Start eating real food Go Vegan Veeky Forums
Start eating real food Go Vegan Veeky Forums
Everything in that picture is vegan,
Unironically this
lmaoing at amerifats desu
Literal soyboy.
When vegan food:
>is cheaper than buying meat
>is easier to prepare than buying meat
>tastes better than meat
>won't turn me into a cuck with xenoestrogens
I'll go vegan. Until then, it's pork on my fork.
the tastiest disease in the world
This belongs in /int/ not Veeky Forums
Needed a diet coke
>go vegan, you'll decrease your chance of getting a certain type of cancer by 5%
Gee, sure is worth it.
Life is the slowest poison anyways
Boy, I'm sure glad this issue is completely black and white with no possible nuance or gray area at all.
Tell us about your diet and your health ?
>vegan or McDonalds
Is this the only dichotomy?
Those cherries are GMO's as well.
GMOs are required to be labeled where I live. They'd get lynched otherwise.
Enjoy your diseases.
Now melts!
>pay the pharma later
>but vegans need complements and other pills in order to complete the diet, which are bought from the pharma
really maks yuo thenk
Literally never said that though, and Russia is known for being one of the most degenerate place on Earth
And post-imperial Russian cuisine is just awful.
Is this what happens when everyone unfollows the Spirit Science page on FB? They go to random sheep sheering enthusiast boards to find new people?
begone soyboy
>Everyone is forced to eat brands in America, in fact I need my state mandated Kelloggs by tomorrow morning or else I'll be sent to the FEMA camps and given estrogen injections!
Americans are so weird nowadays. They treat their own self-induced inability to choose as a shackle into itself.