Chicken is the TRUE future of meat.
>only taboo by vegetarians
>feed conversion ratio comparable to bugs
Praise it.
Friendly Reminder
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What about fish?
fine with me
>only taboo by vegetarians
What did he mean by this?
Who eats fish? Yuck. Eating fish and crabs are eating aliens.
pork is taboo by jews and muslisms, beef is taboo by hindus. Keep up, user.
Coming through with the REAL future
Is this real life?
OP was a good person today
the "future" of meat is exactly the same as it has always been for me, because I live in an actual country.
I Don't even care in the slightest what impact my behaviors have on other places in the world, and anyone who says they do is just lying so they sound like a good person
They need the most water of all,little need to be swimming in it.
>>feed conversion ratio comparable to bug
daily reminder that the feed conversion ratio of bugs constantly gets overestimated since they measure total protein and of that 10-30% is fucking chitin which can't be digested by humans
(fuck hipsters)
Since they live in water, it actually frees up water and adds some back to the ecosystem. If we harvested every fish on Earth, all of our water problems would be solved overnight
Who gives a shit about water usage? Just don't farm in dry areas.
user, shut up and eat your bugs like a good boy.
Meal worms are the solution.
for feeding my chickens, i agree
>feed conversion ratio comparable to bugs
>its twice as much
Are you under the impression that water and grain are scarce? Why would I care about this ratio?
Me too, actually. Meal worms aren't bad when farm raised. I had some that were fed with basil stems and they had a pretty nice flavor. I just tried them out of curiosity, though. I don't have any interest in making it a regular thing.
Because you can send the extra to Africa they never have enough food and we need more immigrants to replace our population
But they already eat insects in african countries and as the OP pic shows that's the smarter choice anyway :^)
Your masters and Silicon Valley do. Keep you sick by eating an unnatural diet of insects while they feast on meat like they usually do. Not to mention keeping populations and cities in line with "acccidental" bug farm leaks into surrounding areas. Don't protest, you're just getting in the way of "progress" and "science."
Oh, you're a NEET warrior worried that you won't be able to raise enough chickens for subsistence and not make enough NEETbucks to afford any other meat, aren't you?
my god at least my LARPing was coherent
If you say so.
but then we'd have a boatload of fish problems
Wouldn't that picture imply bugs are tge future? You would eat chicken in areas where it is hard to farm bugs.
i would be fine with ground bugs used in place of products like soy in protein bars and things like that
don't plan to just munch on a cricket
Africa gets plenty of fucking food.
What we need is to kill the people keeping it from getting where it needs to go.
>thinks a tard like the poster he's replying to could raise and dress a single chicken, let alone a flock to eat off of for a year.
>let alone a flock to eat off of for a year.
Can anybody do that? Raise and eat only chickens for a year?
the fuck? my larping was large scale. yours is small scale SHTF. you are talking about something entirely different and I don't know what the fuck you're on about
Because you're too much of a pathetic bitch to read that infograph and come to the correct conclusion that grasshoppers are the future, and not chicken?
Grasshoppers are fucking delicious when fried and seasoned. Step it up, pussy plebs.
As a vegan I'm too stupid to understand percentages so thank you for making a visual representation of it
Seriously though, are fish farms evil? We all know (American) cattle production is evil but we eat it anyway cause we don’t care. Are fish farms also fucked up and bad for the environment?
Too much fat.
fish farms are disgusting
also they have a rather bad feed ratio iirc
Numerically, how much does each feed symbol represent?
I know that, for example, it takes 2kg of feed to make 1kg of turkey meat. Does that picture imply it takes under 1kg of feed to make 1kg of bug meat? And that it takes 1,5ish kg of feed to make 1kg of chicken meat? Also, what's the sourse for their data?
Without knowing the numerical values and the data source, that picture isn't very useful.
Fish farms are bad, at least in the US, because the whores in congress have allowed the farmers to use toxic feed that includes PCB's and Dioxin. Not only that, but the quality is far inferior to wild caught as a side by side comparison would show.
Farmed fish are fed on ground up male chicks, chicken droppings, cracked/broken chicken eggs and other byproducts (such as organs deemed too icky for human consumption). This may imply that keeping chickens and fish as the main meats for the future might actually be more efficient than bugs. But without better information than that shitchart provides, I can't be sure.
I'm sorry to hear, Ameribro. Dioxin is no joke. A whole town in my country was wiped out by dioxin poisoning dumped illegally into their water supply by a pharma company.
I'm pig master race, only because I have a hard time getting non-corn-fed beef out here in the Midwest.
Well, wild caught is still available I just don't do farm raised so it doesn't effect me since I'm aware of the dangers of it. But if our govt. thinks it's fine to poison our citizens for profit, who am I to argue ;)
>Implying I wouldn't eat non-sentient aliens in a heartbeat given a chance
XCOM did a number on the way I perceive extraterrestrials.
Poor man's escargot
If we hit a future where we are so desperate for food that we'll eat fucking bugs, yes. It would be most efficient.
>implying the only thing we use from cows is beef
they have so many industrial uses it's obscene
>implying you wouldn't eat sentient aliens as well
Taste the future, fagboy
People grow cows and pigs because their meats are tasty. Not because they have the most efficient "feed conversion ratio."
are those yeerks?
What about turkey?
I sure wish turkey was a reasonable pirce in new zealand.
There is nothing better about the turkey. Just be thankful for chicken.
Only reason why Turkey is a big thing is because of turkey breast-eating health fad and thanksgiving.
Turkey luncheon meat > chicken luncheon meat
Ham and roast beef does the job much better.
Never liked bird-meat cold cuts. Bird meats are better for hot foods.
Is this per kilogram of edible meat or does it include bones?
But bugs are tasty.
>instead of decreasing our population, let's resort to eating bugs
Too bad, they practically give them away here
ostriches, motherfucker
People need to eat more of these bastards, as a gardener the Eternal Slug plagues me to no end.
Rabbit is even better and it's tastier.
It also has a better protein count and the rabbit sickness is only a problem if you only eat rabbit ever and have no vegetal fat intake.