Peope who choose to eat on public transit, what went wrong in your lfie?
Peope who choose to eat on public transit, what went wrong in your lfie?
>public transit
Glad I'm not poor
Straight up, imagine not having your own transportation. Even worse, imagine being so developmentally retarded where-as you never even learned how to drive a motor vehicle.
>His cuntry has shit public transport infrastructure
>Implying I can't just hop onto a tram, train or bus with a swipe of my OV chipcard and go anywhere I like in the cuntry
>Implying I want to pay thousands a year in road tax, petrol, car servicing when literally crossing the cuntry costs less than 30 euros
>Implying we dutch aren't better than you
imagine not living in flyoverland, in a real city that doesn't have infinite amounts of empty space for you to park in, where the subway will get you to work faster than driving
I mean just needing to use public transportation is enough to earn that question
In the vast majority of America cities, regardless of region, public transportation is primarily used by poor people
>Sitting like that on a train
>Eating on public transit
>Baby stroller blocking the entire fucking aisle
That person is just a piece of shit in general.
>as if I want retards crowding my wealthy white town
The one and only drawback was the lack of certain retail stores and food variety, but that has literally been resolved in the last 3 months.
do plains and long haul trains count? or does your autism only extend to the public transit in the shit hole of a city you live in?
Get a fucking car you bus riding faggot
>this triggers the coastie
Enjoy using Jamal's shitstained seat.
They were born white.
I dated this girl for a couple of months, she was 23-25 can't remember, and she never got her drivers license.
She had a 26 yr old brother who didn't have his, and they had a 29 yr old brother, the only one with a license, who would drive them everywhere (they lived at home and the dad would drive them too).
She said it was too expensive to go to drivers ed and get it done, which is only like $120.
I made her feel bad about being lazy and she finally got it. But then her 29 yr old brother got picked up on some pedo charges and now she's the one driving her other brother around, who still doesn't have his license.
>She lived in north Houston, and there is no public transit or taxis, you need a car here.
imagine not living in a shitty part of a shitty country, where even other Ameritards don't ever visit where you live, preferring to fly right over it
It really triggers me that some people make the excuse of drivers ed being too expensive or simply not having the time to do it. Some courses are literally just 1 or 2 months of weekly classes that go for about an hour. That's how I did it. Cost about $200.
Meanwhile, they can afford a new phone and phone case every release.
Candy you have to eat alone thread.
>getting anywhere close to a >20 yo without a drivers license
jesus user why
i thought the was no driving test in yank land, if you can reach they pedals and spell your own name they throw a licence at you.
ITT people cucked out of decent, clean infrastructure and happy about it.
If your government won't protect you from contracting 16 different STDs using its own services, it doesn't care about you.
uh that sounds shitty stop trying to act like no open space is a good thing coastie fuck
When was the last time you saw anybody with any amount of money on the fucking subway?
Not really, no. You either take classes in high school for free (I think) that run two semesters, or you take a private course for a couple hundred and get the same done in the course of a few months with longer class times and more intensive shit.
You need certification from a class to be able to get your license. Otherwise the DMV will kick your ass out the door.
Yeah, I would rather not live in a tourist trap like NY
lack of open space is not in and of itself a good thing.
It's just the natural consequence of actually living in a desirable place. Other people also want to live there, and therefore there's competition for space.
Oh, and that isn't counting the DMV test. If you have your permit, you don't need to take that test. But you do have to take the DMV driving test itself and not score too many demerits.
>Two semesters
>Private course for a couple hundred
>You need certification from a class to be able to get your license
Where the fuck do you live exactly?
I took drivers ed in two weeks when I was 17, paid an instructor $50 to pass me on the driving portion of the test, then went to the DMV and took a 30 question multiple choice test about basic laws and reading signs.
Foreign exchange students from my university just show up at the DMV and pass the written test, you don't need to pass the driving portion if you're over 18.
Where the fuck are you getting all this crazy nonsense about a year-long drivers ed course and $200 private classes?
>not having a car
>not getting fast food on the way to work
>not scarfing your greasy sausage biscuit and hashbrowns in the parking lot outside work
>not walking in with your shitty coffee in hand
>not clocking in while chugging said coffee
>look at phone, time is 6:55 AM
You are no true wagecuck until you know this feel.
>He's not salaried
>He doesn't set his own hours
>He has to show up for early morning shifts
I literally cook breakfast in my office's kitchen because I don't work at a shithole
I live in a civilized place where idiots don't get to drive. It's a region called New England.
>New England
>Drivers that aren't idiots
u 'avin a laff m8?
I live in a very large city with an international airport, and everyone here drives. We don't even have a subway system to speak of. Many major US cities have plenty of space to expand outwards, and typically it's only in the most commercial areas at the very center of the city where driving is actually time-prohibitive compared to the relative comfort and flexibility of being able to leave and arrive whenever and exactly where you need to be. For example, driving from the front door of your 3-bed room house with a yard means you walk 15 feet to get to your transportation. In other scenarios, you're forced to use a cab (expensive), or public transit which is not necessarily on your city block. Then you have to manage timing of trains or buses, and also deal with the walk time and distance from your actual destination compared to the public transit stop.
the standard of driving in yank land must be terrible.
I am indeed. I don't really count transplants from other states who move there or visit, but the bulk of those are in MA and NH.
oh wow big man with your fancy international airport. How dare I call you a "flyover" when some people do stop in your city, get off their plane, and then immediately get onto another plane.
Literally only in cities where people don't learn to drive until they're 26 and then they never actually *learn* to drive because they're in constant bumper-to-bumper traffic.
Flyovers are easily the best drivers because they have to drive themselves everywhere all the time, so they're ridiculously experienced.
>It's just the natural consequence of actually living in a desirable place. Other people also want to live there, and therefore there's competition for space.
Unfortunately, this continues to make that space less and less desirable.
I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say here. Do you have a list of cities that you consider "non-flyover"? What common criteria do they meet that satisfies your definition? Why do you think I particularly care about the "fly over" part of this discussion, rather than the quality of life wrought by having personal transportation? Based on this post, I'm not sure I'm going to get a reasonable response from you at all, but I'm willing to continue this if you can converse with some semblance of coherency.
if its undesirable why do they have no problem charging huge amounts of rent for small apartments?
tfw too poor to own a car
oh well maybe next decade
Because idiots are willing to pay that. Those same idiots exist everywhere.
Then why does no apartment manager in flyoverland charge $3000 for a studio apartment?
Sorry, I should have worded this better. It's still "desirable" by a certain subset of people (I hesitate to call them "idiots", but this wouldn'tbe far from my opinion) who are willing to pay 50%+ of their monthly income on rent; however, these cities are becoming less and less desirable for those who would like to do more than only work to pay rent for the rest of their life without ever building wealth or equity in assets.
Because there are no greedy Jews here?
Because there are a ton of absolute retards willing to pay for that to live in their overly-romanticized cities.
Retards who really have no reason to be in said city, because there is absolutely no valuable work they can do there.
They're starting to because everybody who lives in containment centers is realizing its fucking impossible to live there, and they start flooding out to the flyover regions they constantly mock because it's so cheap.
Except then they vote for everything to be like the shitholes they just left, and rent skyrockets because they gentrify the fuck out of the place.
Are you going to make a distinction between places that are "flyoverland" and places that don't charge $3,000 for a studio? Because there are major cities that are not nearly as expensive as somewhere like SF and NYC.
>They're starting to because everybody who lives in containment centers is realizing its fucking impossible to live there, and they start flooding out to the flyover regions they constantly mock because it's so cheap.
>Except then they vote for everything to be like the shitholes they just left, and rent skyrockets because they gentrify the fuck out of the place.
Austin is a great example of this.
show me one studio apartment outside of a big city that rents for $3000 or even remotely close to that.
Your country can fit in my state 17 times.
Lol the LA and NYC cucks always bring it back to that "flyover" shit. You guys are so hard up on how great you are and here you are openly admitting you don't even have the ability to use your own car. You literally have to ride the bus or the subway, sitting on a chair some homeless person pissed on twenty minutes ago. Enjoy your city life, faggot.
>If it's not a literal price match then it's not happening!
3 years ago I could rent a 1050sq ft, 2br apartment with in-unit laundry and a huge kitchen for about $650/mo
Now I'm living in a 300sq ft studio for $800/mo
Give in another 3 years and my shitty flyover town will be renting out 500sq ft 1br units for $2500. Hell, the places downtown they just built are already going for $1600/mo for a 600sq.
>the more expensive the rent the better
Why pay 3000 a month for a studio when I can have a two floor six bedroom house with a sizeable basement for cheaper?
Are urbanites really this retarded?
This, except I do get in early because I prefer to be at the office alone in the wee hours of the morning. I rarely eat breakfast, but I often drive back home for two hours and actually cook lunch and enjoy the early afternoon before heading back to the office for a few more hours, leaving no later than 3PM.
I'm actually astounded at how wrong you are. Are you retarded or just so gullible that someone lied to you and you believed it?
If you don't live in some backwards ass east coast state it's VERY easy to get a license in the states compared to most european countries, so a lot of people have this weird conception that you can just start driving with no knowledge.
oh wow you told me about a bunch of things that aren't what I asked for and speculated that maybe some day it would be what I asked for. thanks
I didn't say it was better, I said "more desirable." And my evidence for that is the fact that many people desire it. Pretty straighforward
Gehahaha look at this pussy flyover having a meltdown.
Many idiots, yeah. The same people who would drop 500k on a car just for bragging rights.
>You didn't show me an apartment for $3000! That means it's not happening and you're a liar!
Is this good enough for you faggot? I live in fucking idaho and this is becoming the norm.
Fucking *idaho*. I could rent a place in Seattle for less than this.
they why do city people have higher iqs?
Citation needed.
>the most expensive one you could find was half the price I asked about
>smartest people start off rural
>all the jobs are in the city so they move there
>everyone moves back after they retire
Must be a great place if it is literally forced upon them.
>It's not an exact price match that means nobody wants to live there!
Not all the jobs are in the city. Just the good ones. The high-paying, competitive, desirable ones.
You know, I could have a job like that, but I really lack the motivation at the moment. I graduated from college a few months ago and I feel kind of, weirdly uninterested in becoming a professional. Hardly a summer passed between my highschool graduation and my first semester of college, so maybe now is the time for me to take a few gap years like most people do before college? My current job in retail is kind of stressful sometimes, but nowhere near as much as school was. I make enough to live comfortably and finance my hobbies, so why not just fuck around for a while?
>not exactly
Get a decent hourly job related to your profession at least, working retail is a death sentence. Employers will wonder why you chose to stick in it for so long after graduating and assume that people wouldnt hire you for some reason.
>$1600 for 600sq ft in a city of 500,000
Do you understand scaling, fucktard?
Exactly. There's a higher concentration of high-paying desirable jobs in cities so it draws people in from the countryside. Generally speaking more intelligent people get the better jobs.
I understand that I asked you to show me one apartment outside a big city that is charging anywhere near $3000 a month for a studio.
Then you showed me a 600 sq foot apartment (in the biggest city in Idaho, not a small town in Idaho) that charges $1600.
So no, you did not show me what I asked you to show me, because it does not exist because NOBODY WILL PAY $3000 TO LIVE IN IDAHO YOU STUPID FUCKING FLYOVER
>this triggers the cityfag
They will for a house. And they will for an apartment in about 2 years at the current rate of the market change.
Do you understand real estate markets? Like, at all?
The same bullshit happened in colorado, rental rates more than doubled over the course of a few years because califucks kept flocking there for DUDE WEED LMAO
So now your point is that a studio apartment in Manhattan costs the same as an entire house in Idaho?
I think you're just angry you have to live in a box instead of a house.
I grew up in a beautiful rural english country village. Graduated uni and moved to a big city for work and I fucking hated it.
These city fags are deluded.
Its noisy, smelly, dirty and crowed to fuck.The only slightly convenient thing was being close to shops, but as a straight white male caricature I go """""shopping""""" 3 or 4 times a year so I don't give a fuck about any of that shit.
I sold my 2 bed match box sized apartment, and moved to a nice village where I bought a 3 bed house with driveway, garage, garden and no foreigners as neighbors with cash to spare.
I have no idea why anyone would choose to live in the city unless you're a hipster faggot that likes noisy littered streets and brown people.
Fucking garbage, aboveground PT that isn't a highspeed train is utter trash.
no I'm really interested to know what point you were making by comparing the price of an entire house in idaho to a studio apartment in a real place.
What makes where you live a real place as opposed to Idaho, which I have to now assume is a pretend place.
I checked out of curiosity, and unless you're trying to live right outside of times square you can get a 2br unit in yonkers for about $2k/mo at 600sq ft, which is only slightly more per sqft than the units you can get here.
Except that Boise has 10x less population per square mile, which means those rates are hyper fucking inflated here.
Boise? Thats a shame if so, I remember almost moving there 6 years ago(I also visited) and pricing seemed really cheap for rentals and its a beautiful city. Its a shame to see it has been ruined by california idiots.
>buy a McMansion in Idaho
>half the rooms are empty because I don’t have an 8 person family
>have to wake up at 6am in winter to shovel
>have to mow 3 acres in the heat once a week all summer
>256 kbit internet costs $100/month
>closest store is an Exxon Mobil 15 minutes away
>women are all ugly as fuck country grrrlz
>have a heart attack
>ambulance has to drive 25 minutes to get to my house
>Not eating Puerto Rican takeout on the CTA with the goons and daring anybody to say anything about it
It's mostly the "no this part is actually boise" area, if you're willing to move out towards meridian or deal with the commute from nampa its still dirt cheap.
Which I'm starting to consider more and more because downtown absolutely sucks now, all the good hole-in-the-wall shop and restaurants got replaced with chain-owned hipster cafes, brewery gastropubs, and pretentious suburban middle-aged-white-woman eateries like Flatbread.
It's not really worth living close to with the prices and shitty state of everything.
It's still a nice enough place to live but califags are very rapidly ruining it.
Great time to own property here though, my ma's house was purchased 5 years ago for $150k and is now worth about $380k
>256 kbit internet costs $100/month
Actually 60mbps for 29.99.
>closest store is an Exxon Mobil 15 minutes away
Depends, but there should be a grocery store of some merit every 15 minutes or so.
>women are all ugly as fuck country grrrlz
Contrary to urban belief, dental care and basic hygiene exist in the country.
>have a heart attack
>ambulance has to drive 25 minutes to get to my house
Modern ambulances have all they need to get you on your feet. The only reason you would need to go to the hospital is to run tests and determine risk factors. In the event of a major heart attack, they might need to do surgery or drain some shit but an ambulance and EMT can still prevent your death 99% of the time.
Shh, don't confuse him. He thinks anybody who owns a home in cheap states lives in a town of 50 people and is 300 miles away from the nearest modern piece of infrastructure.
>have a heart attack at 5PM in the city
>ambulance can't get to you for three hours because every street is a parking lot
That's why he's conveniently ignored my request for a definition of "flyover", as well as whether there's a distinction between large cities that are not nearly as expensive or overcrowded as NYC or SF.
Your country has 17 times the minorities. Sounds fair.
Flyover is just an insult buttmad coasties use to dismiss all the enormous negatives of living in SF/LA/NYC.
Go back to eating rotten fish, hans
How does it feel to be
5 7%
White? It must be godawful.
Enjoy your McGoy meal with HFCS water (now died red to capture the attention of Americans!)
Whoa there, that's a mighty racist sentiment!
You should really consider being a little more progressive in your views, friend, we all have to share this planet you know!
In a few states it is closer to 97% white.
Wow sucks to hear thats happening to Boise, I remember when I was there though thinking this cheapness can't possibly last. It's always been in the back of my mind too after hearing what happened to colorado I only expected it to reach Boise in time. Speaking of housing though I remember walking from a hotel near the airport all the way to downtown(which took forever and I ended up getting chafed skin) and seeing some pretty weird houses I've never seen before in my life, very small tiny houses. But I always thought it would be cool to live in one of them.
There are a LOT of those weird tiny cottage houses here for some reason. No idea why. They mostly belong to really old people or get rented out to college students.
They go for like $1200/mo now though, which sucks ass because all the apartment complexes here were built like shit and are super fucking loud. It's impossible to avoid loud neighbors.
Also wew, that's a longass walk with a whole lot of nothing in between.
I live in Southern California. Can you project more? Fucking autists man.
Now that you’ve achieved success in transportation, how about solving some of the problems you left behind in Afrikaaland.
This thread is dead.