We'll make it Edition
Al/ck/holism General
Just broke something precious of mine in a drunken stupor
gonna kms
Not a child or loved one I hope?
no gladyl its only something worth 500 dollars at most
>implying anyone fucking loves me
what hte fUCK yoare you doing here
It's just stuff. Kill yourself because you hate yourself, not because of some stupid, irreplaceable shit. Think about people who get flooded or their houses burn down. They lose everything. And they move on.
sry dude I was sort of joking
not allowed here haha1
>implying anyone fucking loves me
I've lost all my friends but I still have a sister and mother who love me that I see a few times a year. Al/ck/ies obviously have all burned a lot of bridges but I bet most of us still have 1 or 2 people that love or care about us. Or a cat.
Going to get wildly smashed on Saturday. First time since June. I hope it stays an isolated case.
Hi lads im having a few hairs of the dog, called in "sick" today - how you lads doing?
enjoy being unemployed in the future
I'm unemployed now. It's great. Though if I didn't have enough money to enjoy this time it would definitely suck.
>how you lads doing?
i want my fucking pencil and bank card back but idk how to go about this. i can replace the card easily but i want my damn pencil. muh sentimental value
Dont do it user. Youve made it this far. One day ata time nigger
Im on omegle - ck brings me up
wtf is this post
1PM and already sipping a whiskey drink. Delicious thing.
32 y.o aus user here. I've had a rocky relationship with booze I can remember. Those first few ice cold schooners of beer in the bar around 18 is where I think I got caught. Average 10+ cans or bottles most night since my early twenties. Weekends is spirits till total black out most of the time. Dui, fights, abusing ppl close to me and many particularly horrendous social interactions since, I still can't really identify as an alk. Is this why I can't stop?
My roommate is on the slope of turning into an alcoholic and doesn't realize it but gets really fucking racist when he's drunk. What do?
stop talking about me online you fucking communist
Fuck I want off this ride.
I'm going to die before Christmas, Wish me luck in hell lads.
I'm surely going to be there if hell is real.
That just means he actually just is a racist. Drunken words are sober thoughts.
Though, there's nothing necessarily wrong with being a racist.
quit being a whiney cunt
I bet you just sit there saying nothing while they go on racist rants you disagree with
Society teaches you to be racist. You are not born that way....There is nothing wrong with that. A good 60-80% of blacks themselves are racist and don't like whites, I work in Detroit and interact with blacks regularly. It's painfully obvious more then half hate whites before they even know if the white person likes or dislikes them. I can say hello to a black person (which I still do because I'm a friendly guy) and they REGULARLY either walk past me and give me a dirty look or call me a cracker....But I can't say nigger....Fucking double standards.
Working in Detroit for 8 years conditioned me to be a racist, I fucking hate niggers. They are the scum of the earth....All that BLM shit makes me laugh my ass off. BLM matters to everyone but blacks
There is nothing wrong with being racist and disliking a certain race, There has to be a reason he dislikes a certain race....Maybe he lives in Chicago where Mexicans sell drugs 24/7 and shoot up neighborhoods with your family and kids in them.
So if blacks have anyone to blame for "racists", It's themselves.
pic related
oy vey , delet
>quit for two weeks
>feeling great, mood beginning to get a bit more positive
>friend starts talking to me about alcohol knowing I'm an alcoholic
>feelings start to waver
>can't control it and start sweating
>go buy booze
>have almost drank every single day since, moving onto the highest percentage of alcohol I can get my hands on
I hate alcohol.
>Society teaches you to be racist. You are not born that way
I've heard that said before, but I'm not sure that it is true. There is something in Human nature that makes us form groups, and we tend to put down people not in our "group". Race is an example, nationality is another. Or it could be other things, like grouping together with fans of the same sports team and putting down other teams/fans. Or the same with music, political views, etc. The same thing happens with animals. I grew up around farms, and farm animals--which presumably have no concept of "racism"--will forms groups and ostracize others. In the case of chickens it will often be based on color. Different breeds of chicken will form "gangs" based on their breed, etc.
I had a black roommate in college and he was racist as hell, used to get drunk and talk about how he hated Asian people all the time, it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. You sound like the sort of easily offended cunt that would stop him and tell him what he's saying is very problematic and that you're offended by proxy. In short, fuck you and grow a backbone.
Go work in a former murder capitol for a few years and you'll hate blacks more then me.
I'm actually a pretty nice guy, I'm fair and polite to everyone (including blacks) daily.
If Detroit can make a racist out of me in a few years just working in that shithole, You have absolutely no hope.
Listen to what he says. There might be some validity to it.
What racist things that he's said in particular do you disagree with?
>Go work in a former murder capitol for a few years and you'll hate blacks more then me.
You might be right--I can't comment on something that I've never experienced. But Logically I don't get the leap from "some people of race X do this" vs. "all people from Race X are that way". I've been around plenty of niggers in my time. But I've also met a lot of well educated and well mannered Africans and African-Americans. I'd like to think that my logic would dominate specific experiences, but who knows?
Now that it's Saturday morning I've officially got through 5 days sober. Longest period of sobriety in years. Just gotta make it through Monday morning now and I'll have gone a whole week sober.
American blacks are absolute niggers. Blacks in other parts of the developed world mostly keep to themselves.
Will /pol/ please fuck eternally off?
There are exceptions to every rule but those exceptions are always the minority.
Consider the fact that the in the United States the poorest predominantly white area has a lower rate of crime than the wealthiest predominantly black area.
>anyone with an opinion I don't like is /pol/
>There are exceptions to every rule but those exceptions are always the minority.
I'm not disagreeing with you there. I've certainly met more "niggers" than the alternative, for example. But I don't think it's fair to paint the latter with the same brush as the former.
And I've met plenty of people who were not black, but were still niggers in every sense of the word.
What is this supposed to establish? What aspects of inequality have cause the wealthy blacks from that area to turn to crime?
Right side of my chest hurts again. Im going to finish what I have tonight and not give in for the weekend.
the difference in income is what causes the crime, just something to keep in mind
Poor whites commit less crime than poor blacks.
can you show enough data points to represent a trend of this or are you just cherrypicking
>complains on Veeky Forums about people being racist
You clearly suffer from alcohol abuse disorder, user.
Read both these. Pay attention to the rate of black on black crime and black on white crime and vice versa and the tables the detail areas of victimisation by income.
I drank my ass off last night and made afool of myself on discord. and smoked a pack of cigarettes while in a stupor and my pants are covered in burn holes.
Drank less than usual (ran out) lat night. Woke up only 4 hours of sleep feeling worse than hung over. Have to get to the store for medicine today.
In my sobriety I seem to have substituted green tea for booze. I can't stop drinking tea.
I'm worried my usual guy won't deliver booze today because it's to icey outside.
'I'm agoraphobic and don't leave the house.
Decided to go on a diet at the weekend, trying to lose 2 stone. A 1200 calorie a day diet has actually kept me on the straight and narrow as you really cant make any exceptions for alcohol on it, 7 days sober as of today. Would really like to get fucked up somehow tonight though so I'm going to bosh 600mg of codeine instead. Bonfire night will be toughest challenge of all seeing as everyone will be drinking, the thoughts of enduring it sober are horrific though, it's a shame smoking heroin wont fly in public as that would be the ideal thing to get me through it and taking E's and stuff just make me wana drink loads. Anyone know what the absolute lowest calorie alcohol is excluding light beer?
>absolute lowest calorie alcohol is excluding light beer?
Straight vodka.
when I smoke a cig it makes me puke up ever ything I drank. Why?
Just looked it up, 1600 cals in 750ml/a fifth, which is probably the least I would drink. God damn no wonder Ive been putting on weight
He's bringing it in 1 hour! 5 litres of cider!
Do you have a job? Functional alcoholics are seriously strong as fuck people imo. I can't make it to work for fuck if I drink the night before
Does he charge for delivery?
Holy shit this is so fucking good
>750ml of vodka
>1600 kcal
>750 x 0.4=300ml of 100% alcohol
>A dozen bottles of regular beer
>1776 kcal
>341mlx12= 4092ml (A little over 4L)
>4092 x 0.05= 204.6ml of 100% alcohol
Compared to a dozen beer, you can get 50% more drunk by drinking a bottle of vodka instead but it'll be with slightly less calories. Or on the flip side, compared to a bottle of vodka, you'll get only about 67% as drunk but consume slightly more calories. Liquor is God tier.
The problem with being a functional 9 to 5 alcoholic is that in addition to having a drinking problem I also developed a stimulant problem (cocaine, speed, mephedrone) just to make it through the next day. I once stayed up 4 days working in a warehouse doing lines in the toilet and drinking when I got home and slept about 30 hours straight after. I blatantly looked fucked up by the second day but I was so productive I dont think they cared
Yes, 8 dollars.
>drinking too much
>have cut back in the past to reasonable amounts (not alcoholic """""reasonable""""" but like 2 beers in a month reasonable) but never entirely quit
>decide to quit 100%
>get to three months no booze
>roomate leaves a fucking 750 of vodka in my room as a birthday present
That was years ago at least, got into it worse for a few months then am now better for maybe the past year.
Feeling pretty down as of late so am getting back into it again though.
why not just get him to deliver a shit ton at a time?
That's why i bought just enough that he could carry. 5 litres of cider.
He probably does
Don't underestimate him
Today will be the day I'll get past day 0. Let's do it lads.
Look on the bright side, you're waiting until after morning.
We'll see when I get home. Lately small things completely set me off. Some awful shit can happen and I'll be fine, but if I see someone smoking on a high place outside I lose my shit and need a drink.
I hate hair of the dog. Good luck with that 'flu' mate.
Why are you dying and why are you going to hell?
Unironically, accept Jesus into your life user. You don't have to go to Hell. Jesus loves everyone, He doesn't want to see people cast into the flames, and He will go into anyone's house to eat with them. All they have to do is open the door to invite Him in.
does your piss smell of metal yet?
Why are you capitalising his name? Only God gets that respect
Factually untrue, seeing as Jesus Christ is god his name should also be spelled with capital letters(I was actually taught this in catholic school as a child)
It is the son of God. I'm pretty sure capitalizing his name, a mere linguistic quirk, is acceptable. We capitalize each others' names.
>local liquor store has a sale on taaka for $9.99 each
>pick up five half gallons of vodka for only $50
I have a problem
Sleeping is so hard sober. Haven't slept and it's now 5:53. I'm gonna just try and go right through until like 10 - 11pm and try and reset my sleeping habits.
4 days sober from booze
ran out of weed this morning
please help convince me to not buy a bottle im going nuts
>That just means he actually just is a racist. Drunken words are sober thoughts.
I disagree. We're all guilty of subconscious biases but our higher selves are capable of seeing past them. This becomes more difficult when you're drunk.
East coaster, right on. I'm having a few drinks tonight. I wasn't gonna, but there's a special on at Subway. Basically two for one but you also have to buy a 21oz fountain drink. Then imma drink on November 5th for Bonfire Night, then November 11th for Remembrance Day, and after that I'll go back to trying to cut down. I MIGHT try to stay sober between the 5th and the 11th... but damn... it'd be like trecking across kilometers and kilometers of desert to go from one oasis to another.
I’m at 6 days thanks to weed, but half an ounce is almost gone, then I have hours until I’m drunk again. Tomorrow it’ll be gone.
For now, I’m snuggled up in a soothing world of no hangovers, no hospitals, no cringing, no police, no... well, you know what it’s like.
Guess tonight is my last night in heaven, laying here cosy and contented, being fascinated by documentaries I’d otherwise find unbearable, eating plenty of tendies, fapping 100 times per hour and generally healing on a cloud of delicious purple haze goodness.
Anyway yeah. See you in hell soon, user. And at least we won’t get reefer madness.
Oops, I meant his pronouns. Such as Him.
Just buy more weed
Yup, Jesus is referred to as Him or He. That's about as 'special' a pronoun I'll provide someone. Fuck 'xir', 'xe', and bullshit like that; they'll need a HUGE amount of respect from me to so much as use 'they' let alone made-up snowflake pronouns like those I just mentioned. Jesus though, He's more than earned my respect, whether He lived or not doesn't even matter at this point but I believe He did.
Too expensive. I’d need to be allowed to grow for this to be a permanent solution
As opposed to drinking which is very cheap as we all know
2 grams of top shelf a day is cripplingly expensive in the uk, plus it’s a pain to get because it’s illegal.
>wake up
>fight urge to shit
>take three shots immediately
>let it sink in while I hit the restroom
My favorite way to start the day.
....is... is it okay to have just one 40oz of malt liqour... =(
>starting a full-time job
>can't daydrink during the week anymore
I posted in the last thread about my fifth a day (sometimes liter) ontop of other drinks when I went out. It's simple shit like waking up and getting a good baseline buzz that I miss about drinking.
I have been pretty much drinking 5 days out of the week now since the teachers went on strike. No college so just a few shifts at work, see my daughter a couple times a week, and then nothing to do. Really feel like I am traveling down a dark path, but why fight it.
Just having some beer tonight. Nothing fancy. There is left over whiskey but for some reason I haven't been feeling it lately.
Fallacy. You are implying that the poorest white area will have the highest crime rate, and that the richest black area will have the lowest crime rate, but that is not proven at all with the data you posted.
Two statistics don't make a trend, user. Let's see the average of ALL poor white areas and ALL rich black areas, then we will talk.
Just be sneaky about it, user
Vodka in water bottle, you dummy
My armpits sweat like all day.
I did this with club soda.
>trying to lose 2 stone
Just throw them away, nigga
>five half gallons for $50
That'd be like $300 or more in Canada. This country sucks dick if you want to be a thrifty alcoholic.
I'm working somewhere I have to be sober all day
So in Australia they dont put poison in their methyl alcohol because too many people drank it anyways so now we get it without the poison
guess what I'm buying
a literal lifetime supply of 95% alcohol, I mix it down to like 20% so even my children will be able to be drunks
pic related
Psh that's two weeks of booze tops
God dammit, post-acute-wd horniness is savage, I need to destroy some grils to make my dick stfu.