Why are sunflower seeds so awesome?
Why are sunflower seeds so awesome?
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I love them so much but they make my mouth raw even when I eat the low sodium ones.
Also yeah, it's mostly the salt that makes them taste good.
I like the BIGS with bacon or bay seasoning
sunflower seeds barely even count as food to me, they're more like something to do. it's like smoking except it kills you a lot slower with salt.
Cracked pepper ftw
Who else
>eat the shell
clean them with your hands, or watch out for your lower front teeth
the eventual dentist bills are not worth it
Absolute madness
>eating sunflower seeds
>try to crack the shell
>fuck it up, get the angle wrong
>shell breaks into a bunch of pieces as the seed inside cracks
>can't separate bits of shell from bits of seed
>chew and swallow the ungodly mix out of shame
I don't get it. How do these seeds ruin your teeth?
Just buy the low sodium ones. Plus you still need salt in your body.
t. bitchboy with bitch teeth
Who else sucks on the fucked up abomination that you find in the bag?
I had a pound yesterday alone desu
I go through 2-3 bags a week (200g per bag usually)
Used to until I got tired of my poop scratching me on the way out.
>the stems
I call them salt sticks and the have all the flavor
This. Plus the salt dries me out so it's like trying to force out an unlubricated cactus
No pain to gain you limp wristed nanny boys.
Black pepper is the best flavor
Honestly the only time I ate them whole was as a child because I had to "have it now." it's definitely something that is to be grown out of. But hey I guess we're all man children here aren't we?
What's your favorite flavor?
Favorite brand?
I loved the David's chili lime but they're all gone now. I like to buy bulk seeds from nuts.com
>Not Dill pickle.
It feels good no homo
The best sunflower seeds in the world.
>chink shit
even other chinks know not to eat this shit user
But they give him special weeb powers.
Bitch please
Bigs stubb's BBQ is fucking horrible, avoid.
white sunflower seeds > black sunflower seeds
My chinkro.
I'm eating these right now.