Well the other day in a thread I told you anons I'd post a cook along and there were some votes for beef stew. I wanted to post yesterday but I got off a night shift and had a lot of things to do, ended up passing out on the floor like a retard.
I'm all rested up now, so its time to get in the kitchen!
Like the lonely oldfag I am, I'm sharing this cook along with you anons, my only real friends
OC cook-along
Just moved, so I had to start by washing a few dishes. Here's what you need to start with. Get a nice pot, this one is from before I was born!
Kitchen is pretty small in this particular shithole apartment. But still kind of comfy in its own way
The meat selection wasn't great here. When I was still a rich guy, years ago, I would probably use prime rib (USDA, or Canadian silver/AAA) like the absolute madman I am.
Lately I've been getting into cuts of beef like blade, here's some blade I just got...
Closer pic for you anons. The flash from my phone makes it look shiny. You're going to want to dry it off with some paper towel, I'm a broke poorfu/ck/ so I don't have any.
Next step is to lightly salt it, and then cube it up.
Same meat, with different lighting. Didn't really need to include it but wtf it looks so different?
You don't need to do this step. I usually don't bother, just kind of experimenting today/doing whatever...
So I'm going to flour the cubed beef, you can use flour, whatever. I'm using a mixture of cornstarch, flour, and a light amount of some mystery ingredients
My kitchen is my playground, other than safe food handling and cleaning, there aren't really any rules (as you anons will see in time)
I'm only using 2 of my oxtails. When I was a kid, and we're going way back here... These were dirt cheap. You'd practically be made fun of if you cooked oxtail soup, because you'd be some kind of poorfag /pol/a Veeky Forums or slav or darkie.
I guess some hipsters like them now or some cooking show featured them in a recipe, because they're not cheap at all now.
What's next... Costly chicken thighs? Skirt steak? Pork shoulder?
Ah, everything is going up in price from a poorfag perspective. I digress.
Here's the selected two oxtails, should add some nice flavor.
Searing now. I added in the fatty pieces I sliced off when cubing the beef.
Yeah i switched pots also, the other one was a bit fucky from age. Looks like teflon but its actually not, no need to worry about me getting alzhymers/autism/whatever its supposed to give you
Getting the vegetable selection ready. I'm using up what I had laying around in the fridge that I didn't know what I'd do with. Normally wouldn't really bother with celery, for example.
Garlic is always an option too, I usually skip that though, don't have any this time around.
Adding a little butter to the searing meat
You already (lightly) seared it and there is more than enough fat in the pot.
Enjoy your heart attack with 40 but go on.
that teaspoon and a half of fat that was in the pan will not brown the rest of the beef anons going to sear up
The flour'ed beef, sear that up too. Turning temp up a little.
Ah shit, 40? Really hope I don't last that long.
Also this, and flavor yo'
Diced the onions!
Did the celery pretty finely here
Thought about what you said, figured I'd speed things along with a bit of bacon fat.
(not using the whole thing, inb4 die fat fuck)
Frying it all up
Ice cube tray looks like teeth+gums. can use a little grapefruit juice and whatnot to make it extra disgusting.
We're pouring boys. Not going to lie, a little fucked up already
Not something i usually add, but I had it laying around, so I'm throwing this half cabbage in the mix
Turnip on standby!
In the freezer and ice. Go buy some wine faggot
Thanks user, your opinion is very important to me.
Here's the wine I picked out
I don't know anything about wine. More pics pls
coming up anons
Adding in a few beets for experimentation (never tried them in a stew before)
peeled and chopped.
Carrots on standby!
I always put the potatoes in last so they're not cooked to mush. Usually go turnip first, then carrot... Cabbage I never worry about, just toss that in right way.
Getting those sick bard buffs though.
Letting my bro here keep watch for a bit while I drink more
One of the secret ingredients. Only using about one shot glass worth
Throw in a cube of dark chocolate if you have it
For future reference, shin is a very good cut for stew. Yours will still taste good though I'm sure.
Forgot pic but I put a small piece of 90% in!
I'll check into that. I sometimes use a shank, is that similar?
All ready, just needs to simmer a bit. Are you anons hungry?
that's it for the cook along. was going to make something else but i'm too tired from working this week. maybe tomorrow though... hope you anons enjoyed!
yeah thanks. how was the addition of beets
Actually really enjoyed it. Not sure if i'll be adding them regularly from not on though... But i'd definitely advise trying it.
I'm partly slav, so I make borscht a lot, maybe I'm just "used to" beets?