>not being American

Jokes on you I get to live in your country because of work. I love your hiphop and point-and-bangs.