European here. Just wanted to say, I recently spent time in America, and tried my first BLT sandwich....this was the most delicious and tasty sandwich I ever had in my life, thanks USA. I have a new favorite.
European here. Just wanted to say, I recently spent time in America, and tried my first BLT sandwich...
Hope that wasn't the sandwich. That thing is a monstrosity and a mess waiting to happen.
Enjoy the complimentary bowel cancer and atherosclerosis.
just another bacon shitpost with an image pulled off the web
nothing wrong with blt, but you didn't purchase or eat the sandwich in the pic
That is a fuckton of bacon for just one sandwich. Glad you liked it, I reccomended trying them with hot mustard instead of mayonnaise.
>being afraid of mess
Nu-male alert
There isn't any bacon, lettuce, or tomatoes in Europe?
nigga, you need to dip dat bacon in maple syrup
I'm american and think bacon is gross. I love meat but bacon just taste bad to me.
You're welcome, now add avocado for a blact.
Oh my god can you imagine? you might even spill some bacon onto your cumstained jeans while you eat it. Cleanup in aisle faggot.
Looks good but a bit unbalanced. More lettuce and a little more tomato. Looks like you have plenty of mayo on it though.
That is an obscene monstrosity, not a BLT. You'd never use more than 2 layers of bacon or the texture, mouthfeel and flavor would be entirely wrong. The whole attraction of the blt is the interaction between judicious quantities of the ingredients complimenting the others perfectly.
BLTs that skimp on the bacon are the worst
you gross little faggots that add avacado to everything, fuck off with your bullshit
BLT, not great for sandwiches, excellent for pizza
>tfw yuropoor and make fun of american "cheese products" but really want to go there and try all the various junk foods
I'll get there one day
I'm born and raised Californian, been doing it since the 90s. Not my fault it became a fad. This is actually the only non Mexican dish I use it on too.
I was born and raised in San Diego, and you’re a try hard niggerfaggot.
>I lie on a Siamese sock puppet symposium
Please explain the difference between texture and mouthfeel.
Hi SD user. What things do you like to do? Can you give me suggestions? I'm a shut in, so it's like I might as well not even live here.
the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance.
the physical sensations in the mouth produced by a particular food.
Texture includes appearance and consistency and mouthfeel further refines the "feel" part of texture as it relates to physical sensations of the mouth alone.
For example, "The texture of your partners cock was most fully appreciated through your mouthfeel."