Ingredients You Wish You Could Find in Your City

I'll start.

Get on my level, nigger.

Szechuan peppercorns
Fenugreek seeds

Where the fuck do you live?

I want some great local pulque

But the shit isnt around

mcmurdo probably

more like gay leaves

Problem is, i dont know any ingredients that i cant find in my city that i would miss.

What about some that you'd like to try?

Living in California is truly hell.

thats what im saying. I dont know which other ingredients exsist, therefore i do not know which ones im missing. (btw i live in Berlin, Germany. If you have recomendations i would be greatfull).


That was for

Cheese curds

Lamb's brains.

Morels are hell to find anywhere. Hiring immigrants or outright illegal-aliens to trounce through the forest harvesting every fucking one to the point of near extinction should be a death sentence.

Assholes ruining the best part of life so they can charge 20 USD or more for just a few dried mushrooms because they saw it on TV need to meet up with me so I can teach them how to tie a noose.

Make your own.

dried beef or horse meat. no jerky or smoked meat just brined and sun dried meat.

Any sushi grade fish.
Lived briefly at my aunt's home in New Malden, London, UK, has a H Mart thanks to the massive Korean community.
Do some decent sushi salmon and tuna roughly going for £20/kg and 25/kg last I was there earlier this year.

When I lived in Georgia, they were easy af to find. You did have to know where to look tho. Maybe things are different now, that was nearly 15 years ago.

I'm pickle rick amirite?

(pic is Lions mane)

Generally, more mushrooms.

Winco carries white button, crimini, and has oyster and shiitake of pretty widely varying quality. Asian markets have enoki, king oyster, and wood-ear, the markets all use the same supplier though and everything else is dried. There's a rather expensive market in town that sometimes has chantarelles.

But I would really like it if there was a single place I could go that always had a wide selection of in-season freshly-picked edible mushrooms. Instead I gotta go hiking to find mushrooms for my pasta :(


I came here to post this

>not living in a large city with huge farmer's markets and supermarkets as well as specialty markets for most major world cuisines, making it possible to have access to almost any ingredient you could want despite living in a flyover state

Tonka Bean (Dipteryx odorata), and I don't live in a city.

I pick then every spring. They are not a memeshoom. They are in fact quite wonderful and have a taste unlike any other mushroom I've had before.

I can't find a store that reliably has pic related. I've been told the risk of e-coli is too high with bean sprouts so a lot of stores just won't stock them.

When I lived in the Twin Cities even Jimmy John's had them. I've lived in 5 other states and none carry them outside of a can. Frankly, they go bad in about 3 days.

You convinced me to waste $50 on a lb of them shipped to my door.

I want to say thanks, but my gut is telling me to say fuck you.

a gf

Are we just going to ignore the fact that you all have internet access yet refuse to look for vendors that sell everything you're looking for?

do you realize how easy it is to grow mushrooms, faggo?

5/10 not sure if srs

Morels are pretty hard to grow, dude. They also almost never have them in stores, which is why I have to hike and find my own (luckily there's tons of forest fires!

Dried mushrooms are easy to find online, but I like fresh better. Dried are only really good for soup.

Find me a shop that will ship a small package of kokum to Canada.

>tfw fell for the morel meme

>mfw they taste live every other mushroom

Hah fag, I collect about a pound of these a year outside my house for free.


Grow your own. I swear city cucks are so fucking dumb.

Seriously, sprout your own. You can get the seeds online for those and 100s of other stuff. It is super easy. I recommend getting a jar and plastic lid as those are easier to clean than the cloth ones. If you can get a stainless steel lid and screen it will be the best.

Making them yourself is as sanitary as anything else you personally do in your own kitchen. Just follow the instructions to the letter.

>Dried mushrooms are easy to find online, but I like fresh better. Dried are only really good for soup.

You should look up how to make your own mushroom kits as well as where to get kits online. It is fairly easy to do for several types of fungi. Pearl Oyster is the easiest. Shiitake is pretty easy too. You can continue to make kits indefinitely.

I was going to say brie but I think you have me beat user.

>make your own mushroom kit
Are these sold next to the coconut kits?


where do you live that there isn't an asian grocery store? pearl harbor?

I love H Mart! I didn't know there was one in London. I go to the one in Boston.

i find it way harder to find fresh fenugreek leaves

Just order them online. For DIY kits, you can get mushrooms from your local store to use for cultures.

grow em nig, growing mushies is pretty simple.

Morels don't grow like button mushrooms you dumb fuck. We don't even understand why they flourish in obscure, usually fire-roasted, spots.

If they could be easily farmed they wouldn't cost you a kidney for a few years' supply.

Thought that was a dead, fire-roasted, blackened cat based on the thumbnail (with the pink things being its paws)

Don Quijotes are everywhere on Oahu, dumbass.

You do realize that Honolulu has something like a 40% Asian population, right?

I don't produce milk, mate.

wtf is pulque?

We have a farmer's market stand here that sells Hen of the Woods and Maitake. They look really cool but they don't taste any better than Shitake. Just different texture. Gotta go to farmer's market or know/be a farmer for the best stuff.

is a gf an ingrediant
alright but i still want a gf

no indian stores? ANyway, you can order this online easily, you dumb fuck

NEver heard of intenret?

Ground veal. I live in Ohio and around here you can buy any cut of beef you can possibly imagine. But fresh ground veal? Might as well clasp your hands and wish for virgin pussy.

Speaking as someone who recently left a soux chef position at a restaurant in Northern California, boo fuckin hoo. Morels are cool and all but you got chanterelles, oysters,maitakes, black trumpets,lions mane,and my personal favorite, mountain hedgehog. California has nothing to be bored of culinarily speaking.

Chinese yam
and some other various things.
For all of the asians in this college town, japanese ingredients are harder to find.

Underrated as fuck

Taiwan. I've looked for bay leaves for five years and never found them anywhere. Yes, really.


I grow these, as well as hen of the woods from kits I got from a place called fungi-perfecti in Oregon. Buy them once, & just keep perpetuating the spawn; easy as fuck, & I always have fresh mushrooms at the ready.

they dont do anything tbqh, you can probably use oak leaves


I can´t find Tempeh starters anywhere...

I finally found these a month or two ago after looking for 3 years

costco has them i think

t. taiwanese

Check a chinese market they don't give a fuck about food safety standards and usually have them


Be careful, user. They're incredibly addictive.

Most of those Asians are not japanese ya baka

paw paws
fresh montmorency cherries
im not sure i can get eel
something from the east coast, cant recall, some italian shit


No, they don't. I've looked repeatedly. I shop there (Guandu location, which is the largest) about once a week.

Neither does Carrefour, Wellcome, PXMart, or any of the local fruit stands. I've asked. Carrefour even shows a bottle of bay leaves on their "here's some spices you can buy!" advertisement on the escalator leading to the second floor at the Tienmu location, but they don't actually have any. I brought the store manager up the escalator with me, showed it to her as we went past the ad, and she checked.


the PNW would like to have a word with you

The only ingredient I'm aware of that I haven't been able to find in the Twin Cities is pawpaw.

Calabrian peppers

smoked beacon. Really smoked bacon not sprayed with smoke extract then boiled.

Your butcher doesn't have it?
