>And for Monsieur...
And for Monsieur
a fucking leaf
tendies...extra spicy ;)
ah, my steak well done and fries, thank you.
Can I get the Chicken Pesto and an Orangina
How about you watch that fucking plate you're tilting instead of my girlfriend's tits.
Une croque madame
i'll just have water. The meth i smoked is still going hard and i am trying not to whip out my shrivelled little baby meth penis at the table and tell her to put her finger in my pee hole.
She's flat as fuck mate, she has none to watch. The dude is probably trying to help finding them.
Chili and sea bass
I'll have a piece of you.
This is a majority female board. I think you're assuming OP's post was for you when it wasn't
No you dumb faggot. I was making my assumption based on the fact that monsieur literally means mister.
Get an education. :^)
Do you know what monsieur means?
>this assblasted by a post
>I'm retarded
this is a female board? If it is they are very quiet
>m-merely pretending!
Get me a porterhouse, cooked Pittsburgh, and a chef salad.
Oh, and keep our bills separate, please.
You eat your steaks near raw? (I had to google Pittsburg style)
Don't tell me, you enjoy a nice, well-done pile of shit?
You eat raw piles of shit?
I thought we were talking about steaks.
>This is a majority female board
Nah it isn't /cgl/. There are some girls here but majority? Not even close.
It looks like an alien.
I like medium rare, but not rare or near raw like this wiki article is describing.
At the end it says "maybe people just mean charred on the outside" though
I like thinspo bobblehead alien qts
Nope, rare with a heavy char.
Get your thumb away from by girl's lunch meat, you burn out!
"I'll have the poo poo player."
>this is a female board? If it is they are very quiet
For a fucking change
You thought you were hitting on chicks via Veeky Forums this whole time? Are you acquainted with the feminine penis?
Or traps.
Croque madame is masculine you plebeian fuck. You say UN croque madame.
>tfw females are reading my shit posts
yeah and they're telling their female friends to never have sex with you
That seems more likely
Story Of My Life
What tits?
Business as usual